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Is there any tournament today though

Who here /slowboys/?

Yeah, WC's hosting today, and TH tomorrow, if he gets the time.

has anyone heard from WCHost?

WC4 is starting
I'm hyped for my team
>t. JoJo user

Ju8st a reminder.

team names yet?

I love all the teams.
Hopefully Waifus don't get BTFO by a fucking spawn round 1.

/stopboys/ is already decided.

I really like that each team got nice art.

>the RoR vermin are paired with the Host vermin

this 5v1 is either going to be amazing or amazingly disappointing

I love how Ayy-excutive doesn't have a Kaiju form, he's just incorporating.

whoever wins, thost loses

>The /stopboys/
>Team Kitchen Warfare
>The Full Moon Ferals

>tfw against friggeden
I just know that we're going to lose.

It's probably gonna be pretty good.

After all, THost had all week to work on it, r-right?

He'll never be as slow as VFC...

I'm scared, Sup Forums

>host either has to code 5 abilities or 11 abilities depending on who wins match 5

It has the best fanart in a while

We're probably fucked but I'm still excited to see the match.

The host min has no ability. The others have mildly complex abilities, albeit they're still simpler combined than Scorpenger's.


>Bullet Hell
>Kitchen Warfare
>Vagina Fighters
>Full Moon Ferals

I like that CoP's team ability will fuck its teammates.

Hmm. I should make some Rogue-lite Vermin.

>only a mild amount of synergy
>only two members become more durable than a cardboard box
>would probably lose very hard versus another team
>incredibly high damage potential against a single enemy
>the vine creature can instaantly apply a few debuffs on the boss
>Host has very high muscle
>Sniper/Chef has awesome damage potential

I mean, it hits the kaiju too.

Oh yeah, and the wurm also has a good damage over time ability.

So what happened to the last tourney? Will it continue?

Who would just go into a thread for something they don't like and complain?

What's the fucking stupidest and most absurd 3v3 team you can imagine?
>My King
>Hero King Of Swords
>Kill Chop Deluxe
>My King becomes fucking invincible because he is getting total vampirism

>if both them and skeleteam win then they face each other
>skeleteam has two minion generators


It will be resolved tomorrow. Only things that might be happening today are the first few rounds of the 2v2.

Yeah. It's getting wrapped up tomorrow before Kaiju.

>another thread after the last one was autosaged

>literally everyone dies

>Minion generators
Hopefully TH had the hindsight to record minions as Mooks and not Vermin if that happens.

>when there were maybe two people in the thread


It gets even better.
>the minions from Skingleton have 1 (one) HP
>funballs activates, killing them
>they activate funballs again
>everything is guaranteed to die in one turn unless CoP dies first


Top tier music choice for the team

I rather liked "Creatures of the Night"

i bet a lot of us underestimate how much time coding takes
TH worked 30 hours w/o sleep for the 2 versus 2 and it still didn't end on time
he and VFC also have real jobs
be understanding if he didn't finish it all by tomorrow

it alright

that reminds me, post those new vermin you made/working on, boys.

can't wait to enter him so he can die round 1


Made the ultimate form for the greatest skeleton

I haven't worked on any since last Sunday. Maybe I should have submitted this instead because the min I went with wouldn't be very effective in a 5v5 battle (it'd be strong in a 2v2 or 3v3).

I'm still planning on adding a bit more for final touches

Fizz-kid would have been better

Shit, that one is better.

I've just been working on some bad looking fan art stuff this week, probably gonna try and get a line done this weekend though.

why aren't NEETs the ones hosting Sup Forumsermin?
fucking retarded if you think about it

They're NEETs because they don't like working.
If I knew how to code though I'd love to do fun side matches during the weekdays tho in the booru forums.

NEETs can't code
I'm just using Google RNG and putting ms paint stills into moviemaker for my battles

NEETs don't work.

Several people are trying to code an engine, but like with most things Sup Forums does, I suspect maybe one or two will actually get through it.


Just redesigning some mins because I bought a tablet


r8 my dum thing

Post who you're rooting for in;
>16th Tournament
>17th Tournament
>4th WC Tournament

>Team Dragonforce
>Team Bullet Hell
>Team Spaceship

My two skeletons

>Not sure

Since both of /my/ teams are out of the runnings in VFC, Waifu or Dragonforce.
Sweet 'n Savory.

Full Moon Ferals/RoR
Multiplying Sea Fuckers

Just leaving this here

Crazy Bus Sup Forumsermin when
I want to hear the Crazy Bus theme play out in fights

Why have you done this, user?

Be the change you want to see in the world

merci docteur

Thanks Doc


Haven't checked on Sup Forumsermin in a while, when are the sign-ups?

>cutbot ended up being a kaiju
should have waited before making this comic

It happened in the park before everything went horribly horribly wrong.

Post ms tutorials

Possibly tomorrow, but most likely not this weekend
Depends on how VFC Host is feeling

Imagine they were both underages in school and we have no idea. Imagine that.


very nice I dig these

Are those reaction images tagged as Argentavis Magnificens actually them or are they Wolfram?

im gonna uploud my drawings at the booru!


okay, make sure to tag your shit

>i made both of those vermin

Team BLAST BLAST BLAST is the best and I hope they don't get diced to ribbons.

sorry it's shit

vfc threw in the towel. he's not a host anymore.

so what are all the tournaments that are going on right now, and are there gonna be any sign-ups this weekend?


WC Tournament 4, a 2v2, happening today
Tournament 16, the 3v3, finishing tomorrow
Tournament 17, the 5v1, maybe happening tomorrow
Sign-ups, maybe happening tomorrow or Sunday, but possibly not happening until next week

I'm just re-doing the ones i have left behind some time ago, and making their abilities a bit more viable.

possibly TH will do sign ups after his tourney is done but probably not. if we make him host without breaks he'll want to quit too.

>I missed when the teams were decided
>/myvermin/ is a Kaiju
I expect to be slaughtered, but hopefully my entry to my first tourney will be memorable

I want Manimals versus Deep Sea finale.

That's some good shit

thanks guys

so if team blast wins, even though she maker hasn't got his ability yet will cutbot become a waifu?