I just finished Blighttown, thank fucking god. Worst framerate i have ever seen in a video game (i play on ps3)...

I just finished Blighttown, thank fucking god. Worst framerate i have ever seen in a video game (i play on ps3), flying bugs that hit you but it's so hard to hit them, unpredictable enemies and hordes of them, toxic and poison and fire dogs. Only positive was that there was a lot of good loot but other than that what an shitty level.

I'm on blighttown on steam right now too and I'm getting the worst framerate

I wish SotFS wasn't the only From game that ran well.

>playing on console
You did this to yourselves.

Yeah and that's just because the game looked like shit.

Beware of Amazing Chest

>On console

nigger wut

Why don't you play it on the PC?
>Get DSFix
>Set Unlock FPS to 1
>Limit FPS to 30
>Game runs on stable 30 FPS everywhere

I like how DS2 fangays know that the base game is so bad they have to refer to the DLC instead in polite company

i bet you'll love the catacombs

>Limit FPS to 90
>oob triggers everywhere

>Dark Souls is notorious for it's awful port
What did he mean by this?

Install Dsfix dude, it'll fix that shit

siren blood curse had worse framerates when it'd go into the enemy vision mode while you ran away

Even on PC DaS1 runs like ass for how old it is, and DaS3 runs worse than games that look better.

Woe is me that a non-gameplay element makes the game run better.

mods (a PC thing) fix it :DD

>what is optimization

It's my favorite area on DS. I find it amazing how everywhere else the undead just got around it, they built some barriers, but mostly they didn't changed anything... As in Bligh Town, the undead build laders and floors, wheels to move an elevator... Bligh Town is also very strict in terms of order. You have Trolls, the small humanoid things, and the guard dogs, and of course, the bugs. It's a small ecosystem that powers an entire city. It's facinating that many people struggles here, where a good shield and patience can fix everything. Also, a good bow is recomended!

It has great atmosphere

I know what it is, it's clear that From doesn't.

Never did understand this meme. Blight town has always been stable on my ps3

it's not a good area, it's kinda tedious

>worst framerate
Play Demons Soul's and come back to us.

It´s top 3 areas in terms of atmosphere and lore tho

>Limit FPS to 30

very tedious, my least favorite part of a playthrough

Some things break at 60+, you want it at 30.

game bugs around when set over 30 fps.

now it's too late to help, i'll add that locking on and using a bow kills those bugs pretty good. otherwise yeah theyre a fuck to hit in melee

Just keep moving until they get uncomfortably close, they aren't that big of an issue without a bow.

I played demon's souls for 200+ hours and there is no area as bad as blighttown speaking of framerate. (on ps3)

Yet it still runs better than console.