Aaaaah! Garrosh, save me!
Aaaaah! Garrosh, save me!
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turns out i cant fight spaceships with a hammer
I will never stop laughing over how far green Jesus have fallen.
Garrosh should have been one of the Four Horsemen.
>tfw killing thrall as garrosh in heroes of the storm
always feels good
god that sequence was fucking trash. made the horde look like a bunch of pussies led by sylvannas, the banshee bitch
>Sylvannas is a shit leader
wow! what a surprise!
the Horde ARE a bunch of pussies lead by a banshee bitch
Because they are?
I hope they get rid of horde completely.
>Brings Garrosh with him to Northrend so he can piss off the alliance leading to further turmoil
>Puts him in charge of the horde so he can eat rocks while Garrosh outright kills one leader and attempts to kill more
>while also reigniting war with the alliance leading to the deaths of more
>ends up killing horde soldiers himself and puts the horde at war with itself
>puts an entire timeline of uncorrupted orcs to death by pitting them against Azeroth, further killing more horde from the MU
>Thrall finally does something about Garrosh while he is sitting in field picking daisies, no longer relevant to anything
>Thrall is such a fuck up that he even killed Garrosh in the wrong way, leading to him tripping over him self and getting even more horde killed in Broken Shore
I think Thrall did more damage to the Horde post second war than any single entity or organization in WoW so far.
I replayed Warcraft III recently, and it feels really odd not to hate certain characters like Jaina or Thrall. They are completely different, non-annoying, people.
Legendaries would've been great if instead of getting legendaries as a drop, you got tokens to trade in for a legendary of your choice. I have no idea why they decided to fuck people with RNG.
Also, it feels even weirder that Tyrande and Malfurion actually do things instead of being completely useless at worst, and Varian/Anduin's cheerleading squad at best.
Press F to pay respects
>something instead of being useless
You mean the part where they managed to get the Tear of Elune lost and Ysera get corrupted and killed?
plot holes and shit aside, what pisses me off the most is...
>a mage and a warlock spam aoe with infinite mana literally spawncamping the legion npcs while other people afk
like wtf
>Garrosh exposes Thrall
>beating the shit out of him
>Thrall's only response is "N-no...y-you!" and proceeds to cheat to murder Garrosh
what a fucking mistake
It was Vol'jin who led them to the meat grinder, Sylvanas bailed their asses out.
Threadly reminder that Garrosh did absolutely nothing wrong
I love that people are still posting my edit
>Don't drink demon blood!
>Drink old god blood instead!
If you want to rng in an rpg, why even have itemization at all then? Just have preset stats.
It worked, technically. Garrosh maintained control over Y'sharrj even as a big purple hulk. Didn't have to answer to anyone.
>goes back in time to stop his people from being slaves
>does the same fucking thing that caused it to begin with anyway
it's a nice edit man
>Archimonde makes a sand castle and waves his hand through it, destroying the entirety of Dalaran and killing everyone still inside.
>casually strolls through an entire army of Horde, Alliance, and Night Elves oneshotting everyone
>Warlords of Draenor comes and he just stands around waiting for a bunch of savages with spears to poke him in the ankle until he falls over dead
Really dramatic ending to the guy who only died to a surprise attack the last time he shown up on the planet.
I don't care if we are now strong enough to brush off titans like they are nothing. I don't care how poorly shit was written from the start. WoD is where I could not care about Warcraft lore even a little. Killing Archimonde like that was a fucking travesty
He didn't have to answer because she was already dead. Not the same with demons. It's not really an argument, especially that old gods are worse than legion.
Garrosh literally did NOT get corrupted by the Old God blood. Proof that his willpower was stronger than anyone could think. He was nobody's slave and was his own man, or orc.
>pre-MoP Garrosh did nothing wrong
He was a 10/10 warchief before Alliance and """"""Horde"""""" babies screaming on the forums about how much of a meanie he is convinced Blizzard to make Garrosh commit character suicide.
Meant to reply to
Did he not give a shit about killing Cairne before or after MoP? As far as I recall he only cared about not being given the chance to kill Cairne himself
The question is, would be get corrupted if the old god was still alive?
MoP Garrosh still did nothing wrong.
No, because Garrosh not being corrupted and doing everything out of his own will is the point of the arc. He would remain uncorrupted even if he genocided the trolls while holding literally Frostmourne, if the writers wanted it.
He didn't get corrupted in Northrend by Yogg or LK despite being a "meanie", so I doubt it.
Garrosh is literally powered by his butthurt and assmad and that's why he's immune to control.
Y'Shaarj pls go away
Raids are competitive and RNG should be reduced to a minimum
>It's only an RPG if there's numerical stats and RNG
Pure retard.
>Personally executed one of his own officers for disobeying orders and killing innocent Nelves and Tauren
>MoP begins
>"Dude lets drop a magic nuclear bomb on Theramore that wipes it from existence across all timelines and execute women and children in the streets of Orgrimmar! For da Horde!11!!"
To be fair, I also hated him at the time because of his inconsistent characterization. He was like Two-Face, switching personalities every quest line. Now he's honorable! Now he's dishonorable! Now he's noble! Now he's a faggot!
Gee, Garosh, pick a characterization and stick with it.
>varian is killed by gul'dan personally
>vol'jin dies from his injuries caused by some literally who felguard
>alliance characters are central to the legion plot, velen for instance being a central character and tyrande having horde characters doing quests for her in val'sharah
>even characters that are neutral to everyone like khadgar, turalyon and alleria have their roots in the alliance, while literally no one who matters in the horde is present in legion
>the horde characters are nowhere to be seen, other than sylvanas appearing briefly in stormheim and the story about her being warchief hasn't amounted to anything so far meaning that vol'jin's death so far has been completely pointless. vol'jin doesn't even have a successor.
It must suck to be playing Horde.
Theramore was being used as a base by the Alliance even though it was supposed to be a neutral city. Their supposed neutrality is the only reason Thrall even let them stay.
Last three expansions or so were World of Orccraft non-stop. Be happy with what you got.
That's pretty shit writing, to be desu.
That doesn't excuse immediately resorting to WMDs, especially after Garrosh himself expressed his distaste towards using that sort of firepower when civvies could get caught in the crossfire.
They are still overcompensating for TBC.
Virgin Thrall and Chad Garrosh image when?
>we go to Argus
>horde players have to go into Exodar and beg for Velen to bring them along
The absolute state of playing horde.
>It's only an RPG if there's numerical stats and RNG
Yes? I mean that's one of the fundamentals of the genre, that you can progress your character's power through level ups (linear progression) and items (rng-based progression). If you remove the rng aspect from itemization, then it just turns into linear progression like leveling and becomes redundant.
>while literally no one who matters in the horde is present in legion
um excuse me my orc warrior xxXxXGoroshXxXxx has been doing all the work and killing all the demons all this time while you alliance pups smell your own farts
sylvanas didnt even do anything but retreat following vol'jins orders retard
>be DH
>get free ride with my main man Illidan "Fuck the Naaru" Stormrage because Hordecucks and Alliancecucks can't win without us
Its nice to be the master class
At least in MoP, the heart of the conflict was the Alliance vs. the Horde. In Legion, it's just The Alliance vs. the Burning Legion also I guess the Horde can come too.
RPG is role-playing, not number simulator.
She is a dreadlord. She wanted Varian to do it so that they would only need to fight the Alliance.
So, Sylvanas becoming Warchief was supposed to be a pretty big deal. Did anything come of it or is it another Vol'jin situation like in WoD?
Absolutely nothing outside of a brief questline in Stormhiem.
Nothing has come of it. Vol'jin died in vain.
There's actually an Npc named Gorosh in the game.
There's a Garush too iirc
krom'gar destroyed a horde aligned druid village because he was butthurt. garrosh destroyed an enemy base that was within walking distance of the horde capitol.
Yet every rpg is built with stat-based mechanics in mind, otherwise it's just an action/adventure game.
yeah, it made me completely abandon my tauren warrior for the whole expansion
The only thing Garrosh did right was to nuke Theramore.
>DnD did it and most other RPGs copied it, so that means every RPG has to do it to.
You can Roleplay without numbers, just like you can have character growth without numbers.
>prime Naru get blown to pieces then thrown into a garbage burner
>the army of the light doesn't give a shit
They should delete paladins and give a healer spec to DH.
She sure is.
I would rather they got an int dps spec over a healing one.
We already have two leather healers.
You can, but then it stops being an (mmo)rpg and becomes something completely different. It may change in the future, but as it stands now, when you play an rpg, you should expect a game with stat-based progression, which more often than not includes rng itemization.
I mean we can argue the definition of the term rpg, but it's like arguing that moba doesn't mean dota-clone. It's technically true, but it's still tied to certain genre expectations.
>Legion Legendaries should be fucking retarded because it's not an MMO otherwise.
Fuck off, Blizzard.
I got 2 during a single ToS run, so maybe you should just git lucky
>conflict was the Alliance vs. the Horde
It was more like Alliance and the cucked Horde vs. the real Horde
I really want to fuck a Pandaren girl
>An MMO stops being an MMO if I don't get vertically-progressing gear with RNG stats rolls
You're being retarded.
Your simple mind cant understand the solid storytelling here
this is why blizz dumbs down n we get garrosh xpacs
illidan is still chosen by the light
killing illidan is directly disobeying the light and overriding the prime naarus final prophecy
illidan is still champion of the light and will only prevail bc he didnt take their gift, which the light didnt foresee
Were they the actual decent leggos, though?
I really wanted the arms warrior helm, but got that shitty haste and movement speed ring, then about 15 minutes later I got the helm., so it worked out.
>tfw my first 2 leggos were the absolute worst ones I could have gotten
You get shit like guild wars 2 otherwise.
Prove that you made it or fuck off. Nobody cares
>that stonetalon mountains questline
>genocidal orc general kills a bunch of innocent druids and an innocent tauren family
>garrosh shows up in person and throws him off a cliff for having disgraced the horde
>has a big speech about honor
>forgets all about it and becomes an asshole in the next expansion
No you don't. If I argue on a small level, all that means is eliminating dumb-ass mechanics like titan-forging and warforging (XD WE JUST RANDOMLY DECIDED TO MAKE UR ITEM HAVE +30 ITEM LEVELS, A PRISMATIC SOCKET, AND INDESTRUCTIBILITY, FUG YOU'RE CO-TANK HAHAHAHA XD) On a larger scale, it means designing items like Team Fortress 2 or a Metroidvania, where nothing is an "upgrade" so much as an alternative. Does it really make any sense that the epic weapon you get from killing Kil'jaden in BC is horrendously worse then the one you get from a giant bunny-man in Stormstout Brewery? No. The current talent system is a good example of this kind of design.
The reason for this is that the person writing the Stonetalon questline was different than the people writing the main story stuff, and they never meant for Garrosh to come off as 'honourable' like that at all.
Basically, their good writing was an accident.
why does he need to prove it
how does he even prove it
Seriously? Is their internal communication that bad?
Why bring up that he made it at all.
At least Archimonde on mythic was hard as a god damn mother fucker though, you cant say the gameplay of it didn't do it justice. Hell back in the hyjal raid it was tough too. You can't just force yourself to be angry at everything because you're trivializing all of it.
I actually agree that warforging was a horrible idea, but I don't agree with the side-grade model. That would work well for PvP, better than the current pre-set stat model at least, but I just don't see the incentive to do new PvE content if you don't earn item upgrades.
because he feels proud of his accomplishment and enjoys the fact that other people still propagate his work?
it's not like anyone can prove that he made it or if he didn't, and there's nothing at stake since he's anonymous anyway
>but I just don't see the incentive to do new PvE content if you don't earn item upgrades.
You still get "upgrades," but they're upgrades only in the sense that they're tailored for different content.
i.e. Your gear loaded up with fire resist isn't that good against Naga and Neptulon's niggas, but takes a huge shit on Rag and Molten Core, despite the gear not being all that different stat wise, only sub-stat wise.
"Internal miscommunication" was the exact phrase Alex Afrasiabi used in an interview when Garrosh had his "character readjustment." Metzen intentionally ignored Afrasiabi's in-house communication because he was anally annihilated at the possibility that the spotlight might shift away from Green Jesus.
People want to laugh at this shit but it's what blizzard wants the player to feel
I want those THIGHS, man
>initial legos are worst ones imaginable
>get super fucking hyped after getting the last one because now it means I can literally only get increasingly better legos
>next 2 I get end up being spec BiS for me
>tryhard mode lego combos for mythic, fun lego combos for everything else and pure defensive lego combos for soloing
I knew keeping at it for a year would pay off some day
I see. That actually sounds pretty cool. But then do you just do expansions at the same ilvl? Or is that the only time you do ilvl jumps?
>why wont this loot treadmill give me the loot i want
>but I just don't see the incentive to do new PvE content
Uh because it's fun? If you need a drip-feed of ever-increasing numbers to keep you playing, then why are you playing in the first place?
Cancer. Remove this. You can't put stats on gear AND tell me "No sorry, despite that gear being better than what you just looted, it's worse and doesn't let you do the content lol."
I don't need that to keep playing. I need that to keep me motivated in doing new PvE content. Otherwise I still enjoy PvPing, leveling alts and doing old content for toys/mounts. I wouldn't be doing new raid content without gear incentives, though.
>I need that to keep me motivated in doing new PvE content.
YOu shouldn't need motivation to play a game. Do you need motivation to play Quake or Mario? Motivation is something you need in order to do things you dislike, like money for work.