How do I get into touhou? Is EoSD a good entry point?
Other urls found in this thread:
Play other shmups theyre better
Hold shift to focus.
Start slow, don't be ashamed of playing on easy, and learn to feel out patterns and safe zones. For entry points, I'd advise either Lotus Land Story [this requires an emulator though] and Mountain of Faith as both have simplified mechanics and gentler difficulty curves.
You can find everything you need at Moriya Shrine.
No. Play PCB instead.
>don't be ashamed of playing on easy
you don't learn how to play the game by playing on easy, you fucking secondary, casual scum
you can't even beat EoSD on easy so people are better off playing on normal
Don't listen to this OP, go straight for hard difficulty. Of course you will die lots, but you'll get used to what these games are actually like and get better bit by bit.
Think of wanting to get into bowling and using those sissy bands on the sides.
Yes, try starting with Hard and so the rest of the games.
Play 10, then 11, 12 and finally 13.
Skip 14, play 7 instead.
Play 9,9.5 or 12.5 when you're bored of playing 10,11,12,13 or 7.
Play 6 for the memes only.
Don't even bother with 8.
this post is entirely wrong and made by a retarded secondary who hasn't actually played a single touhou game, ignore it
the dude seriously recommends UFO and TD, he is clearly a troll not a secondary.
Yes, it is. Disregard the entire thread and play whatever Touhou game seems interesting to you. Get the games on Moriya Shrine. Even if you don't like the game but you do find the music or the characters enjoyable, there's a big fucking doujin scene based around it where you'll find plenty of nifty stuff. Also, if you don't like the game, don't give up on the genre. There's plenty of other shmups out there.
Thanks guys, i just died at 35% and it's fun
Should I install a retexture patch?
Don't, just keep trying until you win.
Which part is wrong?
10's, 11's and 12's (And maybe 13's, I don't remember) plots are somehow connected so you can play while also enjoying the story.
I dont give two fucks about the games, i just enjoy the covers
>>Start slow, don't be ashamed of playing on easy
they aren't bad games tho desu
EoSD has the best and most beloved characters so yes.
Did anybody here like Caladrius Blaze
>Thread made me wanna try out EoSD on hard difficulty
>Beat it
>You unlocked Extra mode
so how hard is this meme stage
It's not really necessary, but when you will feel like it play another iteration, my favorite because of music and general feel is 10
I prefer less videogame-y covers. Didn't even knew where to upload it, so vocaroo
I hate you so much that I'll eat your ribs, I'll eat them up
Perfect cherry blossom is more beginner friendly, but EoSD isn't a bad pick.
>How do I get good?
Hold shift for focused movement. Also practice.
You will love it.
But PCB is boring user. EoSD/IN is clearly the better choice.
Nope. ZUNshitters will shove it down your throat but tell them to quaintly fuck off.
EoSD is one of Touhou's worst and is only accepted because it spawned shitty memes like McRoll.
Too late user, he's probably having fun with it already.
Shit what can I do, someone help
>Deathbomb the game is the better choice
I suck hard though, can't get past her
I can't get past stage 4 on normal, how do I git gud?
Yes it is. It's easy as fuck to deathbomb in IN, plus it has like a million bombs given to you, making it the perfect beginners game to get a 1cc.
If you are in stage 4 I suppose you already know, but your character has a hitbox (which is invisible in EoSD and visible when pressing shift in later games) that is way smaller than the actual character. Also some of Patchouli's larger bullets only kill you on contact with their center (I think the center has a darker shade than the edges, which are safe to go thru).
>Skip 14
how is zuns latest kegstand?
Stage 4 features a ton of grazing. Learn how to control bullet movement with your own movement. Most things in stage 4 EoSD are aimed directly at you, so you need very little movement to dodge it.
The retexture patch really is ugly.
shit in every way
t. lolkfag
>Don't even bother with 8
It's alright. I think release could have been handled better, there are some design choices that I personally find questionable, and I'm not a fan of the resource mechanics in general.
However, the shots are all fucking great, every shot has something going for them, and it's been a long time since I've been able to say that. Also, TD style shots are dead, which is fantastic. Characters are neat, mostly.
Silly user. All the LoLKhaters moved on to hating HSiFS. Muh YukariJunkoClone.
Dream picks for 15.5? Who's making it in?
>Likely Picks
>Possible Picks
>Unlikely Pick
>Never Ever Pick
I just started EoSD
whats up with the dialogue in these games.
PoDD is unironically the best game in the series
A combination of ZUN's esoteric writing style, and the fan translations being eh.
EoSD gets it really bad on the later.
>Pacifist Runs are easier than Normal Runs
PoDD is a poorly designed game that tries to be TSS, but isn't technically proficient enough to be TSS. PoFV takes PoDD's flaws and fixes them, objectively.
That's not Mystic Square. 2hu Doctor Who is pretty fucking great though.
Cirno again
Try before and after the patch, it's really minor.
However, do not install the hitbox patch, it encourages bad habits and will fuck you in the ass when you want to be taken somewhat seriously.
>IN is perfect for beginners to start playing 2hu
>An automatic car is perfect for beginners to start driving a car
I'm not saying they should jump right in either SA, UFO or LeLK, but asking people to play in IN can only frustrate them when they jump into other games because there WILL be habits that they need to unlearn because of the overreliance to deathbombs
>"bitch, get out of the way!"
Not Sanae. AGAIN.
>not sanae
go back to /jp/
I'm really happy with how Marisa turned out in HSiFS. Her shot feels great, had to lose the AoE but not having to mess with slow bullets feels really nice.
And, it's looking like Marisa's route in HSiFS could be canon, so here's to hoping.
PoFV sucks ass to play and best game in series doesn't include the game it's ripping off
>Contrarian opinion.
Who the fuck likes PoFV in the first place
Is Master Spark worth using again?
marisa sux
>we're allowed to have a couple of pokemon threads on Sup Forums despite /vp/ existing
This is her canon route
Shut the h*ck up, your kind isn't welcome here
'I'll cryo-freeze you together with some English beef!"
PoFV is a good game to train your reflexes and it's fun against another player. I can see why somebody would think it's unfun against the CPU, but it's meant to be played with other players.
Touhou threads are not videogame discussion.
Absolutely this. I didn't enjoy it much either before I did some netplay.
It always is.
I'm pretty sure it's back to being the highest damage bomb.
>videogames are not videogames
Just like the rest of Sup Forums
Post only the best 2hu music covers.
>How do I get into touhou?
>any doujin site
>search bar type touhou
>An automatic car is perfect for beginners to start driving a car
I see it more like training wheels on a bicycle.
Sure IN deathbombing is piss easy, but it also consumes two bombs, which discourages overuse, at least it did to me. If you're only gonna spam deathbombs in IN, you're not gonna get very far.
Instead, they'll learn that the ideal way is use up all their bombs normally before dying so that they can survive longer, and that is a helpful habit to learn in survival Touhou imo.
The posts ITT are not about games, they are about waifus. Go to /jp/ or /e/ where you belong.
>EoSD/IN is clearly the better choice.
I started off with 6 since it has the simplest mechanics. However, since ZUN took a huge design leap from 6 to 7, I'd recommend playing 7 first since it's the easiest and the design of the game is much closer to other Touhou games.
You should still give 6 a play, but 7 will be the easiest place to start. 6 doesn't have a hitbox and includes a rank system (unlike the other games) and the patterns rely a lot less on memo. Don't play 6 expecting the other games to play like it.
Playing on Easy will give you bad habits and you won't be able to see the endings in most of the games. Normal is the best difficulty to play on and will give you a fair challenge. Keep in mind that higher difficulties aren't as lenient as normal and easy for stage routing and you'll find yourself dying on stages if you just fly around like a retard. If you want to get good, you have to actually PRACTICE parts that you aren't good at. The stage practices are there for a reason.
Isn't that every single Touhou thread on Sup Forums ever?
No, seriously.
Even if an OP makes a Touhou thread with the intent of talking about the games, about an hour later, it's taken over by waifufags. If Hiro gave Touhou the mlp treatment, brought back the Touhou board, and stopped people from posting Touhou anywhere on the site, how much different would this site be today?
So how are your 1ccs going, Sup Forums?
Still struggling with UFO Lunatic, but I feel like I'm getting closer and closer every session. It just isn't a very fun game to play in my opinion, sadly.
Practice and look up videos as references
>trying to capture this spellcard without items
I feel like i'm becoming insane, i'm not joking.
If the games not fun, stop playing it duh. If youre aiming for completion take a week or two break and come back refreshed. The process of learning and repeating should be fun, if not it's worthless
Just Lacking Touhou 16 no-focus mode 1CC to feel complete here.
I'm working on a EoSD hard 1cc. The difference in difficulty from normal to hard doesn't seem to be too large, thankfully.
I managed a 2cc a while ago but I haven't been able to play in weeks.
When I say that UFO isn't fun, what I mean is that I feel more worn out after playing it than I do with any other game in the series. It's less about how much I'm playing it, and more about how long I can play it in a single sitting.
>If the games not fun, stop playing it duh.
Gotta do it for the waifu.
Yeah, that card can go fuck itself.
Never bothered with getting a no cheat ISC. I like ISC, but I don't like it that much, and I have little motivation to do something like that in it.
>The difference in difficulty from normal to hard doesn't seem to be too large, thankfully.
Yeah, enjoy that while you can. MoF on, Hard is going to feel closer to Lunatic, I can tell you that from personal experience.
>Isn't that every single Touhou thread on Sup Forums ever?
Which is exactly why these threads belongs in /jp/
The only faggots in this thread not talking about the games are you two.
Was working on Hard No Bomb MoF, but I've put it to hiatus and now I'm trying to Normal No Bomb SA.
I don't have the stamina I used to have when I started, usually quiting after only one run. Has this happened to anyone else?
>brought back the Touhou board
it's called /jp/
Why would you even post this when the entire thread is waifu worship? omg the smell of my waifus boat is totally videogame related guys...
Try taking a short break from Touhou, maybe like a month or so.
Trust me, it would take longer than that to get rusty, and it might be good for your mentality.
Or just kidnap Satono I guess.