Fusion doesn't really need a remake...

Fusion doesn't really need a remake. The only thing they could possibly add to it is a "Press Start to shut Adam the fuck up" feature.

It did need a remake
So nintendo wouldnt get on that guys ass

Fusion suit would have made for a better lowpoly model than the varia suit.

>a remake of a remake
Nintendorks will defend this.


>How would you reacted if Metroid Fusion remake was announced instead of Metroid II, Sup Forums?
I would be angry, Fusion doesn't need a remake.

>Surely there's more nostalgia for this game than Metroid II, right?

I wouldn't be mad at all, but I'd question the decision. If they were ever to do a Fusion remake, they would have to add in a lot and fix several design choices to make it worthwhile. One example would be fixing how missiles work. Going from Super Missiles to Ice Missiles lowers its influence since things that took one missile to destroy now take two missiles because of the freezing effect taking priority. Implement some kind of toggle to turn the Ice element on and off or something.

>giving fusion suit shoulders

That's fucked up

Fusion is the worst 2D game.
I want a SM remake

Looks better than the original

>Fusion remake with Other M style cutscenes

I like the muscle texture. But the lights-bolts in bigger shoulders miss the point of the fusion suit

Fusion isn't a remake, you're thinking of Zero Mission

Super Metroid doesn't NEED a remake. It's perfect as it is.

2 is a metroid that actually could be improved upon.

Seeing as how Fusion is the worst not Other M Metroid, I'm okay with the 2 remake.


nice buzzword

>I want a SM remake
Super doesn't need a remake.

Other M 2

>they want to remake fusion also
how fucking long is it going to take to get an actually new 2D metroid game

>they want to remake fusion also
Apparently you can't read.

They originally pitched Metroid Fusion, but Sakamoto declined their offer in favor of working on a Metroid II remake instead.

Considering 2 was already done better than nintendo could ever hope to with AM2R I'd say they can go ahead and take the worst game in the series bar the primeshitfests and have at it.

>twn be a metroid 5

>It's perfect as it is.
The controls aren't very intuitive. There's no run, jump, and shoot together.

Sakamoto has stated that if this does well, he wants to work on the next Metroid project full speed.

Pray on the good will of the press and upcoming Nintendo World Championships to give it the attention it needs to sell well.

I've only heard good things from the usual sources I go to though so I have a feeling this is a breadwinner.

If they don't want to remake it then why did they pitch it?

Fusion is playable by today's standard, doesn't really need a remake. Metroid 2 on the other hand hasn't aged well.

MercurySteam pitched it, you fucking moron

It says in the article, MercurySteam originally came to Nintendo with intent to remake Fusion, but Sakamoto declined it in favor of Metroid II remake instead.

Fusion is the second best 2D Metroid.

No fucking shit retard, so obviously they want to remake it.