I teared up in the opening when you awaken after the Cabal leader kicks you

I teared up in the opening when you awaken after the Cabal leader kicks you...


I know.
I'm not a very emotional person, but for some reason odd, little things can (for lack of a better word since 2 years ago) trigger an overwhelming sense of feeling.

The last time it happened was when I saw the Star Wars episode 7 trailer for the first time, when Han says "Chewie, we're home" my eyes just welled up with a huge smile on my face.

>Critically injured
>Forced to slowly hobble forward for several minutes

I like the game but this is one of the biggest sins a videogame can commit

So when Joel hobbled with Ellie, that was a huge "sin" for the one possibly the greatest video games ever made?

>inb4 shitstorm of TLOU critics

it wouldnt have been bad if there was actually some sense of danger there. Make us have to hide from Cabal patrols, instead of just a scripted "walk, meet up with Ghost, walk, okay now play the game"

That wasn't infuriatingly slow.

I'm talking about the shit in Max Payne 3 for example.

The mission right after felt like ODST, which is a great thing to do

But when that happened in Lords of Shadow 2, everyone pitched a bitch fit

I felt like the danger came after you escaped the city and you had to fend off war beasts without your powers and without dying (which was kinda nerve wracking)

fucking mw2

>you know what would be a good enemy for this game to showcase constantly
>the fat uninteresting winged hassar orcs that were the least liked faction in the first game that literally nobody wanted to ever see again

how many shaders did you unlock?

>pre-ordered/paid for limited edition with gold box and all that jazz at game$top when Cayde-6 figurine was announced
>forgot about it entirely
>received no email or phone call about the release
>apparently it came out yesterday
>go by game$top today
>sold out of limited edition
>records show I have not picked it up yet
>do not have more available or coming to the store
>"manager" basically says sorry bro you should have known and picked it up at the launch party at midnight

Sue them?

when i got the game, i broke the speed limit getting home, parked my car outside of the lines in my apartment complex, was shouting in excitement to everyone on the phone on the way up to my room after the midnight release, i was just so happy and hyped bros, bungie really did it for us guys, for the players :) i know first thing im doing is buying some emoties as a thank you and sending them a really nice e-mail, and i'm gonna cosplay at e3 when i get my job as a gaming journalist/developer after i graduate from my game design class in college here in socal

>All this ironic posting

I bet you don't even know what you're mad about anymore.

Here's a better example. Mgsv. Fucking pathetic pacing and poor narrative forcing mechanics like that.

what about their cocks, user?

>you have to replay the opening per character

Teared up the game

Save me the tears.

I don't care if every aspect of this game is better than in destiny 1. That's to be expect. Bungie only had the lowest of bars to clear considering how pathetic the destiny was.

But on its own merits, how can anyone call it a quality game? How can this content gouged out piece of shit continue to be accepted.

Because once again, they could improve on EVERY thing and I'd still be asking "is this worth the 60$ on release. What's already in the game but yet to be unlocked through DLC."

Why should someone buy the game NOW when we all know, haters and lovers alike that it IS incomplete. Smoke and mirrors and diversions can't cover up this fact. And for that matter, Why was it so hard to put so much effort into the original gameike they did for taken king instead of leaving such a shit taste in my mouth that entire first year that destiny existed.

Im not going to spend money of this blatant scam of a game where the season passes can only promise me one of 2 things

>It'll allow me to play the rest of the game that already existed but was held hostage for some time

>it'll allow me to get download something, a full Dlc or not, that doesn't Fucking exist.

I'm asked to either pay for something that I already paid for by buying the full priced game or better yet, it doesn't exist, it's up to bungie to make something up and throw me a bone.

>for the past weeks Sup Forums has been shitting on this game with non stop threads
>now they barely get acknowledged and saged
The butthurt is glorious. I do like the story in this game though, very nice.

>enemies don't do very much damage and die in one punch
>nerve wracking

>PC version delayed to fucking October 25th
>console-exclusive content
>they're already planning DLC

>Buying the limited edition of a downgraded sequel
>Shopping at gamestop
>Forgetting that you did all this
You deserved everything that happened.

They already said that the dlc releases on all platforms at once. There's no COD situation with a month delay.
So even though it's annoying that PC players have to wait 1.5 months for the main game, there's less of a dead time before the dlc release.

You sound like cattle. Who gives a shit if your drivel is released on all platforms at once? That has absolutely nothing to do with a single one of my complaints. Since when did it become acceptable to already have the expansion planned before the game was even fully released?
>there's less deadtime before I can pay them even more money

You can get all that out of the way by waiting a year and buying it all in their shitty master-pack for the same exact price.

I'm trying to stay away from spoilers but if there's ODST aesthetics I'm fucking intrigued

>destiny on pc

>Getting butthurt about consolidation and moving nodes to armor upgrades where they should have been in the first place

>better ui
>complain about muh customized classes

wew lad, you kids are pathetic

>Since when did it become acceptable to already have the expansion planned before the game was even fully released?
Since MMOs have been releasing expansions, and hinting at the upcoming content for fucking forever?

Destiny isn't just a normal game, it's a MMO-Lite, as much as Bungie wants to avoid that.

it's legit the only mission in the entire game that feels that way. Just you, your gun, slogging towards some objective. No super jumps, no grenades, no powers.

>throwing good money after bad

Dude, overall the new Class system is much better. More concise, and specialized. I do miss having both Chain of Woe and Knife Juggler on my Gunslinger, but there's now also a chance at Bungie bringing in more specializations with Patches and XPacs.

They better add a 4th subclass, but my fear is that they'll just bring back the missing one for each class.
Though IDEALLY one of the big expansions would add an entirely new class to the game, which I doubt but would be very welcome.

>They better add a 4th subclass
There's nothing they could add though. We have all of our Elements, and we felt how shitty it was to be Lightless.

Just add more options for each subclass to change how they work. Bring back the poison for Nightstalkers, a more Offense-Oriented Bubble Sentinal. More ability focused Dawnblade, like the old Sunsinger.


It's more than made up for by the awesome tank sequences in the EDZ

>missing the point this hard
>having a better ui means it's okay that there's even less build variety now
>removing player choice is good because it makes bungie's job easier

Ah, Destiny 2, where everything is worse then the first one except public events. Hilarious.

I know this is satite but there are honestly posts like this on Reddit. I went there for the first ever time the other day and I was shocked at how much Bungie ball gargling was going on.

I think they'll do a Taken subclass if they even do a 4th one, it makes the most sense since the elements are already covered

What illness do you have that makes you believe you'll get more than you received after something was taken away?


Don't you like C I N E M A T I C sections?

I'd like the campaign a lot more if Hawthorne wasn't such an insufferable dyke. That said, I enjoyed it and Ghaul and his consul were way better villains than I expected. Their voice acting definitely helped in that regard. Io's environment is my fucking shit, loved going there a lot. And of course the music is fucking impeccable. Is it the best fps campaign in a while? Hell no, but it was more than enjoyable for me.

0/10 bait way too obvious

As someone who played 400hrs of destiny im going to flat out tell you a good 3/5 of those skills were feking useless m8.

Destiny 2 has less but more usefull. What do you want

It'd be nice if all the planet helper guys weren't insufferable.
Every. Fucking. Planet.

This. Who gives a flying fuck that the UI looks pretty now. They took away some of the only
character customization, that being the tuning of speed/armor/regen, and added nothing else.

In fact, everything else on that list is literally just the same fucking shit from 1! What the fuck did they even need to make it a sequel for? It's literally just Destiny Expansion Pack: Start The Fuck Over Edition

The layout is specifically designed to encourage circlejerking and weed out any dissidents. Even when the devs constantly fuck up on astronomic levels, there are always a handful of dickriders going "you devs work hard every day and never get any recognition. thank you guys! edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!" because the worst thing you can do is criticize someone for being inept.

holy fuck then they make you fucking replay it at the end, as if its going to make the big reveal 'sink in'

Fug, I meant Titan.
Agreed. It's annoying. I like the Io cryptarch guy though, he at least makes sense compared to the condescending snark of the others.

Destiny 2 is my first Destiny game. Can anybody reccomend me a class for playing against other players? I feel like a Hunter might suit me against others.

>Golden Age AI sits motionless for centuries on a planet completely overrun with Vex and Fallen
>Never gets assimilated in the Vex network, never gets picked apart by Fallen Scavengers

Nessus is the coolest looking planet but your handler there makes absolutely no sense.

all the advertising is like that too
>haha, it's Nathan Fillon guys,
>remember him, he's snarky, and in Firefly or something
>here's some cool action shit with NPCs, who are not you

Subclass skills were unbalanced as fuck in D1, but at least I could use whatever I wanted. Destiny 2 forces you to choose which of the two options you hate less. I'm amazed that anyone can defend such a shitty change.

All classes function good enough to frag other players.

However, hunter has loads of crutch abilities like an instagib revolver and an instagib staff which allows you to jump all over the fucking place.

How can people force themselves to play this mind-numbing garbage? It is so bad.

You know this how?

barely any good scifi games

You said 'crutch'
Is that bad, because thise things don't sound very bad'

/r/destinythegame is the worst echo chamber on the internet - it's the most cultish fan following I've ever seen for a video game. Bungie eats it up and cultivates it for more money with their pretentious bullshit about the 'social experiences' in the game and tries to avoid the backlash when the overattached mob gets upset about something. It's a weird fucking scene.

Crutches are what bad players use to get free kills instead of getting better. It's not necessarily bad, but players shouldn't have an easy out in a """competitive""" multiplayer game.

the music in this game is great, firing marty was the best decision bungie has made in a long time