What the fuck is with the story in this game? I've completed chapter 1 and I have no clue what is going on. Is it supposed to be like that? Will everything be explained later?
What the fuck is with the story in this game? I've completed chapter 1 and I have no clue what is going on...
They cut tons of content and never finished it.
>They cut tons of content
Like what?
You NEED to watch the prequel movie.
Or just play forward and piece up things.
Prince is being escorted by his bodyguards in secret to go meet his future bride during a period of political instability following an Empire's invasion. Car has problems and they meet a sexy engineer who helps them out.
How fucking ignorant can people be?
This. The movie SHOULD'VE come with the game. Just use Kissanime to watch it for free. It's a pretty good movie anyway, so it won't be torture to watch it
All the shit that would explain anything at all so you would actually know what the plot was by the end of Chapter 1.
>inb4 xv-kun comes in and tells you to read some obscure newspapers hidden in areas that are locked because of story progression
I didn't watch the movie and there was nothing confusing or mysterious about the plot. They spoonfeed you everything but people are too retarded to pay attention
>the game makes sense if you watch the shitty tie-in movie
This is ALMOST as bad as Destiny's "check out Bungie.net for trading cards that explain the story!" bullshit. I'm not watching your dumb CGI anime movie just so I can understand the plot of the game you worked on for 10 years and I paid $60 for. So glad I traded this dogshit in and didn't get suckered into their retarded scattershot DLC plans.
Do you walk out of the cinema if they don't tell you the entire plot of a movie within the first 5 minutes?
Flawed analogy. Try again, kid.
>You need to watch the prequel
>when in game it tells you that Insomnia was invaded and your bachelor party has now become a quest for revenge
Yeah, because it's totally clear why your country is at war, who it fights against, why is there a peace negotiation going on, who's that dude in armor that kills your father, why no one fucking cares about war besides main characters, why there are some weird flying things that pour armored soldier on your head from time to time, why people fight with fucking swords when they have enough technology for phones and cars and rifles, why people have phones but use some doggos to send messages to each other, why no one at the castle where the father was killed called to the prince or sent him an email, why should I care about this Luna girl when I never met her in the game before but it's implied in story that MC knows her for a long time, who the fuck am I paying when I use instant driving...
There's like a ton of things not explained. I get the overall idea of the plot, but I don't seem to understand a lot of details.
Square has been incapable of making a Final Fantasy game since Sakamoto left. Stop buying their garbage.
>why your country is at war
Seeing how the invasion in the beginning comes as a surprise to the player characters, I could only assume you're not even supposed to know the reason. Finding out why is one of the core reasons to keep you playing. Giving the protagonist some motivation is basic storytelling.
>who it fights against
Since everyone keeps saying, "IT'S THE EMPIRE" every five minutes shortly after the beginning, I feel it came quite clear you're fighting against AN EMPIRE. Maybe.
>who's that dude in armor that kills your father
This is one thing I never found out, but in retrospect, does it really matter?
>why no one fucking cares about war besides main characters
Everyone you meet talks about it in cities, cafes, farms, and gas stations. There was quite widespread display of "not caring".
>why there are some weird flying things that pour armored soldier on your head from time to time
Listening to the characters' repeated utterances of "IT'S THE EMPIRE", I assumed them to be soldiers of THE EMPIRE, and THE EMPIRE wants you, since you're the crown prince and future king of the land they just conquered.
>why people fight with fucking swords when they have enough technology for phones and cars and rifles
Because lolmagic and superpowers.
>why people have phones but use some doggos to send messages to each other
Now you're just being retarded.
>why no one at the castle where the father was killed called to the prince or sent him an email
Cor, the only survivor, both calls and emails you right in the beginning.
>why should I care about this Luna girl when I never met her in the game before but it's implied in story that MC knows her for a long time
Why should I care about Princess Peach when I never met her in Super Mario but it's implied in story that MC knows her for a long time
>I get the overall idea of the plot, but I don't seem to understand a lot of details.
Simply put, you have major brain problems
>why people fight with fucking swords when they have enough technology for phones and cars and rifles, why people have phones but use some doggos to send messages to each other,
don't be a fucking retard. this isn't a fucking cinemasins video
the worst FF's have been during Wada's period meaning:
>Trying to make mobile games the focus of Square Enix.
>FFXII, he forced Matsuno to include Vaan and as he rejected the changes in his vision he left the project and the company.
>FFXIII and it's sequels.
>FFXIV 1.0 forcing Tanaka to release an unfinished game to compete with WoW: Pandaria.
>Fucking the resources of Versus XIII / engine development to focus on XIII making an engine that was unfit for the pen world vision.
>Take too long and then have to move Versus to PS4, then cut it's resources to revive XIV.
Fucking wada has been the cancer killing SE form the inside, I hope this is the last of his legacies, remember that FFX and XI where in production before he got the chair even if they were released under him as CEO.
>This is one thing I never found out, but in retrospect, does it really matter?
He's a character from the movie and it only matters to the plot of said movie. I'm honestly surprised there are people that didn't watch it or the anime before starting since they flat out told you that there was plot shit in the movie and the anime was nice backstory for the guys.
it matters to the plot of the game too.
>'m honestly surprised there are people that didn't watch it or the anime before starting since they flat out told you that there was plot shit in the movie and the anime was nice backstory for the guys
how about the fact that there is a reasonable expectation that a final fantasy movie and anime will be boring as fuck
How do you not know what's going on? It's been a long time since I first played it but I don't recall ever feeling lost.
it could have been any random soldier or demon honestly, the point was that regis dies.
who he is doesn't matter to the game, only what he did.
game is a mess and a patchwork quilt of whatever they salvaged from the many fuckjobs created whilst attempting to make it
same as bioshock infinite. just drop it and move on, it doesnt get any better
you're playing a half-finished game with another completely different person's half-finished game built on top of it
you were stupid to even buy it. the game is fucking trash, and there was basically Zero chance it was going to be what any (real) FF fan wanted
it matters that the audience, and noctis, know more about the events leading to his death.
watch the movie.
They cut so much stuff they had to make a movie with it that no one watched.
theres some bad dudes and ur potential wife and ur the prince and ur king dad is dead and u got ur bros who protect you and theres monsters and a car and you have to kill monsters for resteraunts but only 1 at a time and theres lots of driving cutscenes and then theres a power ring and a random bad guy and the wife/her bro plotline goes nowhere, oh an theres weird dreams or something
i dunno its a fucking travesty, nothing about this game is good except that chicks tiddies
oh and magic can hurt ur friends but u cant tell em to get out the way top kek 10/10
why? part of the point of the game is that the player only knows and experiences the same as Noctis.
He does not care who killed his father, he cares that his city, his people, his father, all has been destroyed and that he is the only one that can turn the tables back, he gives two shits about who killed Regis.
Its actually a pretty good plot.
Too bad nothing makes sense untill the ending cutscene.
why are u even arguing with this spastic? its completely obvious to anyone that the game is total shit and the story is nonsensical unfinished fragments from tech demos that failed. just look at the dev history.
why anyone would defend this "story" or the bland characters who are all the same and have no backstory except that they cook an take photos or some shit, i have no idea
shit game, probably a 3/10 from me. graphics are gud tho
Don't care about plot, sexy boys and sexy girl make it all worthwhile.
Ok. There's a difference between not liking the plot and not understanding it. When you played FF7 and cloud got off the train did you freak out because you didn't know who cloud was or what SOLDIER was or did you just fucking play the game and figure it out.
Watch pre-quel the movie, it's better than th game
The story in this game is such a hot fucking mess.
There are individual scenes that are well executed, but the whole thing was put together with duct tape.
you have 20 seconds to name 1 good thing about FFfifteeeeeen except the graphics
pls dont compare FF7 to this trash. ur jus beggin to lose more of ur argument
> part of the point of the game is that the player only knows and experiences the same as Noctis.
if you read my post you would see that i acknowledge that.
>He does not care who killed his father, he cares that his city, his people, his father, all has been destroyed
i mean, congrats on pulling shit out of your ass to justify the game's thinly stretched plot, but i don't agree with that assessment. a son would want more information about his father's death.
If you're confused as to what the bigger picture was, you're doing a good job. You're supposed to have a very narrow POV (as narrow as Noctis'), because the earlier parts of the game really tries hard to sell the roadtrip concept.
How old are you? I don't think I want to talk to anyone who types like you do. I don't even think ff15 is fantastic, I just think you're stupid if you find it that confusing.
wrong. the 1 good thing about it is the side quest where u get food for the cat. thats the only decent part of this game. it has charm, character and optional
sadly it has no effect (like in Resi 4 where u save the dog an it helps you later)
3/10 game, gg squeenix
Nah, that quest was shit because cats are shit.
Gladiolus hottest of the main 4.
I don't feel particularly lost. I understand what's the story is about, the general idea of it, but there's quite a few things that characters know that I don't. And no one bothers to explain it.
I know that it's a japanese game and they suck at writing most of the time, but they still could try to tell at least some basic concepts of this fantasy world.
What don't you get? It seemed fairly straightforward to me.
Gladiolus is just a male Fang.
the world, the motivations of the empire, the difference between the different political entities is not well-established. all we know is the empire is robots
>I'm honestly surprised there are people that didn't watch it or the anime
I was told both were terrible and the plot was all but rewritten for the game, so I passed. Didn't feel like I missed anything either. I first thought the king's killer was Ravus so there were no loose threads until I started reading the threads on Sup Forums
My impression is that the empire is just your basic expansionist empire. Almost every FF has an evil empire that just wants to expand for its own sake.
You can always tell when art is for gay dudes because they add a bunch of hair.
>the motivations of the empire
how far into it are you? because the empire is dead, ardyn killed them all with demons, there is no motivation other than his desire to finally die.
roughly 70% of the originally intended places, story, plot, etc.
It's insane.
Literally this.
It's not that fucking hard anons.
which kind of sucks. it would be effective if we knew much about the empire in the first place and related to them. i think they must have been trying to do that with prompto and ravus but it didn't really work.
like i remember in ffix it did have an impact when brahne got merked
yeah like that part where they stumble upon some giant ancient god for no reason. The ancient god that just happens to be sitting in a random field that somehow no one has ever discovered before them
its like an hour and half man. calm your tits.
Jesus, how fucking stupid are you people
>people actually defend the movie now
>could've had a good prolouge and playable invasion to actually make you feel attached to your father and you kingdom
I give up, FF is finished
I'm just trying to picture what they did with other FFs. Did they shit themselves when they started FF9? What is tantalus, what is this castle, why am I kidnapping the princess, what's my motivation, why do I have a tail, who is this black mage, what's he doing here.
>Assassin's Festival
>it's actually pretty fun
we all understood the other games perfectly well. we also understood this one, but didn't relate to it, because it was weakly plotted. keep trying to make this about us and not the fact that the story didn't come together in a project delayed, then rushed, and overall poorly managed by a studio undergoing an identity crisis.
who cares just fap to them anime titties
The characters geeking out over the references was cute
ffxiv is so poorly paced and written it makes you ask these questions
Read the OP. He clearly doesn't understand the story. I don't care if you don't like the story, I'm not super fond of it myself, but acting like it's super complicated and mystifying makes you sound dumb as fuck.
You don't find out shit about Zidane's backstory until late in disc 3 and that's fine, this dude is done chapter 1 of 15 and he's acting like he should know everything.
>What is tantalus
The Thieves that cover as play performers
>what is this castle
Limblum or Alexandria?
>why am I kidnapping the princess
She was one of the last ancients who could summon eidolons. The Queen (her adopted mother) was going to use her to this end.
>what's my motivation
Learning the truth, saving the world, just like with all the previous FF games.
>why do I have a tail
You're not from their planet
>who is this black mage
Vivi. One of the creations that they made that actually works properly.
>what's he doing here
Fucking shit up with black magic
>implying women don't like men with body hair
A reminder that teenage tumblrinas and overweight SJW feminists do not represent all women.
the game does not explain its own backstory because it is not a self-contained story. every ff up to this point has sought to introduce you to the world as the main characters understand it first, then pull back the curtain to reveal its secrets over the course of the game. zidane didn't know his own backstory. in xv the characters know a lot more stuff we don't.
Not really anything happens storywise for the first few missions. Shit starts coming together about halfway through the game.
Haha I got one with kenny too bro
Most don't in my experience. A good buddy of mine has had every woman he's been with encourage him to wax as well.
>Posts hairless Gladiolus
every girl i've been with has positively retched at the idea of me shaving/waxing
I know dude I love ff9. It was using that as an example.
That's not true at all. At the beginning of FF7 all of the characters know what shinra is what SOLDIER is etc. That shit is taught to us over time, but the main party all understands it from the word go. Same with all the political shit in FF12.
If you actually shave and you're a man you are an utter queer. Embrace the hair. Embrace the bear.
yes and we're not taught it over time in ffxv.
I wouldn't know, my torso is pretty near hairless, and I've been complimented in it a lot. Maybe you just attract women that like body hair?
I disagree, I feel like I understood pretty much everything I needed to by the end of the game. Whether I thought it was a good story is another matter.
Noctis used to have a sister who was separated from him at birth that he eventually reunites with but that entire story arc had to be cut since Japan hates brocon incest.
>Maybe you just attract women that like body hair?
i mean i'm not ruling it out. i probably just attract people who don't really care about grooming and shit because i don't myself.
>since Japan hates brocon incest
are you being ignorant on purpose? Japs love incest of all kinds
The thing that threw me off was when they introduced the first titan or whatever name it had. I mean, I didn't expect it to be alive, but whatever.
Then they started using different words to refer to the same supernatural entities out of fucking nowhere, and so, yeah, Lunafreya is actually some priestess that deals with these fucking beings (who are very much alive) and I literally had no idea what was going on.
A lot of that stuff is in the books you can find in towns.
Having body hair doesn't mean you don't care about grooming, unless you think being smooth all over is best. Many women and men like at least a light covering of hair on the pecs and abs.