Is there a bigger sign of being a plebian than liking the Brotherhood of Steel? They're just raiders in power armour that prey on weaker communities
Is there a bigger sign of being a plebian than liking the Brotherhood of Steel...
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Literally everyone believes this. Seeing as a pleb opinion is something that's common and low quality, patrician taste would be to love the Brotherhood.
>people actually like them and their fortress of load screens in 3
boggles the mind
But normies love them in New Vegas
But I also play a raider that preys on the weak? I wouldn't say I like them but I can respect their work ethic and abilities. If it's profitable for a raider like myself to hang out with the BoS then I'll do it, I might kill some of them while they sleep and eat their flesh but that's not the point.
They were okay in Fallout 1 and 2 before the NCR btfo them. I don't understand what is stopping any group in Fallout from getting power armor by 2241.
Every game its only them or the Enclave, imagine Talon Company in F3 having heavy troops in power armor. They may have actually been a threat then.
t. Mr. House
>just raiders in power armor
LMAO get fucked by another legionnaire you legionscum
>lack of technological aptitude
>lack of strict hierarchy
>lack of morals
Imagine someone in the Talon company having power armor, first thing he'd do is killing his colleagues for pocket change
If it was real life i would team up with the people who could fix and maintain my power armor. Fuck going around in crazy shithole fallout land without power armor.
>implying I work for the legion and not based House
>They were okay in Fallout 1
>Sending you on a literal suicide mission to The Glow
>Having to basically strong arm them into helping against the super mutants
>tfw changing the turrets targets in the BoS bunker
No they don't. normies love the brotherhood of steel just because they look cool.
the complained that House forces you to kill them and there's no alternative option. even though House getting rid of them is the most logical thing he could do.
Yes they act in a way that seems plausible for an insular community would, I never get why people do this sort of double take when it comes to the BoS.
>Complain that the NCR completely trusts an outsider instantly
>Complain that you a degenerate wastelander become Caesar's right hand man instantly
>Complain House could pick anyone way more qualified but picks you because he saved you
>Complain when the Boomer boom you
>Then complain that the BoS don't instantly trust you unless you have Veronica vouch for you
They didn't put a bomb on your neck and have you do their dirty work at least. Nobody forced you to go to the Glow.
That's because their faction makes sense and is cool in NV.
In Fallout 3, they're just "good enclave" and their whole goal and aims are thrown out for sake of "muh good guys" in the end.
In NV they are back to preserving technology and don't want anything to do with outsiders, as is correct for them.
Fallout 3 established them as a major, massive power relied upon by many for strength to match the super evil baddies in the Enclave when the reality is that they're just another wacky wasteland cult like the rest of them.
>Want to join the most advanced faction in the wastes
>Upset they require you figure out how to work a rope and radiation meds on your own.
Boomers > Great Khans > Dead Horses > NCR > Brotherhood of Steel > Powder Gangers > Legion
what do you guys think about the outcasts and their mission?
Could you be any more obvious?
They didn't have enough interactions or quests and their base was a joke but they were ok.
>Great Khans
the biggest scumbags in-game even surpassing the legion for their shittiness
>Outcasts in Fallout 3 were the ones actually doing their original mission in the first pleace
>The "real" Brotherhood is the one that went against orders and became the Wasteland Shining Knights
Still better than Railroad in Fallout 4, they're just the typical overly empathetic crazy libercucks in Wasteland who even attempts to "liberate" fucking automated turrets. Next thing they want probably is liberate fucking vending machines or "synth pride parade".
I'll join BoS anytime over fucking Cuckroad.
t. cuck & proud
This thread has enlighten me on how little people actually know the Brotherhood and it's mission
>tfw it's a metaphor for original fallout fans
"Congratulations, martyr, your fantastic journey is only just beginning. Please proceed to the light. The light is calming and puts your mind at ease. Go to the light. Welcome, please sit in the chair. The show is about to begin.
Railroad is liberal multicultural retard ideology taken to the extreme. They would literally die for anthropomorphic appliances.
"Greeting, martyr, and welcome! If you're here now, it means you've been offered up as a sacrifice so that your vault can continue to thrive. Currently, you may be feeling sad or angry. Perhaps you never got to have grandkids, or to enjoy the pleasures of a fresh cigar. But march with your chin held high, soldier, and remember that each of us has an important role to play."
"For some people, their role might be to heal the sick. For others, it might mean they will drive a race car, or fly a rocket ship. And some of us are meant to forfeit our lives for the good of the people. Sure, it might not be as fun as driving a race car, but it's every bit as important."
Driving a race car is not important!
>Savages that tried to kill you listed second
"Let's take a moment to reflect on the moments that made your life worth living. Think about that time you kissed your steady girl for the first time under the bleachers at the big game. Or when you snuck out after curfew to catch that new flick that your parents wouldn't let you see because it was too scary. Boy, were they right! And who could forget when you met the love of your life. What a looker! These are just examples."
"Do you feel that feeling stirring in your chest as you think of these things? Good. What you are feeling is peace. You've led a great life - living it has been its own reward. But, it is only the beginning."
The Brotherhood of Steel outlived their usefulness by Fallout 2. With communities growing into towns, towns into small cities, and general infrastructure coming back into existence the Brotherhood of Steel should have saddled itself to the most ethical government in their posted locations. When the Brotherhood of Steel decided that their primary objective was to eliminate all pre-bomb technology and store it so Humanity 'can't do it again so easily' they succumbed to the folly of an impossible task. Much like the socialist who laments that people own guns, but are never able to deal with the reality you will never remove such a technology from humanity, the Brotherhood of Steel continues an existence that is absolutely meaningless at best or a massive hindrance on the reconstruction effort at worst.
This is hinted multiple times in Fallout 2. Bethesda ruined BoS by literally making them the Lawful Good Paladins from a fantasy game.
yes. it's not liking them
"Close your eyes now and imagine what joys await you in the next life - the afterlife. Can you see them? Good."
NCR is the canonical cuck choice if you had a thing for Cass. I guess Legion would be too since all the female slaves are used goods.
*throws pulse grenade*
easy peasy
Vault Tec were the true enemies all along
>but Bethesda have ruined them by making them exactly what I've said earlier in my post
What did he mean by this?
Pic related
Too many people have only played recent Fallout games. In F1, F2 and especially Tactics they were quite awesome and actively bringing order and civilization to the wasteland, even if they were considerably less selfless than NCR.
They were the "military" faction, with all the associated merits and flaws.
Are those guys wearing metal armor? God this game looks like shit.
Is there a bigger sign of being a patrician than liking the Enclave ?
Survival of the fittest, leftycuck.
Grow up.
The BOS used to be awesome, even if they've been turned into NotSpaceMarines led by NotEmperor Maxson in FO4.
patrician =/= contrarian
Why are they such pieces of shit and why do you lose karma for butchering them and destroying their stupid fucking clubhouse even when they provoke you first?
Is Vault Tech even alive anymore? Or are those iron tombs all That's left of the pre-war company?
House>NCR>Followers>>>>>>Everything else>>>>>>>>Legions shits
This is the only OBJECTIVELY true list
>Enjoying the slideshow
>Killbots emerge from false walls
This post is the most truthful post. Nothing can compare with the genius of a man who built the super giant powerhouse Robco from nothing but pure determination after his brother stole his inheritance.
>inb4 autistic fedora anarchists think their OC Courier has the same smarts and planning if the man who invented a safe, immortality method by age 30.
>Is Vault Tech even alive anymore
This is actually a good subject, it can be a very good main story line in next fallout game.
I think the Karma system was a huge mistake
It results in more weird shit situations than actual situations that benefit from it
I always thought that Vault Tec or what was left along with other companies and the government somehow reformed into the Enclave, because in Fallout 2 the Enclave has all the codes to open every Vault from the outside and they know just about every Vault location
Midwest Brotherhood's gonna fuck everyone's shit up.
Robco through Mr House and Big MT seem to be the only two pre-war companies remaining operational. Everything else like Poseidon industries and General Atomics left with the Enclave and died with them. Although nothing is really talked about with regards to Vault Tech, could make for a neat plot that Vault Tech survived and is living in an underground metropolis with their own technologies.
>NCR anywhere near the top
No way Jose you fucking Mexican
beth said they arent canon
In Fallout 1 these were just a goverment contracted company that built fallout shelters. Fallout 2 made them into evil right wing fascists that made vaults to be wacky social experiments that had close connections to the enclave, so they live on in the enclave I guess.
"You called Boss?"
>House sits on his ass for over 100 years, doing absolutely fucking nothing.
>Uplifts some tribals to have bodies so the NCR can't take over
>"H-He'll get us to space in 50 years for sure!"
Housecucks are delusional. He was influential before the war, no denying that. But House hasn't done anything worth mentioning since the war.
And no, giving cannibals their own casino isn't worth mentioning.
this whole post is retarded, like a 90 iq highschooler typed it out
The writing and overall story telling of NV is just far better than fallout 4. Too bad Obsidian went to shit nowadays as well.
I guess restoring the Strip, tricking the NCRcucks into fixing hoover Dam and cucking their troops by hooking them with gambling and liquor is nothing worth mentioning.
Yeah, anyone that would've been preserved due to old world money or status would also have joined up with the Enclave. The Brotherhood of Steel is the next closest thing, being started from what remained of the US military not privileged enough to be integrated into the Enclave.
wtf I love House now
He intended to save all of Vegas plush a good chunk of the Mojave. His systems failed because he lacked the platinum chip, and by the time he woke up everyone was savages. With that being everything in sight, what hopes for civilization do you have?
Thank God the NCR showed up and made him realize there were still civilized people who could support his project.
felt good blowing their shit up
His plan would have worked out perfectly, It's just he was 24 hours short before the commie gooks struck first with their bombs delaying the platinum chip from delivery, It's reasonably explained yet regards like to ignore this and just go
>Stealth towards the small room with stealth boy.
>proceed with throwing every kind of gernades you've saved up till then.
>"House regained consciousness in 2138.[2] Biding his time, he entered the world stage once again in 2274"
Source for wakeup date is the New Vegas official guide.
What exactly was he doing for nearly 150 years? Jerking off to his robo-wife?
>BoS are raiders on life support
how does it feel to know that your own men, agree with that notion
>Is there a bigger sign of being a plebian than liking the Brotherhood of Steel? They're just raiders in power armour that prey on weaker communities
My guess making calculations and plans all while waiting for the Casino's to take take in money. He spent 800,000 caps on entire armies of mercs to look for the Platinum chip.
Two-Sun, not Tucson, alright?
>t. Brotherhood of Cuckhold faggot.
But the casinos didn't start making money until House worked with the three families in 2274
If two-Sun is suppose to be Tuscon and Dogtown is Denver what the fuck is Flagstaff suppose to be?
not an argument. also,
this fucking idiot lol.
>cucked by NCR
>cucked by Boomers
>cucked by Mr House
>not literal cuckholds
t. buried under rubble
>dumb ass still can't spell and still doesn't know what a word means
still no argument, either.
not an argument.
Just because you autistically say something isn't an argument doesn't actually mean it isn't boyo.
t. faggotry in a tin can
Literally scariest vault in the game. I was underleveled and got so many chem addictions.
Never again.
they didn't used to be
Back in FO 1, 2 and Tactix, they used to mean something - a grim, stalwart and uncompromising ray of hope in a world that is over and humanity is just rummaging through the pieces.
Then they made them in to raiders in power armour with a tech fetish....
epic falseflag shitposting faggot
in fallout 1-2 they where more of an isolationist faction with a self imposed job to judge who can and cannot use old world tech. i would say ray of hope but way less pushy then in bethesda's games
The way he he pronounces "good" is really sinister.
still not an argument. you're not good at this, cletus.
not an argument.
t. pathetically small number of dudes hiding in a bunker who puts bomb collars on newcomers anyways