So badly optimised even some 1060's struggle to get 60 frames

>so badly optimised even some 1060's struggle to get 60 frames
>Despite this, the game looks like it's from 2011 at best
>Small team of devs who go back on their word
>full of micspam earrape at the start
>get raped by nerds as soon as you land
>get raped by campers the second you exit a door
>many players play on low settings for competitive advantage
>matches that you actually do well in are long
>if you are doing well having to leave the computer for half a minute can fuck you over, wasting a half hour game
>crates and keys

I can't think of a single reason why people like this game.

How many minutes has it been since Sup Forums cried about battlegrounds?

>so badly optimised even some 1060's struggle to get 60 frames
it's more CPU and RAM relying than GPU.
And if anything, PUBG is a fine evidence of gameplay > graphics.

>if you are doing well having to leave the computer for half a minute can fuck you over, wasting a half hour game
>afking in the middle of an fps game ever
The fuck is wrong with you

>so badly optimized OP's HP laptop can't play it
>so badly optimized OP need's to make a thread on an anonymous image board crying about how he can't run it

Some of those are legit complaints but some aren't
>game looks like shit
>easy to turn voice chat on and off at any time
>don't get raped by anyone if you're not a moron
Most of your complaints make it seem like this is your first FPS. Maybe start with something more casual like Call of Duty.

Personally I don't understand the PUBG hype but this post is reaching. Just about any competitive video game fucks you in SOME way for going afk, whether that's dying or getting pushed back.

They like it because it's fun and Battle Royale is a pretty fresh take to many people

>get jeep
>drive to center of zone
>crash jeep
>don't exit jeep
>hide in middle seat
>wear clothes that make you blend in with seat
>top 6 every game

>>matches that you actually do well in are long
so you don't like it because it requires attention?

trying this right now.

some people have to answer a phone, talk to a person or piss or answer a door or whatever. Not everyone is a fat sweaty alone virgin

>If you leave for half a minute someone might kill you

>make excuses
>deflect with ad hoc

best post in thread.

you forgot
>get banned for honking your horn or shooting in any kind of pattern for """harassment"""
>get banned for looking at a group of people actively harassing a streamer
>get banned because you said a mean thing on Twitter and the devs are just that fucking petty

>Poorly optimized
Valid complaint
>Poor graphics
Not really, they're fine
>Lying devs
[Citation Needed]
>Mic spam
Mute voices, who the fuck leaves voices on?
>Get punched by dudes
Punch them back or run?
Annoying but is a tactically sound way to survive to the end of the game
>Low settings = advantage
A lot of games let you do this, and it's not a negative either
>Matches that you do well in are long
>Wow I can't afk
>Crates that dont cost IRL money
Wow those greedy devs.

>ad hoc

How the fuck do you get headshots with your fists? Actually punching their head doesn't seem to do anything

>reddit spacing

Gotta WANN PAWWWWWNCH by jumping then punching.

>get raped by nerds as soon as you land
uh sure... like in any other game where you start the match and get killed by your enemies?
if this is a problem for you, you should consider to git gud

>I can't think of a single reason why people like this game.
because you're a scrub

>Lying devs
>[Citation Needed]

I think they went back on their word, stating that there wouldn't be microtransactions, or at least not during early access

this is exactly the same in every other online multiplayer.
your point?

I'm not saying you shouldn't die or get fucked over by going AFK. I'm saying games with matches that take a long time to finish aren't really accessible to people who don't literally sit on their ass for 10 hours and play and that's a negative in my book.
In Siege/CS:GO/InsertFPSHere I can go AFK for half a minute and die, but there will still be more rounds in the match, or another match in just 10 minutes - and I won't have wasted the entire match up until that point.
In fact in such games you can easily AFK when you die and come back before next round even starts. But in games that demand half an hour to an hour of your time just suck because it can all be wasted by 1 little IRL thing.

Here's some valid complaints

>The game isn't optimized properly
>RNG spawns can leave you weaponless for a good portion of the game
>20% of the players in a game are either AFKing for points or killing the AFKers to farm points
>Cars and bikes are coded with such spaghetti that a rock in the road can make you do 34 flips and rocket you to the moon
>Fist fighting is cancerous and is clearly a work around for the fact guns are so randomly distributed that people often have to resort to fist fights early
>Rain maps

The only way to play it is in a squad

Solo is a snoozefest

Yeah, now I have to look out for 4 door campers when I walk through the door.

>>Cars and bikes are coded with such spaghetti that a rock in the road can make you do 34 flips and rocket you to the moon
my sides

I am not seeing your case here. If you have to write off a match in PUBG, you write it off and join a new game. 30 seconds isn't that long unless you were already in the blue or started shooting at people, honked a horn at them, and afk'd while standing in an open field. And going AFK for multiple rounds in those team shooters is a massive detriment to your team. You should absolutely be punished for likely causing a loss on your team. If you can't set aside time for vidya, that's on you, not the vidya

>>Lying devs
>[Citation Needed]
"we're not putting any DLC or micro-transactions into PUBG until it comes out of early access"

The game was glued together with Unreal Store assets and default trees from Speedtree. It's actually insane because the models have such a huge difference in polygons. You got one tree model with 25k and then another one with 80k. They need to seriously go through each and every model and optimize them and stop buying pre-made ones.

I hate that it's RNG.
If you don't land on a spot with a lot of stuff, you are fucked.

>I'm saying games with matches that take a long time to finish aren't really accessible to people who don't literally sit on their ass for 10 hours and play and that's a negative in my book.

So in your book, you need 10 hours of free time in order to play anything thats longer than 5 minutes? How busy are you that you could get a call every minute that you're in the middle of a match? You could also consider not being a beta and be available all the time. Instead, you could just call back someone. Hell, everybody could get a call or have to answer the door, but this doesn't happen a dozen times within one session.

>In fact in such games you can easily AFK when you die and come back before next round even starts.

You can always start a next round within seconds. As said before, you are quite unlikely to have to go AFK every now and then. If you are busy otherwise, don't start games that take a long time. Thats like taking a bath when you are expecting someone to come over to your house every second, its just stupid.

Oh no, they choose to let players buy skins for their donutsteel character, when you can also earn them via playing the game.

personally? I don't give a shit, but saying one thing and doing the other IS a valid point of criticism

>>so badly optimised even some 1060's struggle to get 60 frames
False, I have one and details high to ultra and get 60fps
>>Despite this, the game looks like it's from 2011 at best
Most games do
>>Small team of devs who go back on their word
>>full of micspam earrape at the start
Only if you activate it
>>get raped by nerds as soon as you land
>>get raped by campers the second you exit a door
You never played the game, it seems.
>>many players play on low settings for competitive advantage
False since this spring
>>matches that you actually do well in are long
No match can last longer than 30 minutes
>>if you are doing well having to leave the computer for half a minute can fuck you over, wasting a half hour game
As in all online games
>>crates and keys
Thanks to those I earned back 50% of what I paid... And I couldn't play in summer else it'd have been 500%

>I can't think of a single reason why people like this game.
You're a Sup Forumsirgin contrarian, of course you can't

Do you want to be killed by the circle and or a lack of weapons? Land in bumfuck nowhere. Do you want to carve your way out of hell and possibly come out looking like a /k/ommando? Chad drop school, hospital, military base, or prison. Want a comfy middle ground? Glide to any cluster of buildings that's somewhat off the flight path.
Yeah, RNG can fuck any run but that's not to say it can't fuck others or gift you some sweet shit early on. That's kind of the draw of the game. There are things you can do to minimize the RNG fucking you over but don't be surprised when scared money and safe bets doesn't pay out every time

>going afk in a competitive pvp match can get you killed
What a fucking revelation.

The game's cpu bound, not gpu.

If it weren't RNG everyone would fall in the same place and a meta would be created. It'd be awful

I play on Medium and get like 35-60 fps its all over the place with my GTX 1070. I only played short 30-45 minute sessions every now and then. I can't play it 8+ hours a day like some streamers do. Its a game with a lot of problems. I only bought it because you can actually find games and its kinda fun. I've been bored lately.

I am not saying I go AFK every 5 minutes or even every 30 minutes, I am saying that the rare time I do have to go AFK, even just for 30 seconds, it will fuck over the 30 minutes i just spent into playing the game.
And chances are when the time comes to leave the keyboard, it's that 1 game out of 20 that I'm actually doing pretty good.
It's not a criticism of the PUBG itself, it's just an issue I have with long-match games. They waste so much time and I notice friends who play them end up becoming anti-social and aggressive whenever something interrupts them, and I can see why.

>it's an early access game

there it is, you don't need more excuses to not support this kind of "games"

No, I'm saying that RNG drop is a terrible game design.

I want less people to think about that

I know that I'm a "normal" person with many interruptions in my enjoy time. I know this and I'm not an idiot who only cares about me so, I don't play multiplayer games that need 100% time.

It's not that hard user...

>Here's some valid complaints

>>The game isn't optimized properly
% of the players in a game are either AFKing for points or killing the AFKers to farm points
>>Cars and bikes are coded with such spaghetti that a rock in the road can make you do 34 flips and rocket you to the moon
>>Fist fighting is cancerous and is clearly a work around for the fact guns are so randomly distributed that people often have to resort to fist fights early

All these are legitimate concerns

I've never had any luck in duos either, my teammate always pisses the fuck out of me or wants to go guns blazing all the time

I don't see why people like it. Not cuz people like it or it's badly optimized.
There is no sense of accomplishment. You win, you get nothing, except some gold coins.
You die, you get some gold coins.

Have you ever considered that you might be the problem, user?

b-but muh chicken dinners

Why do you need anything other than 'you win'

>The work around to a problem is a concern but the root cause isn't a problem

What do i win user?

The funny thing is it actually fucking works.

>community sucks shit
>criticise it

I've seen this dumb ass arguement so many times I can't even begin to give enough fucks to sit here and contest it. It's like a sperg going around trying to hug strangers or something. It's like socially accepted mental retardation.

It's the journey and not the destination, user.

but you are fighting for the destination?

Yeah you fight to win, but the journey is what makes it fun. You don't need a reward to show you've done good.

you win the game.
what do you want, a new weapon skin?

Yeah, it would encourage me to play more games.
So you would work without getting paid?

mad bcuz bad t b h

You win >fun

>>if you are doing well having to leave the computer for half a minute can fuck you over, wasting a half hour game
There's enough things wrong with this game without having to draw on bullshit like this m8.

honestly, just ignore a phone call now and then, without yelling or becoming "anti social" and everything is fine.

If you do get interrupted and lose a game, just start a new one. You can have fun even if you are not the last man standing

>You win, you get nothing
Funny because my first win I got hyped and couldn't calm down or come off the adrenaline high for a good 30 minutes. I didn't need a "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED" prompt or a gold star next to my name to feel so accomplished. I disagree with a LOT of what's going on with the game but it does get big ups for putting game play first and foremost as an incentive to play

I thought people played games because they enjoyed the gameplay.
Guess I was wrong.

Weird, I didn't feel anything at all.
I just though "Oh, I won" and thought i would be rewarded in some ways.

stupidest thing I've read today and it's not even lunch time in germany

How is it dumb user?
It's a valid question.

No it's not, you're being a crybaby and complaining about nothing, if you want to get rewards do something else other than playing video games.

Maybe try playing a game because it is fun and not because you get some irrelevant ingame currency so you can play dress-up.

Seems like you were trained like an animal. Do you also salivate when someone sounds a bell?


Kill yourself, normalfag scum

Lol poorfag detected, get a good rig that can play at 60fps, lol your probably not even on pc just some consolefag hahaha enjoy your 30fps lol fuck off

it also has incredible CPU problems.
this is one game where Ryzen copes a lot better, not because of a positive advantage but because Intel CPU's don't distribute the load properly and are putting everything on one core.
So if you try playing even with a 7700k, you'll see one core is being overloaded which leads to occassional "skipping", those very obvious but brief stutters.

I was glad my ban appeal was successful.
Some edgelord reported me for being "toxic" because I ran him over with the jeep while constantly beeping and "stole" his chicken dinner.
We weren't even the final two, we were just some of the few left in the tiny zone on a hill which is effectively the end-game.

It's not your day job, it's a game you fuckhead

>lowering graphical fidelity for a massive advantage in a competitive game is NOT a negative
lmao shills

I only like this game because Sup Forums is losing their autistic minds over it. Surely a game that generate this amount of Sup Forumsirgin butthurt must be good.

>As opposed to needing a beefy computer to gain a tactical edge
Ayy lmao

t. autistic weeb with 3seconds attention span

>poorly optimized
No shit, it's an early access game
>full of micspam
Just mute the voicechat then faggot
>get raped by nerds as soon as you land
Don't go to School or Pochinki then
>crates and keys
You don't need to buy if you don't want to
It's only for cosmetics, you don't gain any advantage you fucking poorfag

>i-if you don't like it don't buy it!
>b-but it's just early acces, they'll fix it!
Every time

Did any of the devs promise that you would be able to play on ultra with a 1060 during early access?

I don't know I don't follow the development of this shit game.

But almost every EA game suffers from poor optimization and it never gets fixed even after official release.

No shit, EA is a massive company that wants to earn money, which is why they are spitting out games before they can be done properly
That is why small gaming studios like Warhorse, CDPR, TaleWorlds actually takes their time to create the games and don't release unoptimized shits

Full retard.

try playing it with your friends OP... oh right



So tell me something. This game is about surviving as long as possible and getting any advantage you can get right?

Why the fuck would you get out of your car, or even want to engage an unarmed player in the first place if you don't have a gun yourself?

an actual autist in the wild, wow

but you can play the game however you want. a lot of people drop to high density areas to shoot it out early in the game -- pochinki and school if you want to do that

in this game, YOU create your own CINEMATICS

what exactly is it about PUBG that makes this board so booty bothered?

is it the fact that it's popular? streamer bait? made by some random nobody? yes all of these things are agitating but apart from that what reason

>it's popular


kek I don't know why I have to laugh so hard about this

What a mess of a game

It didn't die in a month like Sup Forums predicted.

"Sup Forums" predicts everything popular will die within a month.