Why is the pilot seat between the legs and not the head?
Why is the pilot seat between the legs and not the head?
center of mass
Where else would you put the dick seat, user?
cuz it's a cockpit
you now realise all the mecha in ZoE have large protruding dicks
This is literally the reason
Really makes you think
Why would it be in the head?
>You now realize that Hideo Kojima was into futa all along.
yo, what was this game for PS2 and the cockpit was the dick.
You could spirit bomb niggas and the first level was like in a city at night time
Logically speaking. This is probably the dumbest place to put your cockpit. In no case ever should the control unit of any war machine be put near center mass in a protruding fashion. Your asking to get blown the. Fuck up. Best mech cockpits were in the evagelion suits. This shit is just retarded.
First person robot sex
Technology. There's no reason to be in the head. If an enemy slashed around its neck for example, your controls for everything would be cut off. Plus center of gravity and all that.
*blocks your path*
What bothers me about ZOE is
>Feminine Mechs
>Still have Cockpits
Mech was designed by a woman as social commentary on male behaviour.
Is there any game that handles as fucking fantastic as ZoE2?
>Feminine Mechs
They're just lean user. Maybe with one or two exceptions.
It's a female cockpit you Idiot.
Calling Eva units mechs seems like a really big misnomer though
This is probably the closest you'll get to ZOE3
fuck off
Just because they move largely thanks to the pumping of fluids in their limbs (quite possibly more realistic than purely mechanical limbs with the same level of motor funcion) doesn't mean they aren't mechs.
Jehuty's chest looks like it's supposed to be tits to me. I mean, not as blatantly as >COCKpit, but pretty damn close.
>Just downloaded the collection on my PS3
What should I know?
It was pretty fucking clear since the first time we saw them
Futa is the best.
I like how they get boners when they're flying to keep visibility the same.
wasn't it designed by he mgs artist when he was in high school?
they are more like a type of cyborg but insted of half human is half homunculus
How did they get Ken so right? How did they get the music so right?
What I wouldn't give for ZoE3
They're mechs in kind of the same way as Geckos in MGS are mechs. I think. I'm not actually sure how much "meat" the EVA units have or if it's more just fluid pumping for movement of an exoskeleton.
Fuck off, coon.
the fact they can eat an angel and asimilate his core say pretty much they are alo of "meat"
She wears a body suit that accents her curves and huge breasts, not that hard to figure out. Personally, I don't like her much outside of her looks, but ZoE in general having absolutely fucked translation, voice acting, and mediocre at best story doesn't give her any favors. Nohman and ADA are the exceptions, not the rule.
also they can regenerate and arm from another "arm"
Eva ""mechs"" look fucking retarded though. Lanky ass pieces of shit.
I liked her character development and the way she slowly warms up to Dingo. But yes, the translation was clunky although that didn't detract from the story for me too much.
Why would you put the Cockpit in the head? The head protrusion is super exposed, and only beneficial in nature for acting as an antennae for sensory organs.
In terms of practical design, there's no reason to not have the cockpit be in the most central, heavily armored location possible, unless you regress the design logic down to DURRR EVERYTHING IN SPACE IS A SPHERE
Alright, so they're made of some syntetic-future-biomaterial that has incredible properties. But I won't say that disqualifies them as mechs, since the fact that they can be controlled from an electronic-mechanical cockpit hints towards there being at least some machine parts. Also the fact that the unit runs on batteries.
They're still mechs you tards, the entire concept of Evangelion is structured around mecha as a genre of anime.
>Why is the command-bridge on ships protruding from the deck and not placed safely below deck
You see them without armor in most places at least once. They're pretty much giant humans with a section of their spine replaced for the entry plug mechanism, and all the armor bolted through their flesh.
The exception is the one at the start of 2.0 that got blow up, which had pretty much it's entire lower half replaced by then
Someone post the mech designed by Kaneko
My fucking dick needs it
They're based of Aboriginal japanese's cave paintings of giants
im just saying there more like cyborg because the eva is controlled both by sniji and by his mom when the eva activates alone to protect him so i will say they are 25% mechs 25% cyborgs 25% humans and 25% homunculus
why would you put the pilot, the most important piece of the jehuty, in the most vulnerable, most difficult to protect place?
Doesn't make them not ugly.
that wasnt an eva, that was the remains of an angel
ssz was completely different and not nearly as fun
Being controlled by ghosts or whatever doesn't make it human. It's 0% human. Since it's not a living being it can't be a cyborg (or maybe it can, depending on your definiton). Lastly, but that might just be me, "homonculus" implies magic, and while it's not terribly wrong consider the series it's from then I'd definetly not call it that.
nope. it's one of my favorite games desu
They're still mecha. Fuck off with that stupid "robots only" shit.
did someone say magic?
Magic isn't real.
why would you say those lies on the internet user?
If magic is real, then why am I a virgin?
>get dick cut off
I actually enjoy this game a good amount. The combat is good and I don't think the story is as bad as people say.
Could you sit still and hold a vomit even a minute on the frequently shaking head?
I would figure that would be what having the cockpit be gyroscopic would be for. Sort of like how a bird's head barely moves at all compared to the rest of their body.
ZOE is actually pretty deep
>Evafag trying to talk about /m/
every fucking time
Forgot gif.
It require space to put in this.
In ZoE2, when you will be near some lava, bring that bitch down with you.
So you're saying that when birds rapidly glance around like a paranoid meth addict, their head isn't moving, but rather they move their body along with the rest of the universe?
First game is rather dated in terms of mechanics. It's still playable of course, but is held back by several of its questionable design choices. The second game without question improves everything. I recommend playing through the entire first game even if you get frustrated with it. You'll have a better appreciation for the second game.
Also, this. Be sure to roast over an open fire for about a minute before cooling it off.
I never tried doing that, what happens?
Is there any possible engineering reason we could ever put massive fat tits on a mech that are soft and look like scaled up versions of the real thing?
Instead of milk they could carry fuel or something right?
Guys help brainstorm
They still turn their heads like usual. It's just that they have reflexes to adjust their heads to most movements their bodies might get affected by, like turbulence if they were flying. It seems to be an evolutionary feature to help them not get as disorientated when flying.
Why is called a cockpit user?
Center of mass and, during wartime, soldiers get shot exponentially more in the chest, head, arm and leg areas than in the penis.
I don't know the Jehuty's flight speed but I wonder how did they absorb those G.
dont be retarded, its the best place to put them. its the center of mass, and thus, the most heavily protected area, and the area the most capable of protecting itself. its got hands to arms to block itself and the spine and torso has to be strong enough to support everything else so its built heavy as fuck.. where the fuck you want your heart? on your hand so everytime you scratch your balls you risk a heart attack?
also: evas... "mechs". wew lad.
anyways lets post evangelions best girl
almost all of the eva unit is meat, the metal parts are just armor and the plug interface
Its not biometal
Evas are clones of angels
to make an eva, you literally take an angel like lilith or what was left of adam and use it to grow another body, once the new body is big enough, you server the connection to the original and let the new body regenerate the remaining parts (usually the legs)
If you watch EoE, when Asuka is devoured you can see there is almost no mechanical parts inside an eva, they even have digestive systems and other human organs inside them
There really people out there that think that evas are mech?
because you dont have a beato to help you with that
Robots don't have genitals, so no one would think of hitting them there.