What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Who's right/wrong
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Who's right/wrong
I think it's silly when the game itself has 2 genders.
>have to choose between male and female to create your character
>somehow his name is offensive
He got him real good with the "character selection screen has two genders" argument.
Absolutely devastated.
I can tell you in the first 4 lines. Blizzard are in the wrong. Forcing somebody to change the name "TwoGenders" because some tranny midget cripple cried is pathetic.
good meme
>'And you changed the name from Twogenders to Twoogenders?'
>'I am afraid that it not how it works.'
Two genders went out of his way to chose a name solely to incite a reaction. People reacted in a way he didn't like and now is playing the victim. He's a right wing sjw.
Fucking rightwing SJWs when will they learn
People said the old internet was stupid or embarrassing, but I see this shit and the days of pwning n00bs never looked better.
Playing the victim when you're in the right is different from playing the victim when you're clearly in the wrong
The only retarded shit here is naming a character like that.
The guy is wrong because he picked a name that is arguably controversial and then pretends to be an idiot about it.
cro-magnon thread everyone post your ancestors
"right" and "wrong" are subjective.
Best part of that cap.
You were my favorite game developer.
This Twogenders guy seems like an autist reveling in the negative attention he is getting. I bet he's the kind of guy that thinks that cops can't pull him over for speeding. Fuck him.
>intentionally pick a name whose meaning is very clearly tainted by real world context and actuality
>know very well about it
>still do it to bait triggered RPing tumblirites in WoW
>b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b-b-b--b-b-b-b-UT it has no profanity!
listen here pal, we all know very well why you picked that shitty ass name. try being more subtle next time
this dick is objectively going in your ass for being a relativist piece of frickin poo
Honestly the 'There are two genders to choose from' line is a pretty good argument. If he was really trying to bring irl shit into the game he'd be calling the character >2genders. Since there are two genders in the game technically I feel the guy is actually in the right here. It's the GM bringing the gender identity shit into the equation
>please choose a normal name and everything is fine
>this coming from some faggot named Salamacroms
I'm havin' a laff.
Nothing is worse than a satirist who refuses to drop the joke.
Blizz is in the right. Theyve always punished and banned for politic/hot button shit. Always.
someone make a toon called genderspectrum and see if it gets b&
Who gives a shit? Blizzard isn't trying to recreate real life. They're trying to make a game, which I think everyone recognizes.
How dumb do you have to be to think that the GM brought gender identity into it?
I'm more confused how a game that came out 13 years ago is for only for 12 year olds, especially when its rated Teen.
The point of this is not whether or not it's controversial but the fact that the Blizz GM is too much of a bitch to say that they consider it controversial and instead spouts "think of the children" over the issue.
I think both of these people are idiots but if you're gonna force someone to change their name despite it not breaking the ToS then give them your actual reasoning instead of clearly lying about it.
>you cannot play game without picking 1 of 2 genders
>guy makes name based on this, similar to naming oneself TwoFactions
>b-buh real world ;_;
what did he mean by this?
Make sure it's a black dwarf female w/ pink hair
Yeah, I see you're all for fucking little girls and boys.
>Exposing a 12 year old to violence is okay
>Implying to a 12 year old that there are only 2 genders is not
my almonds have been activated
>Simply put please leave real world discussions about gender identity and gender identification out of the game for 12 year old children.
>Real world discussions about gender identity and gender identification
There are two genders to choose from in the game
what did he mean by this
>two genders is arguably controversial
No, it's fucking not, you degenerate jew.
judge not lest ye be judged
>one person being inconvenience versus any number of others
The name is shit and you're probably a fag, but this is a no brainer. You're literally the smelly kid in class.
You're misunderstanding what the game master is telling you.
It doesn't matter if the game has 2 genders, you simply need to leave real life politics out of the game. Calling yourself Fiftygenders, Feminist, Genderqueer or any other SJW name would make no difference. Blizzard is not taking sides in this matter, they simply want gender identity politics and real life politics out of their game.
How does the name inconvenience anyone?
That GM literally got fucking destroyed.
Even their game has two genders only.
You know snowflakes will get flustered by seeing it.
You're a fool if you think anyone's ever been banned or given a forced name change for naming themselves something like Feminist. The only time stuff like this happens is when it goes against the liberal grain.
>please leave real world discussions about gender identity and gender identication out of the game for 12 year old children
>the game for 12 year old children
What did he mean by this?
>Calling yourself Fiftygenders, Feminist, Genderqueer or any other SJW name would make no difference.
>8 results
Looks like you're wrong, friendo.
Yes, it would be a reason for a name change. Stop acting like a triggered victim.
It doesn't matter if its pro or anti, Blizzard don't want identity politics in a game that children plays, which is a good thing.
The GM's assertion that the name is controversial in any way is what brought it into question. If I name my character "White" it makes me a boring nerd playing a video game, not a white supremacist out to purge the world of darkies. Fucking SJW retards.
My dude, he gave a pretty good response.
>We refuse to pick sides, keep that petty gender drama shit in your subreddits
Is what I got from it.
That's also my beliefs.
I get that you think its funny but its not funny to a company that would much rather stay out of liberal media's crosshairs.
Actually, there are 47 results
>5 results
>28 results
You were saying?
You can tell Sup Forums is getting younger by how many of these "I got banned is GM the worst?!" threads there are.
ur mums young frickhead
8 results in a game that millions of players play. Sounds like many of them already got hit by the name change.
If you were to search Twogenders, i'm sure you would be able to find OP before the name change as well, and considering the fact that he was in the middle of a raid when the name change happened, i'd assume that its an old character.
You are correct of course. This was unjustified
Find me even a single instance of someone getting negative GM attention for a pro-liberal name.
They weren't reported. Clearly someone has a problem with OP. Seeing as how he's the uppity queer type to confront someone who is merely enforcing the laws he contractually accepted he is more than likely the type to spam trade too.
There is no fucking way this is real.
yeah, but that stuff is associated with the "correct" side of the argument
it's only okay when science-deniers do it
Here's your solution: Quit giving Blizzard money.
There's literally nothing wrong with the name. Blizzard just doesn't give a fuck and needs to do whatever it can to keep its ever-dwindling playerbase around as long as possible.
Yeah, you're bringing the average way down ya fucking retard. Sup Forums has always had threads like this because it's funny. Not because we think all gms are the worst. This gm doesn't even seem like he's upset by the name but only doing his soulless job of enforcing the shitty system Blizzard has in place.
No, read and
>confronting authority and challenging bad judgement is "uppity" and "queer"
you sound like a huge puss
OP here not me in the pic just saw it posted somewhere and wanted to see what people thought
>pick a name with the sole purpose of annoying or trolling people
>get forced to change it
Sorry kids but if you wanna troll you gotta know there are consequences sometimes. maybe its time to grow up?
Look at all of this projection
>not changing it to SixtyKilograms
>stating a fact is trolling
kids these days...
If someone reported them or it was posted that he was harassing people in trade chat fine.
DESU even if the dude is a baiting faggot, it sounds like the GM was getting mad cause MUH FEEFEES. Otherwise he would cite chat logs
brb rolling a new char with the name "sphericalearth"
someone please let blizzard now so they can get started on the ban process
>playing a game literally made for 12 year olds
None of these people are being forced to change their name, and they certainly annoys just as many people.
>Blizzard doesn't want children to be peppered by identity politics in their video games
>That includes Pro and Anti rhetoric
>OP proceeds to dodge the name change by adding an extra letter
>Complains when he gets banned
Explain to me again how Blizzard is in the wrong here? Do you WANT children to be indoctrinated by politics in video games?
>no my name represents the two genders that I interchange between, because I am gender fluid. if you make me change my name, that is discrimination
>ok, we are very sorry, we do not mean to discriminate against the oppressed, carry on
Yeah, if the purpose is to annoy people.
making a character called BlacksCommitMoreCrimesOnAverage isn't trolling to you? It's just a fact right? :^)
op is a filthy redditor
Why suspend him, why not just make him change the name?
is that way
No one who is pro is getting in trouble with GMs.
That name is too long. Your argument is dumb.
lol epic totally got him epic gonna upvote this to r/donald epic praise kek btfo sjw tears libcucks keksitani radical centrast praise sargon based maga
Why not learn to read?
Calling yourself "Transman" or some retarded shit isn't purposefully trying to instigate people
I love how thoses Sup Forumstards does things like that and then when they get shit they cry BAWWW I DIN NUFFING BAAAWWWW.
You Americucks fought nazis and now you wanna be free to be nazis, I really hope North Korea nuke the shit of us and everyone dies.
That's really your only defense? You realize it's a hypothetical that I proposed right? It doesn't have to perfectly fit into the scenario
From my understanding they did, he changed it to 'Twoogenders' to protest I guess. I would have probably done it too it's bad judgement on Blizzards part
>right wing sjw
Radical relativists need to be shot dead.
You are talking as if this a REAL, living, breathing problem. Wow
Let's just go through this logically:
>12 y/o kid logs into WoW
>playing around
>someone named "twogenders" joins their raid party
>finishes the raid
>logs out
You're telling me that reading someone's character name is a form of indoctrination? Boy, I'm glad your just shitposting here and not in charge of anything important or making any decisions for others. Holy shit dude
Make him change it again. Suspending him for it seems silly.
Then explain how "Twogenders" is purposefully trying to instigate, but "Transman" isn't.
stay mad at factual information, inbred
Both are in the wrong.
The GM for being a total faggot and banning him, and the other faggot for intentionally being a faggot and feigning ignorance.
I was only trying to show you that your argument is pointless.
Transform, Transmog, Trans could mean anything.
What if the guy had 2 genders? Wouldn't that be oppression? I can imagine the Kotaku article about it, "Blizzard? More like Biggot!". Blizz dodged a bullet there.
>>no my name represents the two genders that I interchange between, because I am gender fluid. if you make me change my name, that is discrimination
>I'm afraid that not how it works
>Your account will now be suspended for 24 hours and after that you will be able to choose again a new name
As someone who has worked in customer service, you follow the script, maybe ask a supervisor, and just go with what you were told to do. He doesn't give a fuck, and more than likely your whining on the forums or anywhere else won't do shit.
Going off script is when you get in trouble.
Hmmm... What's that in the top left corner?
Blizzard does not want that shit in their games, how hard is it to understand? You're tumblr level of retarded with your identity politics.
If he was annoying or trolling people then the GM would have had chat logs or could show some of the reports/complaints if there were anyway.
The GM was obviously on a personal crusade, why else would he instantly result to THINK OF THE CHILDREN when there are tons of offensive names out there and theres literally servers for ERP.
Sounds like op struck a nerve lolo