Dad walks in

>dad walks in

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>tik tok instrumental is now playing in your head


>Barbara W

>no death date

that's pretty omnious


>that video of her asking for donations

that shit is creepy as fuck.

Are ya winning, daughter?

Not now dad



What the hell am I looking at? Guy lights a match with his teeth and all of a sudden he starts spazzing out.


It's called a seizure you fucking mongoloids.

Probably inhaled the fumes and got brain damage.
What a dumb spic.


funfact, CWC is removing his penis coming february.

He's got the go ahead for surgery...

>standing around at conventions while people take pictures of you so they can make fun of you on the internet
>social life

Suicide by 2018.
Can't wait.


at least he is not a virgin like you

Yeah, I expect as much myself. At some point he's going to gain self-awareness and become concious of his actions, he's a late bloomer for aquiring that trait, that's fore sure.

That's why so many autists behave like him, they literally lack self-awareness, and spend many years learning that trait, it's why they are socially retarded usually until they are "well mature" in terms of age.

>that shit is creepy as fuck.

it's actually just sad considering chris is making her read off cue cards

delete this webm dude seriously

Nerve gas

why do you lie on the internet?
that would take years, medical exams and money. Chris is too lazy for that, he actually thinks that his taint wound is a vagina because he is listening to some magic sounds on youtube.
And he is still pround of his penis.

Get that stuff offa there

a self-made, living hell is worse than death
zero regrets there

Commonplace for spouses who want to be buried together. Everybody dies, and old people tend to die pretty soon. Not really ominous.

>tfw you didn't gain self-awareness until your senior year of high school, and you had to deal with the consequences of the actions of your old self until you graduated


It's legit, btw

This is some Truman Show shit

Its amazing how far we've come.

>Bob's death was 6 years ago

blame this entire cult of transgenderism that's surfaced for the past few years, enabling this kind of self-destructive behavior.

What the fuck is this

Fucking kill yourself
Sup Forums enabled him by giving him so much damn attention they turned him into a massive meme and legend

Bullshit he's not in it for the attention, he's just crazy

Getting approval for an actual sexual reassignment surgery was nigh impossible before, it's piss easy to get approved for it now.

that's what i meant, you dingus.

Holy fuck. Never would have guessed that he would get rid of his dick, after so many years of trying to get it wet.

But where the fuck does he get the money for the operation, he already has to constantly beg for shit.


that's what happens if you don't brush AND floss

insurance scam / fraud

he's done it twice, he also docks the mothers money and withholds her from getting her meds.

I'm glad this totally a vidya thread is up but my AVGN thread got removed in minutes. Thanks jannies.

This guys is a fucking train wreck, how does he manage to make it worse and worse everythime i hear about him?
Its actually amazing and sad at the same time

If he keeps scamming and frauding its going to eventually catch up to him

The man is a lunatic you fuck
If it wasn't being a tranny it would be some other insanity, he was always completely off it
Nothing to do with society

A manly vagina.


A mutilated penis.


>masturbation foot

he pretty much is clinically retarded, and can't be held liable for his actions.

His handler (his mother in this case) is legally liable to contain him, and his actions

He should have had an official handler long time ago, and been taken out of his parents care. As a measure to contain his negative behavior and influences.

We do it here in norway, it's sad to see clinical patients such as CWC become so damaged. I'd have him forcibly admitted if he was here.

Part of me wants to convince him that's a bad idea, that dialation shit sounds horrible.

Thats old. Confirmed chris delusion

It's too late for him...

He already started with hormone treatment, for breast growth and other shit. Suicide is inevitable once he rounds 40

He can't afford the surgery anyways.

When did you realize Chris isn't really fun to laugh at anymore and you wished someone would just cut his internet access? for me it was when he went full tranny. It's just getting a bit pathetic now.

The Doopie saga is also really boring.

Well she hasn't died yet


What the fuck did actually happen then if getting rid of his dick was just a delusion


What the fuck is planet dolan and why is chris so obsessed with it now?

Why the fuck is the state of mental healthcare in the US so dire? Someone like Chris should have been sectioned years ago.

and his mother is not long for this world, CWC is in for a world of hurt soon

What kind of parent lets their child suffer like this

Some channel that reads out facts about random things with animated personalities, doopie being one of them.




He is to lazy and coward to kill himself.
His autism is his best weapon.
He actually sees himself as a cute little teen girl / pony in another dimension and he is more happy now than ever.

taxpayer dollars at work

>Why the fuck is the state of mental healthcare in the US so dire?

it's privatized, doctors get money perscribing drugs, not actually helping the patients.

I.e. in canada/US diagnosing someone with autism only requires a consultation with your doctor (1 time)

in europe, standard is having to do +10 tests, both oral and on paper, documented interview (camera), and behavioral analysis.

in america, doctor makes money off every perscribtion

in europe, doctor gets paid regardless, perscibtions dont net an income.

was that really Chris'?

he's apparently capable of handling his disability checks to at least the bare minimum of living independently, assuming his skin and bones mother is barely functioning anymore. He's generally not a harm to anyone but himself and probably the local shops who have to deal with him. and I guess there are still freaks out there who are more than happy to throw money at him to watch the clown dance a little longer.
>Do not hate, hate is not so good and to be paranoid is a bust
I know you weren't the best talker, Chris but what the fuck was that sentence?

It's an earthquake, that part at the end where he's drifting off his chair is him trying to get under his desk so he can prepare for the aftershock

But he hates gays. And now hes a chick who fucks chicks.

They used to be a top 5 channel
Then they went into a funny stories from reddit channel with animation.
Honestly they're not too bad I've been watching Planet Dolan near when he first started so it might be a sentimental thing.

Doopie is a Major QT though.

>Chris was wearing a black dress and shitty make up during Bobs funeral

The ol lumberjack didn't deserve this.

Man. As one user said, this really is the Truman show. Always convienently making it on TV. Vid related.

Resurrection in 2021. Because meme magic.

I reckon they knew exactly who he was and interviewed him on purpose. That or he forced himself, either of the two are good explanations on why he keeps popping up.

Do you two idiots and the retards in that comment section fail to pick on the fact that Chris is absolutely insane?
It's like criticizing something simpler than a small child, he's beyond any sort of autism or character flaw, he's just outright damaged beyond repair

>Trump's 2020 main campaign promise is to use science to revive CWC

source? story?