Tfw ubisoft made a mario game that is better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo

>tfw ubisoft made a mario game that is better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo
>tfw the first fucking boss was harder than the majority of bosses in the previous mario games
>fucking ubisoft
let that sink in and tell me what does this tell you...

that japanese top series are managed by washed up hacks ?

Ubisoft is pretty bad at polish because the game has a lot of small issues that don't really affect the gameplay.

it's a shitty srpg because so far all i've encountered are 0,50 and 100% hit chances which is pretty easy, but it's still pretty fun with the different weapons and their abilities.
nintendo is great with their polish but how couldn't they be if all they did was making the same game in different styles while adding a minor new feature down the line.

and yeah, fuck rabbids.
if you knew how much i hated them from day one of their existence.

0, 50, and 100% is much better than having 99% and missing. Also, I meant technical issues like the game freezing for a bit every now and then, that one spot where the clouds go crazy, or how some sound effects don't come out correctly.

First boss was a piece of cake,just send a sentry to the switch. Even some Koopalings have been harder

>>tfw ubisoft made a mario game that is better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo

But that's wrong, you retard.

>reskin xcom with mario characters
>omg its the greatest game of all time

are you people on drugs?


i didn't say he was hard, i just said that he's harder than the majority of other mario bosses.
i just started and i bet that there will be bosses harder than any boss nintendo made.

it's not a "mario" game, it's a spinoff like mario kart or golf or whatever

>reskin super mario bros 3 into "insert every mario game ever except the rpg ones"
>omg it's the greatest game ever

>game has mario and luigi and peach and yoshi etc.
>lmao not a mario game
mario is a genre?

are you dense?
mario games are traditionally platformers.

so mario rpgs aren't mario games?

I'm stuck in world 3-8 i believe. I'm not complaining, but i didn't expect that from a Mario game. Good game.

What's with you fags wanting every game to be hard? How does hard = good?

Is that not the point of playing a game?

OK barneyfag

lmao are you illiterate? this game is not hard at all, its only hard compared to other marios. its still targeted at 5yo

That's not what ign said

Change your team. The game force you too.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Any game starring mario or characters from mario is a mario game.

Test I

imagine basketball where your every shot is worth 5 points but the enemies are normal calculated.
basketball is still fun but at some point your just doing the same shit without giving your 100% since you'll know how it'll end.
i find my self just rushing enemies at some points when the battle isn't that much different from the previous one and i really can't be bothered to strategically place my characters on the field.

wasnt ign behind that cuphead tutorial webm? even breathing is hard for them

>People were talking about how shit this game was going to be since it had Rabbids in it
>Now it turned out to be so good they're using it to bait Nintenbros

That was another site. IGN was responsible for that one webm where they were unable to get through a loop in Sonic.

>better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo
lol no

>muh everything is bait
the game is fun but you can see that it was meant for a younger audience and way too easy.
until recently i didn't even knew that ubisoft was the one that made the game and nintendo just the big daddy with money and licenses.

Ask your mom if she prefers soft dicks.

>way too easy

Honestly, I was wary of it before I even laid eyes upon the very first footage, that's when I did a 180ยบ. Everything about it just seemed fun.

come on man

>ubisoft made a mario game that is better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo
But you didn't post it, clearly. On an unrelated note, Mario + Rabbids is a great spinoff game.

It's way too overrated. And if you genuinely think it's a hard game, then my guess is that your first strategy title was Xcom, right?

I swear, this board gets younger every day.

I assure you his mum takes only easy dick

>op never said that it's a hard game just that it's harder than your usual mario games
i bet you just finished elementary school.

i swear, this board gets younger every day.

They aren't conventional mario games you retard. How hard is that to understand?

>let that sink in
>let that sink in
>let that sink in

woah... you're..... right....

Ubisoft has competence in the game design department. People wanna pretend ottherwise but they do to some extent try new things, they embrace having multiple IP. They're certainly above Konami's inability to do anything right (inb4 sjw boogeyman comments).

It's management that fucks the living shit out of everything they make to infuse the games with every trashy aspect of Triple AAA. Microtransations, P2P servers, pre order deals and hype cultivation, forced multiplayer and poor server maintenance and balancing and so on and on and on

Do you see EA or Activision as someone crazy enough that they'd make something as weird as Mario+Rabbids+Xcom?

>make any game
>slap marios or zeldas on it
Every time

who are the best party members?

I find Luigi and Rabbid Peach are the most versatile. Peach is also good if you need a tank.

When Ubisoft keep things simple they make good games usually, it's like you said all the forced multiplayer and open world crap they try to put into their games that ruin it