Street Fighter 5 adds new characters to buy

>Street Fighter 5 adds new characters to buy
>Have no way of testing out the characters before you purchase.

I already lost FM on Ed because he looked like he had a good play-style but I hate the way he feels.

Don't other fighting games offer a chance to test out their DLC characters?

smash doesnt. Thats the only game i know about

I can't find any instances where fighters offered play testing new characters.

Just get to posting cammy in her black panties already.

With smash you can pirate the 3DS version and try out the characters there.

Killer instinct will sometimes have the newer characters on their weekly rotation

SFV is the only game that lets you earn DLC without paying. i can see why other companies would be against this, but its the sole reason i thought it was worth buying and the only reason im still playing it, aside from having fun fighting friends when they come over

Injustice 2 gives players a free trial multiverse when they're about to release a new character. Or at least they did for starfire. But the only way to get the dlc characters at all is to buy them

Its actually not a thing in any other fighting game.

What you CAN do though is make another account on steam/PSN and get easy and fast 100k FM through the character stories and then try them out.

Like twenty minutes of effort tops.



Her being Asian puts a damper on it.

>delicious new brown girl comes out with sexy animations
>people only post webms of boring white bitch cammy with her animations

what the fuck

I'd rather post Laura or Karin in her panties

Laura is underrated.

>she will never have an alt that fixes that stupid hairstyle

Seems contradictive with all the attention she's gained since her debut.

>he plays character that aren't name balrog

>He doesn't play waifus
You are a bad weeb, why I would want to play as Myke Tyson?

Yep, that's me.

give me this

>let people ""test"" out characters
>lose money on people like you who just take the plunge
never run a business

God bless you Cammy fag, post more Cammy.

gotcha covered

You must have a different definition for underrated than I do. Laura has hundreds of worthwhile material compared to a nobody like Kolin.

Menat is shit.

The problem with Kolin is she's unremarkable in terms of her appearance. Nothing really juts out and catches the eye of the player.

I want to ride Cammy like a Camry.