How many Hearthstone-clones do all these developers really think the industry can support?
Online card game crash when?
How many Hearthstone-clones do all these developers really think the industry can support?
Online card game crash when?
>Retard designers still don't copy Hearthstones tangible aesthetic beyond a board
If hearthstone did something good it was thinking outside the box ans giving the game features and mechanics that wouldn't work irl, aswell as giving the overall game a mix between card and computer game.
Agreed, it's why we have seen a flood of imitators recently. No one knows how to innovate like Blizzard though.
I have cuckstone on my phone and never played it.
Is it worth it?
If you want to just waste time for free, kinda.
If you want to git gud for free, no.
If you want to spend money to git gud, yes, but you'd be a fool to do so.
If you are just starting with carding games then you should play Elder Scrolls Legends. Irs more generous and has more tactical depth than hearthstone. Its also not as old so you can easily catch up with the other players
I really wish it was just fucking illegal to blatantly rip things off like this. Fuck Hearthstone and all, but when has a shitty clone of anything ever improved the world?
No, you either have to play for a very long time or spend significant amounts of money in order to play a real deck, and the draft-equivalent of the game also requires either real money or an in-game resource that slowly accumulates and that mode has never had a semblance of balance.
OK thanks, I think I'll simply keep playing SNES games with RetroArch if dirtstone force you to buy to stay competitive.
Yeah, cards like Ysera, Lich King, copying cards and other shit that could not be done physically is great.
The simplified mtg ruleset is necessary evil to enable smooth gameplay that does not require autism to play like the actual mtg vidya
However the RNGfiesta, increasingly worse card design and terrbile balancing is utterly ruining it nonetheless as an actual game.
Blizzard didn't innovate, they took a card game and gave it an extremely polished and fancy UI while basing it on the Warcraft franchise. Or rather the World of Warcraft franchise as most casuals probably think of it as.
The game is horribly balanced as are most Blizz titles and it's a giant money sink but the incredibly well done interfaces make it a very inviting game for people. Other card games don't stand a chance unless they really go all out with an interface, they don't have the WoW babies to milk.
>make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
That's basically text book Blizzard. They make changes to established genres.
>Yeah, cards like Ysera, Lich King are great
>However the RNGfiesta cards are bad
>giving the game features and mechanics that wouldn't work irl,
they already kinda did with the likes of aswan jaguars on shandalar
speaking of which, for those wanting to try magic, just get this game instead
>Card games barely change in 20 years
>Blizzard adds many new features to the genre
>Companies start pumping out Heathstone-clones
I don't think you know what the word innovate means.
>giving the game features and mechanics that wouldn't work irl
Shame they don't take advantage of the digital aspect to do frequent rebalancing. Just a monthly balance patch for each new season would be an improvement.
Honestly I like it that way. I agree, the game's not balanced in any way and theres a lot of RNG, but I like that, and I think that was the intention. The whole game is about having fun: card descriptions, the voice line when playing them, interactions, the spin-off on expansions...
Then the game skyrocket in fame and the JEWS saw an opportunitty to make lotsa money and forced the Esports aspect od the game, and that's probably why the game's so horrible, because it's constabtly battling between being a mindless fun game with card like that priest legendary that steals your deck or shitty gimmicks like discard lock, and being a serious, competitive game.
A shame if you ask me, could've been a great game. I hope that they at least make all card aviable once the servers go down and maybe give dedicated servers.
I miss when PC TCGs actually had a game attached.
Part of the reason they don't patch is because on phones you have to redownload the entire client every time they update it.
The other is that they don't want the game to be balanced, they want you to keep buying packs to get the good cards.
I wouldn't get too invested into it. Unless you ride public transportation to work on a daily basis for like an hour, then sure it's probably fine to waste your time. You'll be very frustrated unless you drop $500 on it.
I thought it was a good card game to play while sitting around. The problem is the issue arose was "What do we do with all these cards?" and forced the 2 year standard and every card mode which isn't balanced at all which is expected even though Hearthstone has like 5 series..
Anyhow, building a deck requires a shitton of dust and you need to constantly be investing and to do that you need to be doing your dailies. New pack comes out, you get shit, repeat. It turned into a vicious cycle of "I need more dust to craft cards, but I need to save my gold for future packs so I can't get my dust right now." It also doesn't help that there are 3 new packs per year rather than 2 + guaranteed set of ~30 cards.
Blizzard likes to tout "new players! We're always thinking of them!" but they honestly have done nothing to the new player experience since release. Nothing. The game is catered to whales now.
The Hearthstone to me blows my mind. They made a pretty good casual card game from like a team of 10 people that grew into 80. A dozen of them engineers and they can't figure out how to fix anything.
Did they ever fix the issue of updates leaving the installer/old files or someshit it was? Because that existed for well over a year.
Hexx has a campaign.
>tfw there will never be an adventure tcg
it hurts to live
>move where you want, attack or run away, complete freedom to do what you want within the confiness of the game
>connected dots campaign
It's not a game if it isn't open world?
MTG Arena is an actual MTG game with all its rules, stacks, priorities and phases. Unlike the crap that was MTG Duels. It is basically Magic Online combined with Duels/HS model. Comparing MTG to HS is like comparing chess to a pile of dicks. So in point, like always, OP is a faggot idiot.
There will be in Gwent though
I just want a modern Pokemon TCG that's like the gameboy one.
It's still a card game bro, it's not anywhere near as exciting as you seem to think it is. Hearthstone did two big things right, they based the game essentially on WoW and pulled in all of it's fanbase and put literally all their effort into polishing out a fun interface. You could keep the gameplay as it is yet give it an interface like MGO and no one would play it.
I didn't say that, but shandalar offered much more freedom than that. Hex iss basically every other tcg campaign out there where you click on next mission, except you can choose the next misssion sometimes and that's it. And there's a different screen.
It's like Shadowrun returns vs Underrail - one you can go whenever you want, even if you get owned, you have a lot of freedom and that's a good thing, in other you just go from A to B to C and so on.
Is this a troll thread? Is this just shitty b8? Are you all really that ignorant to the existence of MtG? This game is a full fledged digital MtG with a modernized UI and visuals. It is going to end Hearthstone.
What is magic online and why are they making arena instead of improving it?
>This game is a full fledged digital MtG
I didn't catch much of the stream but isn't it based around deck templates? That isn't really fully fledged Magic.
No, you are fake news.
I'm really excited about being able to play a half decent mtg online game without having to pay as much as I would for physical cards, even if it's just standard.
Hearthstone is fine but it gets kind of old after a while because the game is so simple.
Card games are known to be massive time/money sinks.
Why would I switch over to a clone of a game I'm already playing?
Make new and exciting card games you faggot fucking devs, I'd do it myself but I ain't got the funding
play faeria
MGO is ancient/kind of ugly, and uses approx the same pricing as physical cards which they have probably realised prevents a lot of people from playing
Magic Arena is actually going to be fucking great.
Dumbass they have been making casual Magic video games for years, since long before Hearthstone ever came out. And every single one of them sucks dick.
Not a clone considering it uses MTG rules and mechanics
The worst thing about this will probably be the limited sets
Yeah but before they intentionally sucked dick so they wouldn't take sales from the physical TCG. Maybe this time they'll learn to accept modern technology.
>New MTG game looks like shit, again
>Will probably play like shit AND jew me hard at the same time
> we take a genre and polish it extremely well
that's the textbook blizzard, you can hear all of their devs say this
thats what blizzard is known for, the polish, not innovation or something
all their games no matter how mechanically or asthetically good, play and feel incredibly well
they said they'll be looking into tying both physical and online cards together
getting online cards from physical ones is easy, the other way around not so much
>Online card game crash when?
There will be no crash for card games, after a while only the strong will survive and the ones that nobody play will fade away.
best magic game coming through
wish there's another one like it that expands on the rpg aspects and character development (lp, abilities, etc), just for fun
No, no it wouldn't. The existence of interrupts will be the bane of its continued existance. That mechanic alone will ensure only those with large amount of free time will be able to play a single game. It's fine in real life as people allocated the time for it already and casual players will rush through the process, but only the hardcore will stay for it all in the online games.
what the fuck genre is this type of game?
Wait a minte is that a wakfu card game?
except there was nothing like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2 or even World of Warcraft, and now all new TCG are Heartstone clones, and all ASSFAGGOTS are taking cues from HOTS.
>Wait a minte is that a wakfu card game?
Yes it is, its kinda grindy though but that goes for every card game
Is it in English?
>MTG is a Hearthstone-clone
>Is it in English?
Yeah, it is also on steam
I look forward to it being abandoned after three expansions like all the other cashgrab mtg online games
MTGO might be a cesspool but at least it's a reliable one.
Magic 2013,14,origins helped me get into paper magic and understand the rules though. It's the best way to play for newcomers.
What people tend to forget is that Hearthstone was utter ass to play back in beta. Since by design it was simpler that a traditional TCG the lack of RNG meant every game played out the same. Like you could literally tell what cards each player would play on 1 2 3 4 every game. A lot of "pros" criticized this type of design since it was so fucking boring.
The same problem is happening to shadowverse right now. The game is even simpler than Hearthstone so every game becomes a coin flip of who can drop their curve and hit face first.
they already released this game before as well, like a year ago
is there any reason to play this when i already play mtgo?
Just play Shadowverse, it's just good hearthstone with anime girls.
I'm cautiously optimistic about arena. All Wizards of the coast needed to do was make a digital version of magic that wasn't a buggy piece of shit, add the formats people actually like playing, and have a decent amount of cards to play with. You'd think it wouldn't take them a decade to get to this point but whatever.
I'll be happy as long as it has a reasonable economy, draft, and isn't a buggy mess that'll be abandoned in a year.
To save yourself some money
Is this going to have the same retarded construction rules as Magic Duels?
Best card game collab coming though.
I'm digging it
No you're the dummy, I own every Magic video game for years since long before hearstone ever came out.
They're all really quite excellent.
>I happily take wotc dick on the regular and pay for it
and it looks really fucking good
>and now all new TCG are Heartstone clones
Can't wait for the retards like you to call Hearthstone the first vidya CCG and the first card game based on Warcraft. Because we all know WoW was the first MMORPG.
You all know Hearthstone is the MtG clone, right?
Taking a page out of its interface seems fair to me
>Online card game crash when?
2 years ago
>How many Hearthstone-clones do all these developers really think the industry can support?
More than you would actually think. Since with anything micro transaction based in some way. It always tends to be about getting a few whales to spends thousands upon thousands on their games.
So all it takes is a small amount of people willing to spend a shit ton to make a game like that profitable and sustainable.
No it isn't, people are too invested in hearthstone to just quit outright for something else, coupled with WOTC bad wrap with their digital games I expect it to be nothing more than a splash in the pond.
>fully digital card game version of Android:Netrunner
I would orgasm nonstop. Yeah there are ways you can play it online but the point is to make it more accessible and user friendly so people actually play it. My biggest complaint with A:NR is the amount of cards they release, it's hard to keep up. Too much content.
Supposedly this doesn't have the card limits that Origins had
That's just ubisoft destroying a great fucking card game.
Fire Emblem Cipher online or physical release in english never...
No. Play Shadowverse instead. It's a very similar game, but without as much of the RNG horseshit that Hearthstone has. The evolution mechanic is also pretty fun.
This guy knows what's up.
Kys weeb
>shitty clone
You have the reverse idea of what's going on. The only thing they're taking is the interface. Otherwise Hearthstone is just Babby's First Magic (now with more random card effect bullshit!)
>no trading
The only fun in MGTO is winning drafts and using your winnings to pay for the next one.
The anime girl aesthetic is actually the main thing I don't like about the game, but it isn't as bad is it could be, and there are still some cool proper monsters in the game. The gameplay itself is also good enough for me to get over it.
Destroying games with great potential is Ubisoft bosses' favorite pastime. But shutting down the card game with the best resource system was criminal.
Is it even decent?
It's literally weeb Hearthstone. If you don't like one I don't get how you could like the other
They're similar as games but Shadowverse has about 1/10th of the RNG Hearthstone does
What prevents people from playing is charging $5-7 which is like $2-3 more than the physical cards for boosters, paying $10 to make an account, the old UI, etc.
If they polished Online, it'd be successful. But they won't. Arena is gonna fall into the same trap because it's splitting Legacy and other such formats for Standard only.
They have similar rulesets (class-based cards, +1 mana per turn, etc), but it massively reduces the worst thing about Hearthstone (RNG bullshit) and adds an evolution mechanic that I actually like.
Shadowverse is the best CCG again with it's most recent meta fix. Monthly nerfs saved the game.
Also we getting seiba as a leader
Guys don't worry hearthstone is saved by the upcoming nerfs. Jade decks were still slightly less than 50% of ladder players, and I heard they lost occasionally, so thank god they're nerfing the 3 decks that actually had a positive win rate against them
To be fair: Hearthstone is an MtG clone.
The worst thing about Hearthstone is the limited depth. Shadowverse is exactly the same babby's first card game shit
>Jade decks were still slightly less than 50% of ladder players
That's for real? I didn't think anybody could topple shaman and pirates over 35% representation.