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Its southpark alright.

Isn't this the kind of thing South Park would have made fun of years ago? What happened? Ubisoft?

Thanks, faggot. The 73 threads we had about this yesterday weren't enough.

It's the exact type of thing South Park has always done.

It's not even a real slider

That's pretty funny actually.

I played a nigger jew in the first game so I was hardcore all along.

The "White people have it so easy" meme

You do realise all the racist jokes and crude humor they use in South Park isn't meant to be taken seriously and they usually have a progressive message at the end of each episode.

>be black
>wanted to play on easy
>have to play as white

>doesn't actually change the gameplay difficulty at all
I think you guys just enjoy being made fools of at this point

>It doesn't actually change the difficulty

>be white
>feel attacked by a series that parodies both sides
>"I-I have to defend myself-no, my race!"
>hit word limit blogging about personal experience
>ask others to google race and IQ
>multi-task damage control on Sup Forums with damage control on KiA and r/gaming

They shouldve reversed the difficulties

Is it weird to anybody else that Matt and Trey can make a whole season devoted to shitting on SJW's but the second they make fun of white people they're called cucks?

This is the best part.

It can be seen as a joke about institutionalized racism, or it can be seen as a joke towards all the tumblrinas who seriously argue that skin colour is the absolute determinant of success.

>white privilege doesn't exi-

the messages are not progressive, idiot

the absolute fucking state of ex slaves culture, everyone

Life is hard when you have an IQ of 85.

>getting triggered by a joke

You think the board that denies one of the most documented factual events in history and seriously promotes the mass genocides of others is reasonable?

White people aren't used to being the butt of the joke

Jews aren't white.

I don't know if you're talking about Sup Forums or Sup Forums but if it's the latter I only went on there while last year's election was going on

what if there is only one difficulty and the point of this is that no matter your skin color you can still succeed?

Lead Narrative Designer
>Anita's Sarkeesian fan

Makes sense considering it would be pretty hard to live when you official have an IQ of a silver back gorilla.

Its a joke, retard. Loosen up.

But they're making fun of SJWs here too, the backlash from missinformed Sup Forumsfags is just the cherry on top. Reminds me of the Dear White People film and how every retard thought it was racist against white people when it was the literal opposite.

People can't catch on to subversive themes anymore, too used to just shouting insults and call it a day.

You've made it this far.

>the second

The last two seasons have been liberal pandering bullshit.

Source for anyone interested

>it's a Sup Forums and 8ch gets triggered by something then spam it on Sup Forums for a week

No, Sup Forums is a a giant hypocrite. Recently there's the trend of WMBF threads with the general gist of
>black women love white men
Full of people cheering it on.


Was the last season the one with Trump Mr.Garrison and literally retarded Caitlyn Jenner? What was the liberal pandering? Also, wasn't the second last season the PC patrol one? Am I missing something here?

>righty cuck more buttblasted from southpark than scientologist were

>color is tied to difficulty
>not to INT stat
South park cucks sure have gone full politically correct.

>it's hard being stupid
They could have put an IQ slide instead, same result.

That's the point. Characters (read: Cartman and maybe Officer Barbrady) will respond to your character differently and you'll get slightly less money after battles, but if The Stick Of Truth is anything to go by, money is useless anyway.

yes, it's a joke
well done

yes yes one of the most documented
hmm whats this in europe the holocaust has been reduced down to around 2.5-3 million deaths but in america its still taught as 6?! and half of the former "death camps" have been reduced to mere concentration camps and the others havnt been allowed to be searched!
well documented indeed

That would be the best.

>but the second they make fun of white people they're called cucks?
Who said it's because they joke on white people? They're well documented cucks.

That's actually pretty funny.

If you're far enough up the ass of your own ideology, you literally can't see the other side being mocked when your own side is. You just get blinded by asshurt.
Matt and Trey lean conservacuck if anything, but the show's never wavered yet on making fun of anything and everything they feel is bullshit.

Leftism used to be slightly subversive, now it's the status quo. South park just sold out, like everything else does when it starts to get successful.

Yeah it probably didn't happen.

It affects interactions with NPCs as well as how much money you get throughout the game. So you'll be more likely to end up with stronger equipment as a white kid than as a black kid.

What you're missing that for some people, anything to the left of a half hour episode explaining why we need to gas the fags, shove the jews into ovens and get the blacks back picking cotton is "leftist america hating sjw libtard bullshit".

>Muh last two seasons.
>No! 2014 and 2015 SEASONS DO NOT MATTER!
>Satirists, comedians, and provocateurs must always uphold my identity politics 100% or it's an agenda!
You fucking crybaby, it worked. You're literally getting undone by an old man.

>American education
Their math don't go that high anyway, they can't distinguish such large numbers.

>color is tied to difficulty
>not to INT stat

Correction, not tied to wealth.

No one gives a fuck if you are a rich nigger.

no. south park has always been this way. You were just too stupid to realize it I guess.

Well apparently it doesn't, since stating you're white brings you problems

>If you choose to play as a girl Mackey and the other kids will be amazed that you were a girl all along

Sup Forums and SJWs have never been closer than they are in this moment. Take a while to bask in the irony.

The absolute fucking state of a race that isn't used to taking a joke, everyone. I'm fucking dying.

To be fair, Cartman not realizing you were a girl fits his character, even if it doesn't make sense in-game.

>wealth is created on its own or by pure luck
That's what leftists believe. Of course they're poor so they have to pretend it's not because you're worthless incapable.

Of course Sup Forums would get offended by this.

>Playing as a girl doesn't change the difficultly

When did Sup Forums get filled with such thin-skinned faggots that would get upset at this?

You DO know there is a correlation between IQ and welth, right?

You DO know that statistically speaking, poor people are stupid and rich people are smart, right?

You're NOT that endoctrinated, right?

What in God's name are you talking about? South Park is almost 20 years old, they've seen so many Western Cultural Memetics start up and die out. This is nothing but a joke, and it's been all but confirmed that skin color has nothing to do with the game's actual difficulty.

And on the off chance that it DOES, who cares? No one self inserts into a fucking south park game where you jerk off guys or get probed by aliens. It's just a joke to get a reaction out of people.

It succeeds with people like you.

>we white people



>illegal immigrant
You mean settlers, on unused land.
Then we had a war with the neighbor colonies of indigenous people.
And we won.
Thus making us the legitimate owner of the land.

Fucking cucks I swear.

>racists BTFO

It IS the joke. If anything I'm surprised Ubisoft went through with it, but they probably think it's sincere.

>The last two seasons have been liberal pandering bullshit.
How though? Like he said they dedicated an entire season to shitting on this whole PC culture and even made fun of Bruce Jenner pretty hard. Even before the last few seasons they shat on heaps of things that would be considered liberal if i'm remembering right.
Do people that complain about this stuff like you actually watch the fucking show?


Ever, Fucking. Time.

If you get triggered at fucking southpark you have turned into your parents.

Noway they aren't going to fuck with players with little stunts like this.
You can even choose between cisgender and transgender.
They are taking the piss out of everybody.


My bad, the word is like this in my first language.

AHAHAHA STOP STOP! I CAN'T! I have to close this thread. You assblasted whitebois will keep me up all night.

>unused land
>natives lived literally on the shores that settlers arrived at


>white people
>we were

Every. Fucking. Time.

>mfw the difficulty slider is just there for show and doesn't actually do anything

If you come out from a rich pussy IQ doesn't matter if you aren't retarded.

You know damn well nobody cares about facts.

If they did, Gamergate wouldn't have failed.

Does catering to racist voters make you racist or just opportunistic?

The war between settlers and native people started long after the settlements were made.

Somebody tell this retard that not all white people are Americans.

That's kind of funny. I hope it actually doesn't do anything aside from annoy a few fags.

Holy shit you guys don't understand how to take a joke.

It's not, I've been in 3 threads and I've only seen people making fun of people for being upset.

If it was a joke you retards it would be reversed.
if easy = white and very difficult = nigger it's SJW shit


Even (((they))) would disagree with you.
they're not even people

>Gamergate wouldn't have failed
Implying Gamergate failed.
If mad GG Sup Forumstards didn't got triggered, they wouldn't have migrated to Sup Forums and elected Trump.

Mexicans have been settling in america for ages now.

>gaming journalists' faces when they can't get past the first level because they always virtue signal and play as black characters

it can be created by luck or "on it's own" if you win the lottery or your parents are rich. but there's really nothing wrong with that unless you're a communist cuck

>not only a jew, but also a leaf

You can't make this shit up.

That's because thin-skinned chunky-ass alt-thump faggots require even comedy and satire to reflect their political views 100% of the time or they're accused of pushing an agenda, even if the creators have made fun of everyone.

Who said it isn't that way?