Xenoblade 2 is getting substantial praise left and right in previews. The combat, setting, exploration, level design, monster design, and world design is all getting praised
Honestly this game is gonna be 90+ on Metacritic
Xenoblade 2 is getting substantial praise left and right in previews. The combat, setting, exploration, level design, monster design, and world design is all getting praised
Honestly this game is gonna be 90+ on Metacritic
Predicting an 87
I don't care about scores but I hope it will be a great game
Lol an 87? Da fuq. No way. It's getting 90+
Is dual audio confirmed for this yet? What I heard of the English voice acting was abysmal.
Don't joke. Its easily a 90+ game.
This is not better than Horizon Zero Dawn.
Wait till you hear it in context you cunt. The Voice acting in the Gamescom videos sounded just as charming as the original
Fuck off Sonyfag. Persona and Horizon are both getting BTFO by Nintendo's massive JRPG series. The king of all JRPGs, Xenoblade!!!!
No fuck off falseflagger. You know that HZD is better than even Xenoblade, you don't need to mock them to see that.
I didn't like the original either though and played with Jap voices.
Playing Xenoblade and not playing it in British? Wow man you fail in life
nigga the first xenoblade was better than hzd. it's not hard, hzd is a 6/10 at best.
Don't forget, its getting localized by nintendo of euro, so no retarded treehouse-tier dialog.
100% hype for this.
Best JRPG of fucking forever. Persona 5 thinks it's won but nope. Xenoblade is gonna steal it. Feels just like that Manchester United match against Barcelona in 1999 during the Champions League.
Me too. It’ll be nice to have a top tier rpg to finish the year out with on my switch.
it's not even close to release so who's playing it other than nintendo shills??
It's nice that Switch owners are so RPG starved that literal shit like this is praised
Awww boo boo does your butt hurt?
Enjoy your cockney robots I guess, I'll take Norio Wakamoto, possibly the most famous villain voice actor in Japan.
Kotaku, IGN, Eurogamer etc all praising the game and loved what they played
It's not nice that you feel the need to shitpost in matters that don't concern you
That makes him shit and boring because you hear him everywhere. Enjoy your predictable Japanese voices
Don't care about Metacritic, but I hope it'll be decent. I doubt that though as the previous two were mediocre.
>92 metacritic
It wouldn't be called the best JRPG of the seventh generation and be so lauded by critics and receive critical acclaim if it was mediocre. Seriously Takahashi's JRPGs run circles around other jrpgs. It's insane how smart and beautifully crafted Xenoblade is. Towering triumphs of the JRPG genre.
>norio wakamoto
>It wouldn't be called the best JRPG of the seventh generation
But that's Persona 4
I have my fill of RPGs on 3DS, PS3 and PS4. Plus I have Disgaea 5 and the Seiken Densetsu collection on Switch.
Don't worry user, one day you'll get your first job and you too will be able to afford multiple platforms.
P4 does literally nothing well. Molasses pacing, bland one-dimensional characters, basic bullshit combat, poor level design, enemy design, you name it.
Xenoblade is everything you said user.
>boring big empty locations
>slow as fuck movement speed which can't be increased until pretty late into the game
>simple and generic story (still pretty well done though, even if sometimes overdramatic)
>some of the worst quests in games ever
>mediocre slow as fuck combat
>enemies can hit you from distance because reasons
>but muh metacritic!
>seventh generation
I just wanted a sequel to X
man, JRPGs are just trash huh
Are the prior Xenoblade games fun?
>slow as fuck movement which can't be increased until pretty late in the game
Did we play the same game? There is nothing that makes you run faster.
Yeah, if you like JRPGs they're a lot of fun. Xenoblade 1 was probably the best JRPG of that generation.
Yes, they're some of the best RPGs ever. Don't listen to these faggots shitting on either of them. Both Xenoblade Chronicles and X are excellent.
top tier jRPGs, consider xenogears as well