Nintendo Switch

What else is gonna be announced for 2018, Sup Forums?

Is Metroid Prime 4 being made by Retro or someone else?

Does Retro have 2 games being made for the Switch?

No, it's being made by Nintendo. Retro is working on something else.
Animal Crossing plz

retro are working on something entirely different, hopefully a new IP.

Direct when?

We're definitely due a direct for 2018 games, considering 2017 is nearing the end

What I wish would happen:
- New Rune Factory
- New Bayonetta or old ports
- New mainline Pokemon
- Animal Crossing
- New Fire Emblem
- Etrian Odyssey
- Sandbox FPS/TPS Metroid

What I expect to happen:
- Whatever's covered in E3 / gamescom will have further details revealed in Japanese
- Zelda expansion pack 2 details
- Probably something new from Inti Creates
- Indies

>Star Fox
lol never going to happen

>still mostly just first party
Dammit Nintendo, get it together.

That isn't Nintendo's fault.

>What I wish would happen

Isn't Fire Emblem confirmed on the direct coming out in 2018 though?

It's partially their fault.

>Nintendo exclusive
>first game is a multiplat that's objectively better on the PC

What did Nintendo mean by this?

Hopefully Animal Crossing and Smash.

Buy my switch game

>still no Odyssey bundle
Don't wait until there's only one month left to announce one you fucking kikes

What do you mean by this?

Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about.

>still mostly just great games
Dammit Nintendo, get it together.

>the bundle is announced
>We're pleased to announce Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle bundle!

>Ubisoft titles, esports and movies
>"great games"

No sir, I can't agree.

>>Ubisoft titles, esports and movies
What did he mean by this? No, seriously.

I mean that I don't consider their lineup that good. Listing Mario and Rabbids, for example, is the equivalent of posting Knack.

But one game is good while the other just got a sequel.

Smash 4 DX When?

I'm assuming Smash 5 will come out in 2019 for the series anniversary.

Knack was an abomination. Mario Kingdom is a fun game, with good graphics and great music.

>fun game
Says the biased fanboys. I hear defenses all the time for Knack, does that make it good?

>One is getting pratically universal acclaim
>the other is getting called painfully mediocre


Did you play it?
> I hear defenses all the time for Knack
No you don't, literally nobody ever talks about it.

And I suppose all the critics were biased too, right? Despite the fact the majority of them don't even like rabbids.

XSEED has been teasing a new Story of Seasons game for Switch for a while now.

The fact that Pokemon Gen 8 is going to be on the Switch is going to make it sell millions of units alone. People bought a 3DS for around the same price just for the Pokemon game, this will be no different.

>listening to critics

Whos this?

Answer my question.
If you didn't play it, then what are you basing your opinion on?

He's shitposting.

i think a good lineup for 2018 would be: Kirby, Yoshi, Pikmin, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Octopath, NMH Travis Strike Again, and for not revealed stuff, Retro's new game, Platinum's switch game, Mario Party 11, Smash Switch and Animal Crossing. That would be a hype ass follow up to the great lineup this year.

What does a movie game have to do with a fucking X-Com game?

>if you didn't play it
And why would you assume this? Why do you always assume this when someone criticizes a Nintendo game?

>Mario Party with Joycon-based mini games
>Mario Party with on the go muliplayer with split Joycons
Me want this although wait, I have no friends, fuck

Mario and Rabbids is actually good.
It has no right to be but it is. And I hate to break it to you and the rest of Sup Forums but Ubisoft still manages to make a good game every once and a while.
This is one of those times.

I think he meant playing Zelda on emulator

When is golf story releasing? I was interested in that.

Because you didn't answer my question the first time. I'll ask for the third time: did you play it? Can you prove you did?


Nice meme.

And who are you to decide that? You can't just blindly proclaim that only Nintendo games are good, and that everything else is evil and "paid off movie games".

Kinda weird that Nintendo doesnt have a game released in November for Switch, im guessing Xenoblade 2 would be December.

This game isn't even made by Nintendo, you fucking retard

except Dunkey

I never said that only Nintendo games are good user.

>Mario Party 11
>Brings back old style of gameplay, no more car or mini star bs
If only
sometime this month, prob end of Sept i'd imagine

This month.

>I'll ask for the third time: did you play it?
I'll say this: I definitely tried, but since I don't own a switch myself, I had to see about loaning from my friends.

>Can you prove you did?
user, you and I both know that if I timestamped it, you'd just call me a sonyroach who stole it from someone else.

I watched my friend play through the entire TLOU in one sitting. I had no desire to touch the controller after the first half hour because there was no gameplay. It was a great game but definitely not a fun one

Because it just came out last week and you're already shitposting about it comparing it to knack. If you'd played it, and bearing in mind you've only had a week to do so, you'd know you were chatting complete shit and making yourself look like a fool

So no. Okay.

What makes a Sport Adventure RPGs so fun?
Why don't developers make more of them?

I swear 2 of my favorite games are Mario Golf and Mario Tennis on the GBC

it'll likely be Zelda story DLC and skyrim, plus Rocket League and LA Noire. No new exclusives, but still a lot of games.

See, all these contradictions.

>you have to prove that you played Rabbids and show off timestamped evidence
>but I can say I watched TLOU and hated it because it's a movie game because I said so, even though Ubisoft makes nothing but movie games, this time it's different because it's on my platform of choice

I think the point I'm making is this: you are barred from ever talking negatively about TLOU if you say that critic praise is all that matters. Also, you can't talk negatively about it unless you timestamp your copy AND your playtime. You can't just ask someone else to conform to your rules while ignoring them yourself.

But The Last Of Us was good? You fucking retard.

The Last of Us sucks. I can't believe people still defend that piece of shit.

Okay user.
M+R is still a good game though.

I never said anything about the TLOU being a movie.
Both that and M+R are good and fun in their own ways.

You're lucky this is Sup Forums otherwise you would've been publicly humiliated and shamed for being such a spastic flippin cunt


21st i believe to be exact

If you hate TLOU, that's your opinion. IF you like M+R, that's also your opinion. Stop forcing it on other people, and we won't have a problem.

No more heroes and smt are the only things on there actually worth playing

neither of those are out, how do you know they're worth playing?

Oct 27th is so close to November.

Kinda a mini drought from here to Mario Odyssey, Hopefully golf story is as amazing as I want it to be.

Pokken, Golf Story and Steamworld Dig 2 are out this month, but other than that it's pretty dry until Odyssey.

Tbh I wouldn't mind a bunch of ports of the WiiU's best games. Didn't own a wiiu, but games like DK Dong Freeze seem wasted on it.

Also as a huge Metroid fan and 3DS owner I'm pumped for Metroid: Samus Returns next week too.

I forgot about Steamworld Dig

I wasn't gonna get Pokken again, first time I got it, had fun for 3 days then I forgot about it completely.

but that's not a switch game though.

Retro are probably making another Donkey Kong

Steamworld Dig 2 is one of my most anticipated indies this year, I'm glad it's soon
it's not for the Switch no, but I've got a 3DS and it's gonna be something I play through a few times so it's good for me!
I think it's been in development too long to just be another DK game, but if it's as good/better than Tropical Freeze then bring it on anyway.

I'm sure they'd keep David Wise on board if they were making another Donkey Kong game, but they're working with Alexander Brandon instead. That's the Deus Ex guy.

I'd imagine they'll just do Zelda DLC for November. For third party they prob have Skyrim, LA Noire, Rocket League, Resident Evil Revelations, Payday 2, Sonic Forces, among some other indies most likely like Brawlout, all releasing in November so they'll be set on new games at least

Maybe a 3D Donkey Kong adventure.

I'm down for a DK game about the Illuminati

Lol no one buys that trash argument kike. That's like saying the entire library of the GameCube doesn't count and Nintendo is responsible for none of those games because "lol better on dolphin".

Not to mention Cemu BotW runs at 10 fps and doesn't even load half of the game. Sure, better on PC.