Post gaming related virgin/chad memes
Post gaming related virgin/chad memes
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Post pictures of your feet, OP.
Stop beating a fucking dead horse you dumb Redditor, the meme is no longer funny and hasn't been for about 2 weeks
>"Probably idolized by edgy teenagers"
>Not "literally inspired the kids that did Columbine."
Underage b& shouldn't have their opinions spread in images.
Freeman is my man, but the lambda symbol is the international symbol for gay rights. I know that it means liberation, but still.
Is it really?
>doesn't include the fact that half the security team at Black Mesa owes Freeman a beer
it wasn't funny to begin with
people are just fucking dumb
>boohoo I'm so smart why is everyone so dumb
Make Todd the Chad version of it
>Cant even manage to make a Bethesda Chad version because its too much
top kek
Retard jokes can be fun but Never go full retard Kiddo
I loved this, but it failed to mention hos ponytail in the first game
>used to b
>virgin does something silly/awkward but mostly innocuous
>chad does extreme opposite to the point of absurdity
now it's
>virgin bad
>chad good
yeah it's definately funnier when the virgin and chad are literally the exact opposites, but honestly people have been doing bad versions since day 1 and there's always going to be people with bad senses of humor. Having a meltdown about people memeing wrong isn't going to help anything
>great with babies
>Great with babies
lol is this again
>implying NVFags aren't an abundant source of silly and awkward things
Too much what?
>Getting the meme this wrong
Holy fuck you're one dense motherfucker. Both sides are meant to be ridiculous, the Chad is meant to be just as pathetic as the virgin in how over the top he is.
Just using it to REEEEEE at some fanbase you don't like is 9fag level memespouting
Indeed. The whole thing started with a joke about being able to tell virgins by the way they walk, so people would be self consious and thinking about it.
Someone drew a picture of it.
Someone else drew a picture with a "chad" as comparison, just as stupid as the virgin, with the opposite taken to stupid lengths. It was a joke.
>the shitskin is the chad
You had one fucking job
>Posts easy pete memes
SHUT IT DOWN. This meme is over.
These are not funny, witty, or clever.
i saw it on instagram a week ago it was dead already
The virgin meme came before the chad meme, and was meant to mock the socially awkward or otherwise weird kid in highschool, trying to pick at their insecurities. Clearly OP's post is picking at yours though.
Any SMT ones that aren't just another SMT vs Persona?
kek at least there are actual funny ones on there
unlike this shit thread
kys op
all forms of art must fall to mass self-insertion eventually, user
this just had the misfortune of making it really really easy
Did they go through with those ult changes for Mercy? If so this image is now worthless.
Why can't I enjoy both versions?
Hearty chuckles were had.
>mouse isn't even plugged in
I'm glad I caught that.
Has anyone made that Virgin Iron King vs Chad Ivory King one yet?
Sup Forums ruins everything
stupid people find them funny, welcome to the future
>the amount of buttblasted virgins
Not surprising
wrong one
say no more bruv
Why is jerma so perfect lads
He's legit like my role model of what I wanna be like when I'm 30+
yeah when the so called *chad* couldn't even beat god all by himself he had to mind control people and side with a god that wants to kill your friends and chads dont kill friends
This rage comics shit is embarrassing.
No, you retard. The virgin is supposed to be relatable and insecure and Chad is supposed to do the opposite of everything the virgin does to ridiculous extremes. The meme isn't even a year old, how do you people manage to not get it?
found the virgin lmao.
You people need to take the stick out of your asses. You're not as smart as you think you are.
Love those
Holy shit guys, did that streamer just beat dark souls 3 ON STREAM?!?!?
>You're not as smart as you think you are.
This applies to you too, normalfag
jermas a real pizza shit and i love him
honestly you are much more obnoxious than the NVfags themselves
wow immediately thought of star before i even saw the chad side
this one sucks because everyone knows demi fiend is a chad he had a cock sock girlfriend pixie
>prays to ALMSIVI every day
>Leads the Grand Council of Morrowind
Dude, this is after eruption of Red Mountain and after ALMSIVI fell.
Dunmer worship the original Tribunal, the reclamaitions now. Azura, Boethiah and Mephala.
Worship of ALMSIVI is considered traitorous and blasphemous, on top of that most of ALMSIVI are dead anyway.
On a side note, Nerevarine is now the biggest saint for the new Tribunal and people in Dragonborn DLC often pray to him/use his name in combat.
Pretty much. Half the garbage posted in this thread missed the joke completely.
>NVFags being obnoxious for 10 years
>make one thread mocking them
>suddenly am more obnoxious than them
Yeah, you're totally not just a NVFag pretending to be an innocent bystander.
>>NVFags being obnoxious for 10 years
which one raped you
>Obnoxious for 10 years
>Game came out in 2010
Obvious samefag.
it's the same mongol who made THAT comic, it's unbelievable how this nigger spents time and effort making low quality OC involving shitting on a certain group of people because they like a game he doesn't like
Except Mithra's couldn't be dudes And that was why they ruled
I'm disappointed there isn't one for Solaire and Lautrec.
>The Chad Lautrec
>Wears ring of favor of protection and still fat rolls honorably in full plate
>Levels only strength while wielding dual dex weapons
>Confidently tosses himself off cliffs during battle having already ascended this plane of existence
>tfw one of the guards says "Aww, you cut off the ponytail" in Black Mesa
>has to use pixie as a cock sock because his dick is so small.
These aren't really funny, work on them.