Is Tekken 7 the deepest and most technically complex fighting game in existence?
>literally nothing but footsies and combos
Even sfv is deeper
>implying when this exists
>any SF
>deeper than any tekken after 2
Virtua Fighter, but sega dropped the ball with that series
Tekken is pretty good too
In 2D realm you got Guilty Gear and Arcana Heart, the latter being a very underrated fighter due to its aestethics
>best fighting game of 2010s
>pick two
>deeper than anything
Maybe if we are talking about how deep it sucks, you repulsive Crapcomshill. Fuck off.
The fact that it's a 3D environment and 2D fags cant comprehend it (see James Chen) proves it.
All SF babies know what to do is mash parries, and spam tech traps, lmao. The moment sidestepping comes to play they lose their shit
Newfag here
I got to grandmaster ranking with Nina just spamming shit and baiting rage moves. I don't even know what I'm doing half the time while i brought GG and gave up in the tutorial
Playing any Mishima is a huge jump in difficulty. There are easy-mode characters who carry you by their simple execution and then there are Mishimas. Being consistent with your electrics and consistently whiff punishing with electrics is one of the hardest things you could do in any fighting game.
First of all, not a fighting game.
Second all, even if we pretend it is, this guy knows it:
True as well:
>special-meter grabs
>less fighters again
This nearly killed it for me, I think I'll stick with Tag 2 and Pokken for now.
But the FGC told me footsies are everything
enjoy your shit game on your meme console nintenbro
>First of all, not a fighting game.
Concession accepted. Thanks, that was a fast one.
>more bars and shit
>equal to more complexity
nah, the only other game more complex and deeper than teeken is virtua fighter, and complexity/deepnest =/= quality, the complex 2D game is guilty gear XX and Xrd
deepnest: virtua > tekken > guilty
quality for me: tekken = guilty > virtua, even if virtua is a good fighting vidya guilty and tekekn are better for me.
>Less fighters listed as a complaint
>Plays a game with a quarter of the character count instead
Ya lost me
Thanks friend, I certainly will!
That Hwoarang player is a dumbass. A Paul with rage must be respected. Doing a high jab when your opponent has only a slither of health and can easily crush high attacks is a horrible idea. Do a mid, downjab or low, never high. Also what was that rush towards the end all about?Paul players will bait you into their deathfists all day so that match seems to me like bad matchup knowledge. It explains that they're both fighter rank, even I made it to Vindicator when I played in Japanese arcades.
I like it when the DnB stage background music comes on and I'm doing fuarking sick moves with my character, who is very well modelled.
>dancing around and juggling
Have you literally never heard of VF?
still better than nintenbro
Hey FUCK you.
Ragemode is lame sometimes, but next time try not rushing your opponent at every step. Getting greedy is an obvious flag.
Mostly-different gameplay than any fighter + playercount complaint being relative to a series with better choices within it.
And yeah, Pokken's roster size does suck.
>3 button fighter where europeans and americans have won world championships
>better than 'superior limb based combat' where only koreans and Japanese have won world championships
People who talk about VF have never played it.
Please select your character and we'll see who's boss of this stage.
Waiting on that pasta that shits on the game
>People who talk shit** about VF have never played it.
Fixed for truth. If you don't know what it is you're looking at here, you have no rights in talking about VF or about fighting games at all for that matter. Do not reply to this post if you don't know what you're seeing here, scrub.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on Tekken 7. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is Tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," Tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might
Anons, after Xenoverse I can no longer do it. I understand Xenoverse's combat is much simpler with beam spam and all, but come on. Full 3-d movement, flying in a huge areaand developing your characters. Fighting along a rotetable 2d-axis can't compare.
>twitching around the around the arena like an autis until somebody whiffs a move and then is punished by a 60% launch combo into the wall where they have to guess 50/50 mid/low or die
Yeah pretty complex
Tips for a fucking noob in green ranks?
How's the skill gap between green and yellow btw?
No that's Melee ;^)
Anyone who's not a fanboy would agree with this assessment. The game is rewarding in a unique way. In Tekken it's more about playing your opponent than your own character.
>implying that's bad
This is a fighter you dolt.
Grandmaster is literally nothing though. Even a games journalist could reach that rank.
Real talk why haven't they just removed korean backdashing from the game? Making backdashes able to be canceled into themselves would effectively remove one of the input barriers between casual and intermediate level play while having almost no impact on high level play. From what they say, they want to draw in more players yet keep things like that in the game.
You can get to green EASILY without side- or backstepping even once. And most new players will never even reach green.