Why are you faggots saying it works fine?

why are you faggots saying it works fine?
yeah, OSD shows 30fps most of the time (vsynced since it should be more stable), but you still get frequent stutters and frametime issues. Experience is still slightly worse than wiiU (will have to check on cities) and much worse than switch. That is with full shader already compiled.

That is unless everyone here has a 5+ghz OC on their 7700K and a 6700K isnt enough for some reasons.

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuck, is it using like 10gb ram?

Hi OP,

How are you doing?
I just saw your post about stuttering Zelda in Cemu. Could you please delete that post? It really hurts the reputation of PC Master race that we are building here
Thank you very much

>10FPS in towns, random battle crash, audio stutters non-stop, no online features, needs an i5 or i7 running overclocked with 99% no hyperbole CPU usage which kills the CPU's life
>Breasts of the Wild is totally playable at 60FPS 4K!
>Needs a 5GHz OC CPU and 1.75 voltage up tick in the BIOS
>Drops frames, can still crash
>Killing your really expensive processors to play console games through brute strength emulation
>Thinks this is healthy for a computer

I have never been more embarrassed about PC gamers in my life. This year is the lowest point of envy for these people.

Mustards are lying faggots
More news at 11

Doesn't work flawlessly, but works well enough to be more enjoyable played through CEMU than Wii U or Switch.

What are you even talking about? The wiiu version performs the same as the switch if not better. Load times on the wiiu are faster than the switch.

lol no, I have both (collector), dont spread lies.
You get better res, shaders and fps on switch.

Not to mention the WiiU will reach 30 on my TV, Switch will forever be 25 FPS on TV mode.

Factually wrong.
Better audio: switch
Better res: switch (docked)
Better fps: switch (undocked, same res as wii u)

You people are just too poor or butthurt to buy a switch.
Im feel pity for this board, but then again the average age is quite low here. So older and smarter people have to be patient while arguing with others.

This is the kotaku article, I own both version and can confirm the difference:

You wot m8. The Wii U version had trouble keeping a stable framerate every time there was some sort of weather effect happening, or more than 2 enemies at the same time.
The Switch version has been better since release, and got better after the patch

yes, I wasnt running anything else outside cemu

it even stutters in the shrine on resurrection, switch and not even wiiu do this


you can't expect seamless experience on an emulator user, you just gotta suck it up and compromise a little. I for one am grateful that I am able to run fluctuating 25-30ish fps fairly smooth on my ivy bridge i5 and gtx 960

B-but the PC version was supposed to be the best! 8K at 120fps!

Even worse is that Sony fanboys will back up PCfags when they say BOTW is """"playable"""" and Nintendo fanboys will back up PCfags when they say P5 is """"playable"""" all just to back up console war shit

The cemu meme was exactly that - a meme. All those vids you saw on youtube were cherry picked between frequent crashes and glitches and running on very high-end hardware.

Trying to emulate anything after the 16-bit era is usually a broken fucking mess. Cemu is no different

not everyone is a ravenous pcmasturrace faggot, user. I'm just here to play the game

Use the patch and cemuhook you faggot

You forgot to enable the dingaling and apply the thingamajig and configure the diddledee you faggot. I'm running it at a stable 144 fps at 9k on my original iBook

He fell for the cemu meme.

No you aren't, you're here on Sup Forums posting in a gay thread about your faggot emulator, you dumb nigger.

playable in emulations means you can play the game from start to finish it has nothing to do with performance

Do you have the fenceskip hack enabled? Gpu accuracy set to low, etc?
Have you actually overclocked your cpu? Are you sure you aren't running anything else?

I'm playing the game on a 4690k overclocked to 4.5ghz and 8gb ram with a full shader cache. It stutters like a bitch when I first start the game due to the insane RAM usage, but after 5-10 minutes of running around, windows' memory management gets its shit together and the stutters disappear completely until the next time I start it.

PCfags avoiding this thread like the plague.

Sounds like an amazing experience.

It unironically is
I was expecting it to be barely playable with a full cache but it's almost flawless.
I even tried the fps hack and it boosts my fps to 40-50 in the overworld, it still has some bugs though so I chose not to use it for my first playthrough.

>PCfats gave their shekels to the Cemu devs for this shit

How the fuck is it more enjoyable to have a buggier experience?

Because of one thing: resolution
The "bugs" you'll run into at this point are so minor (shit like weird fog and trees that are slightly brighter than they should be are the only ones I've run into) don't affect gameplay at all, and the game looks so much better at native 4k resolution it makes it well worth it


this is from april and on a pentium g4560

>he thinks anyone in this thread gave money to them
>mfw nintenbros bought every amibo and every accessory available for the switch

Friend recently built a rig with 6700K and 16 gig ram and he showed me CEMU with Botw. It looked really nice in 4k (I played the Wii U version) but it was not groundbreaking like playing PS2/GC games at HD. Also there were frequent stutters and hitches.

Wii U was still a better experience imo

Not even close to being true. Wii U looks worse (limited color gamut; makes things look hilariously washed out in anything other than sunny weather), runs at 720p, and the frame rate drops to 20fps way too often. I put about 100 hours into the Wii U version and beat the game on my brother's save file on his Switch (opportunity), and the game looked much sharper, much richer colors, and I only saw one drop in frames for a few seconds. This was docked

Resolution is not important, nigger. A 720/900/1080 game is fine, except when it is an RTS or some game with a lot of tiny shit. This is a fucking adventure game.

Shove your shit """""argument""""" up your ass.

Whatever you say, nintenbaby. I'll just continue enjoying my game at glorious 4k resolution while you struggle to see anything in front of you on your tiny 720p screen.

Sure nigger. Enjoy your crashes and visual bugs.

>game crashing
4k is the biggest meme there is. No reason to move past 1080.

Witcher 3 720p vs 1080p vs 1440p imgur.com/gallery/yGVvh

Resolution isn't important at all

>muh bugs that totally exist
>muh crashes that totally happen all the time
>muh resolution from 10 years ago is totally fine

It's pretty fucking obvious that none of you have actually tried playing the game the proper way. Stop making things up.

ITT OP doesn't into emulate.
this is what happens when you give a power pooter/emulator to a console user.

Maybe you are so used to play shitty ports that you don't even care anymore about quality.

Listen nigger, i'm a pc gamer too, but "muh resolution" is a fucking sonygro tier argument. Frames per second, smooth controls and a glitchless experience are vastly more important than fucking pixels beyond 1080p.

tried with cemuhook fenceskip and lowered cache accuracy, barely any difference
well, now it's a constant 30fps, or at least that's what it says, frametimes still shit though

>Frames per second
You can literally get higher fps than any console using cemu
>smooth controls
Ther'es nothing wrong with the controls on cemu, don't see what your point is
glitchless experience
Almost none of the """bugs""" that still exist affect gameplay in any way, see So by your logic, playing on cemu is the superior experience.

>why are you faggots saying it works fine?
Emulation "working fine" to Sup Forums means you can go through the most popular games at semi-playable speeds and with maybe only a few game crippling bugs, everything else be damned. Why do you think everyone defends PCSX2?

>better res
currently playing in 4k
>better shaders
it's the same dumbo
>better fps
it's consistently 30 outside of towns unless u have a shit cpu..

the stutter is also you most likely not having built up a shader cache or using someone elses

do not use an OSD on cemu itself btw, creates problems

did any of u idiots read up on anything about cemu before thinking "this will immediately work if i pop in botw"

ps4 dipping below 30 for a few moment
>ahaha consolefags BTFO
cemu running like shit on OC i7
>ahaha consolefags btfo, I'm running at 4k 120fps

why are they such fags? I own both consoles and good pc, I already played botw, this just made me waste time setting it up just to find out it isnt actually "superior"

a PROPER shader cache
graphics pack(s)
xalphenos fps patch
runs like ladies silk stockings on my (old)stock clocked 6 core, stock clocked 980ti.
it seems like kids just can't into emulation.

what's your CPU?

it's right there in the 2 screens i posted

>vsynced since it should be more stable
That's not what vsync is for you retard, if you drop even to 29fps you will perceive stutter like a madman

it just means it wont jump from 50 to 20 and wont give speed issues

you need more than 4 ghz to get it consistently running at 30 fps, i had to get my 4790k up to 4.4 ghz.

also, make sure you have a shader cache setup.

BotW Overworld is locked at 30fps and if you drop to 20, having vsync off will look smoother than with that on.
Do you even PC Gaming you retard?

Fuck off, console wars is the only thing to look forward to on Sup Forums, anymore, otherwise it's just weeaboos shit

With the new xalphenos patch it's pretty damn good, even for me with only 8gb of ram.
Looks a hell of a lot better at 1080p or 4k as well compared to the regular game.
I tried it at a friends house on the wii U and it wasn't so hot, especially in the towns.

wow so much cancer in one post

I hate retards that don't understand what playable means for emulation

it's clocked to 4.2
and that 0.2 is easily made up by skylake IPC
>BotW Overworld is locked at 30fps
menus, cutscenes and shrines run at double speed, you use vsync for consistency

literally no one says persona 5 is playable besides consolewar shitposters

are you just getting stutters then? what's the issue

Vsync works better when you're running the game at above the same refresh rate of your display (unless freesync/gsync), so, unless you're running at 60+ fps at any time of the game vsync will make your experience worst with micro-stutter, you should make some research

I have a switch. I also have a gaming PC.
PC/Nintendo is the best combination for me.
Spent an entire day getting BOTW to run.
10fps in the shrine of Resurrection. 20ish with gpudefense. The new xalphenos thing made the game run full speed at 20, but its still 20.
This is after overclocking my cpu to 4.2/4.3ghz.
The Plat gives 18-27fps.
On the switch it was always stable, barring the deku tree which was abysmal. After all the patches I never notice a single slowdown.

some stutters and unstable frametimes

rivatuner is just a framecap
secondly, frametimes are the same with and without the cap
vsync isnt enable in cemu or control panel, just capped on rt so it doesnt run at double speed each time I swap weapons

Emulating it at 4k with 40fps in overworld and 60 in shrines is pretty damn great. Beat the game on my Wii U and now doing master mode on my PC.

Something with Nvidia and CEMU makes it use almost 100% of your available RAM unless you add in a code in a gameprofile.ini. With the code RAM usage goes down to like 80% rather than 100%.

Then you're not running the game at 30+ fps all the time, that's the stutter, if rv act as a vsync then it will give you even worse stutter.

what a fucking idiot

im not
without rt still runs at 30, goes to 60 only in menus and cutscenes

Wow, I wanted to give BOTW a shot on pc later on. I have a wii u and of course I pirated it the week it came out like a slut. I just wanted to play it with better visuals and fps.
I expect the change to be like playing gta V back on the ps3 to playing it on pc with the redux mod.

Ever since they implemented their new shader rendering it hasn't worked well for me.

I just stuck to 1.7.5.
4k 60fps have to resize screens for shitty chinese website

>im not
That's what I said, duh

that's what I confirmed, duh
and I'm not going to use xalphenos or ce just to make it even less consistent

Go away dumb brazilian.

I'm having a fucking blast with an old andriod phone and motion control for this shit..doing those shrines with a mouse was fun but motion control is sweet

We just need to give the cemu devs more money

Your CPU is garbage user
It's fine if you can't afford a better one but don't speak for everyone

So a 4670k is garbage. Cant wait to spend $500 on a new cpu/mobo/cooler to play botw.
Or I can wait until cemu is better.

Haha xD excellente post my frienderino. Consider yourself upboated and have some gold on me ;D


I have a physical copy of this for my wii u and I just play it on my pc. It's a no brainer if you have a huge tv.

>assemble the cheapest gaming PC able of running modern games in 1080p (g4560/1050ti/8gb ram)
>it's slightly over $500 with screen, keyboard and mouse (probably cheaper in the US than in my Eastern European shithole)
>have access to all pc games, most of Nintendo, ps1 and ps2 games thanks to piracy&emulation
>BOTW runs in 26-30 fps in 1080p with occasional stutters after less than an hour of googling solutions and installing some community fixes
>can use the PC to code, lurk, pirate movies and music
Say what you want but you can't deny that there's no more cost efficient option than PC once you free yourself from the spook of "intellectual property".

Post proof of fps or fuck off