so i just got to the M.I.K.E. boss near the end of story mode and...what the fuck? so this boss is just a specific rotation? there is no strategy involved, it's just trial and error memorizing the pattern and reacting appropriately to what's next in the pattern. who thought this was a good idea? this isn't anything that i like about etrian odyssey, but i guess this is my fault for playing story mode.
So i just got to the M.I.K.E. boss near the end of story mode and...what the fuck...
You JUST noticed that? Most bosses in these games are like that. You must have been playing on tourist mode this entire time.
Anyway, the strategy is in being able to figure out the pattern and don't wipe on a boss on the first try.
But I personally don't mind that, since I haven't really been challenged by a JRPG otherwise in a long time.
no the other bosses offered legitimate challenges. etreant was challenging; figuring out exactly when to bind him or apply debuffs was critical. this guy is just "oh he's using delete gotta hit defend".
>there is no strategy involved, it's just trial and error memorizing the pattern and reacting appropriately to what's next in the pattern
Nigga it's always been like that.
>figuring out exactly when to bind him or apply debuffs was critical
You mean recognizing his pattern. Just like what you just said in the OP.
since when? i've been able to fight every other boss without trial and error. i've been able to go through and fight things and dynamically adapt my strategy based on what i thought they may do next, or what they were doing this turn. with MIKE i have to just do a set rotation for his rotation or my party will be one-shot.
>this isn't anything that i like about etrian odyssey
All bosses have some extremely rigid patterns they deviate ever so slightly because they can use a couple of different attacks in between.
>boss opens with X attacks
>uses a couple of different attacks for 2-3 turns taht work as breather
>fuck you attack with ailments/binds
>fuck you harder attack
no bud, MIKE does the same thing every time, in order. the other bosses do not.
while most bosses open the same every time, there is enough variation in their rotations to make it interesting. MIKE does not deviate.
>there is enough variation in their rotations to make it interesting
You mena you reduce their HP enough to move onto the next rigid pattern.
no man. MIKE is the only boss that follows the same exact pattern every time. other bosses vary. yes, they do add moves based on their health but they vary despite that as well. MIKE does literally the same exact thing every single time.
Dude, I'm telling you, the other bosses follow certain rotations as well. Some might have some slight variations here and there, but overall they have pretty strict patterns.
The only reason you didn't notice it before, because you're probably not playing on Expert, where you're likely to die on every boss at least once, due to being unfamiliar with their rotations.
i am playing on expert. as proof of my claims:
M.I.K.E. actually follows a rigid attack pattern:
Particle Beam
Heavy Gatling
Heavy Gatling/Particle Beam
Do nothing, recover resistances
Surge Buffer/Heavy Gatling/Particle Beam
Hard Barrier/Particle Beam/Heavy Gatling
Return to step 6 (Glint).
other bosses follow somewhat rigid patterns, but they vary. MIKE literally does not vary. is this that difficult to understand?
MIKE has a simpler pattern because you're on a time limit to beat him.
Yesd, but his total pattern is a 17 turn one, most bosses have a 5-6 turn one tops.
dude other bosses vary, they don't follow the same set path every single time. they just don't. it took me 5 tries to beat etreant, and he did different stuff each time, even if it did tie back to a pattern it deviated from that. MIKE will do the same exact thing no matter what.
i get that, but then they shouldn't drain the fun of the fight out of it and just make it simple memorization. that's just lazy.
Then what exactly are you complaining about? That he doesn't throw 50/50 mixups your way once in a few turns? Because the basic principle behind all boss battles is still the same.
>dude other bosses vary, they don't follow the same set path every single time. they just don't.
Fight this and try to say that again.
other bosses are not memorization. i think you are remembering them to be more rigid then they are. yes, they are fairly strict, but there is enough variation to make things interesting. it's not memorization. this one is, because if you don't memorize his pattern you will get one-shot by some of his moves.
for example, you know when will do beheading slash after he does one of two stance-related moves. but he doesn't do that one-two pattern every 6th turn, or something like that.
>one counterexample
is that a post-game boss? obviously i have not fought that yet if i'm at MIKE. but if he's the same case as MIKE and literally does the same thing literally every time like MIKE actually does, then that boss probably sucks too.
Since the original game. One of the ways to kill the dragons was to use a specific party setup and just run through the same exact steps until it dies. Second you do one thing different you die because the boss always has a repeating pattern that you were meant to abuse.
Juggernaut from EOU2 which fucks you over if you don't actually understand his otherwise pretty simple pattern you are meant to exploit.
im going through the untolds instead of playing the two originals, so i guess i cannot speak to that specifically. but i've never experienced that before, and this is my second eo and i'm nearly done with it. and both of them i played on expert, so that's not an excuse either.
>you will get one-shot by some of his moves
That's like the only way turn-based RPGs can make the boss encounters not trivial. If you could just ignore the fight mechanics and bruteforce through them, wouldn't it be worse?
All in all, I think you've been provided with enough reasons to why is this fight (slightly) different from the previous ones. It's an endgame boss and as and said you're on a time limit and his pattern is a bit more complex, even if fixed.
i haven't played eou2 yet, so fair enough. but at least it's simple and not 17 fucking steps.
i never had to memorize 17 fucking steps for any of the bosses, and few of them were trivial. etreant was tough, no matter what anyone says. one hit kills is fine, bosses previously had doom moves or whatever. the problem is here is if you haven't memorized the pattern, then your ENTIRE party gets one-shot.
i should have clarified, my second paragraph was referring to ren and tlachtga there. they have one-hit kill moves, and that was a good fight. because they did different things, and did things out of order. some moves were reliant on others, but it's not like every 6th turn they were using beheading slash.
>then your ENTIRE party gets one-shot
This might be a good thing, because you just get to restart the fight again quickly, instead of fighting a hopeless uphill battle with a crippled party desperately trying to res and patch up fallen characters only to inevitably die and have to restart ten turns later.
Anyway, you seem to be taking this non-issue way too seriously and blowing out of proportions.
Scylla was like everyone's first roadblock in EO2U too. She follows a rigid pattern too. Unless I'm not mistaken the original Etreant also followed a pattern but could randomly decided to just parry all your attacks on any given turn
I got stuck in her only because I refused to buy anti leg bind accesories.
I caved in and she became a cakewalk.
it's not a non-issue. it's a poorly designed battle that adversely impacts my enjoyment of the game. i don't play the game to say "ok trial and error time, let's throw what i can at this boss and just die over and over until i memorize his pattern", i play to say "ok let's fight this boss and hopefully not die, but if i do it's my own fault".
it's not a good thing, because i've won with crippled parties. i can tell when a fight isn't salvageable most of the time, for example if everyone who has revive is dead. however this just removes all of that dynamic possibility and the stress of trying to out-dps the boss as you're on your last legs. it just gimps being creative with the fighting in general.
I fucked up by not investing enough points in Arianna's Link Order II and generally building her as a healer at first. Cleaning up the tentacles with piss poor AoE damage was a nightmare.
>Finally a good excuse to post my autism
That's what grimoirers are for, you could slap some on Chloe too for easier cleanings, the problem is that she starts spamming two per turn by the end.
le millenom girl
I dunno about you, maybe you're exceptionally good at this game, or just overleveled, but for me pretty much every new boss fight went like that. If I didn't know the pattern beforehand, I'd get wiped. And even on successful tries my party was all out of MP, HP and sometimes some were even dead.
I barely used the grimoires. At least grimoires from the other classes. I mostly used their own to further boost their skills.
And I think Chloe was too busy spamming Barrier and Artery on this fight anyway.
i'm not saying i won on my first try against bosses most of the time, in fact the only boss i think i beat on my first try was the ant queen. but i learned from that. of course, i learned their moves. but i learned how to react. "ok, i have to worry about his root tornado when he gets down to this much health, so i should focus on binding him/paralyzing him at this point." it's not about the pattern, it's about the strategy. with MIKE there is no strategy.
Also this
>using notepad.exe
>not using an actual notepad
And you call yourself an exploler?
Dont know, i like to play while shitposting in 4chin
Not him, but I did that for Scylla when I first played with the Story Team. This boss made me want to cry.
Anti sleep food and anti bind accesories neutralize two of her attacks so that crying soul never hits.
yeah I know, but the Random Ice Shave or Piercing Shell would get me most of the time. So I had to plan her out.
Put it on PC
You can play them all on it.
>he STILL hasn't hacked his 3DS