What is the best current FPS for Multiplayer?

What is the best current FPS for Multiplayer?

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I mean whatever floats your boat, but as much as you can get the better...

pube grounds


25 for the cinematic



Technically speaking, for that series, it's probably CoD: AW.

>Are you ready?


pubg, overwatch

If you're retarded mongoloid:
PUBG, Overwatch

If you're a decent human being:
CSGO, Quake Champions, Rainbow Six Siege

If you're dudebro:

>CSGO, Quake Champions, Rainbow Six Siege
They're all good games, but I don't understand how being a decent human is related to them. If anything, almost everyone who plays CSGO is a cunt.

>Quake Champions
>Not Cancer
neck yourself

Depends on what you like
Pubg is a good spin on the genre if you're bored of the usual formulas

What's wrong with CSS?


CSGO, TF2, Quake Champions if you've got the skill to keep up

Is there any multiplayer FPS that features bullet drop? I feel there is no skilled involved if there's no bullet drop.

Battlefield1, bar none. I just wish there was a mod that allowed the servers to look historically accurate i.e. Indians and Turks but 8 out of 10 characters wouldn't be black.

Battlefield 4 if you want an arcade shooter in a medium scale, with vehicles and stuff
Squad if you want actual communication and coordination between your squad and teammates

been fucking about on H&G, BF2 and HL multiplayer and mods like the specialists, and CSS too

literally nothing

unironically Squad

>leather duster

Stephen King really is a fedora tipping faggot. If it weren't for the constant child sex in his novels, he wouldn't have had a career, let alone several film adaptations.

Quake champions in about 3-4 months.

Rainbow Six Siege

>I feel there is no skilled involved if there's no bullet drop.
That's really retarded but here you are
>Red Orchestra 2
>Rising Storm 2
>Battlefield 4
>Battlefield 1
>Battlefield Bad Company 2

Is H&G pay to win or pay to not grind? Like how does it's f2p model compare to say War Thunder or Warframe?

About all the BF games
Red orchestra

>Ain't even suicide bombing
Step it up


>That's really retarded
it actually isnt, you are just a point and click shitter.

pay to not grind really, you get shit money and it just takes a lotta time getting equipment.
>spend 4 hrs getting enough money to buy another character
>dont even know if i can share equipment within the same faction
you could pay to win but then you'd be put in gold mathmaking with people with similar equipment who will just kill you over and over when you havent even got good, so theres no poin t to p2w.
>got put in gold matchmaking due to skill and amout of kills and captures
>the only one with the starting rifle, basic camo and no car
its fun, but i think it would be better with a group of friends to coordinate attacks and have a better time than with the public shitters. they're also giving out free shit which will make you level up faster and get better shit and a free shovel

Sounds a lot like War Thunder honestly. Which I can only stand in any capacity when playing with friends, so playing as a group sounds fine. How do you get new equipment? Is it a research tree system or one of those shitty rental or buy systems?

overwatch isnt too shabby for fps.
I can get some decent frames on 1440p 144hz with my 1080s

>how do you get equipment
unlock it via ribbons (killing with rifles earn rifle points)
Buy it with a shitload of money
repair it for small amounts of money
and thats pretty much it, its yours forever. just dont buy extra shit for weapons, its gonna cost you alot more for a small difference

I can't send the infidel back in coffins when I'm dead user

That actually sounds like a decent merging of the research and store systems.
You talked about characters, are they limited to one country or something? And how are weapons limited, the same country as your character or is it just axis/allies?

There a referral system in place or something so you can get something out of answering all these questions?

not underrated, just not funny. it's reddit humor

buy a soldier for any faction for a small and ONLY for that faction, but a tanker, para, pilot or marksman for a way higher price for only one country of choice.

germans get german weapons
americans get american weapons
and russians get russian weapons

>refferal system
nope, i just need someone to play it with and like informing people

You dumb Anglos can't do anything right, can you.

Dirty Bomb any other answer is wrong

Battlefield 4

If you want someone to play it with.

We're pretty good at bombing cities to dust in our endless quest for Aryan blood.

The fact that you think it's humor at all shows just how ignorant you are. The thread was clearly intended to originally be about frames per second, which is why OP's image is reminiscent of this webm. The only people who tried to inject unfunny, redditor tier humor were and . Then of course other idiots latched onto that and the thread just went off on a tangent about first person shooter games.

>he unironically thought OP meant frames per second and not first person shooter
now THAT'S humor
what a fucking idiot you are mate

Sorry you were dropped on your head as a baby. Hope you get better.

There's nothing to even discuss about the subject. 60 is the minimum acceptable for anything with lots of movement or precise inputs and everything over that is a straight improvement until you get to the point of diminishing returns.

Are you, retarded or autistic? HMMMMMM

It's the worst Counter Strike with giant hitboxes and random spread.

You are literally the only fag in this thread to think he was talking about frames.
I know this is you as well nice reddit tier "25fps is cinematic" humor

>We're pretty good at bombing cities to dust in our endless quest for Aryan blood.
Keeping krauts at bay is literally the only thing Anglos ever did right in human history.

>if you want someone to play with
>H&G just got really laggy and unplayable
>got shit XP
i think i'll stop playing it for this week and play some revelations 2 instead

Urban Terror

>not a stain in FPS


remove yourself

R6 Siege

any game that doesn't involve bunny hoping, quickscoping , aiming perfectly while running , strafing, shooting from your head while your gun is actually behind a cover, retarded stalker-tier recoil , bulletsponging, shotguning with a range of less than 30m , crouching in 0,3 seconds, retarded bullet drop (sniper rifle shooting like a bb gun at 200meters(arma3))

basically none.

>all these shit game suggestions
>cake champions

my kin

>multiplayer FPS


the better question is what is the best current "realistic" fps game for multiplayer that doesn't have 2000km of map

>If you're a decent human being:
>CSGO, Quake Champions

Dirty Bomb

its like a faster BF3 rush

Destiny 2

someone give me a fun MP/coop FPS within the next five minutes or i'll kick ALL your asses

Rainbow six siege

Doesn't make it fun

Where's the discussion there?

>CSGO, Quake Champions, Rainbow Six Siege
>not shit

Halo 5


I want to try out Squad but I'm a bit intimidated by it. If I buy the game can I just jump into a match and try my best to silently support my teammates (I dont have a mic) and follow their motions? Or is the game filled with militaryfags who constantly scream "ALPHA CHARLIE DELTA TANGO DOWN" jargon and will instantly ban you if you don't reply to them adequately?

what do you suggest then?

Titanfall 2

>I shoot bots for hours

You'll be fine, m8. Some squads might require a mic (the good ones) but there's always plenty of shitter squads for you to join.

Titanfall 2 son

Rainbow six siege

rocket league
fps is trash

fistful of frags

but honestly probably red orchestra 2 and rising storm

the one with the noobiest playerbase

killing hoards of mindless 12 year olds with the occasional skilled player is the best

i miss gunz



You mean just like CS:GO?

>Titanfall 2
This is the right answer. Preferably at 120 or 144hz strobed with locked fps.

Fuck all the other anons who gave the wrong answer. You are all tasteless underage camper cunts.