>Season 6 Placements
>Play only DPS and only care about kills
>lose 7/10 games
This game is a fucking joke
>Season 6 Placements
>Play only DPS and only care about kills
>lose 7/10 games
This game is a fucking joke
>This game is a fucking joke
>it took him this long to realize
The matchmaker won't let you match against low players anymore no matter how much you throw
If you were diamond in the past you can't lose enough MMR to face goldies without throwing a fuckton
>silver every season
>gold elims on winston every game
What am I doing wrong?
>tfw you were diamond season 1-3 (62 in s1 to be exact)
>life got in the way and now playing against unironic bronze and silver players during season 6 placements
i've never felt more humiliated in my life
>won 6/9 (one draw) placements
>gold eliminations as Lucio in most of them
>bronze 1320
It doesn't place you based on your wins or losses. The ten games have like half the value of a non placement game and it starts you off from where you were last season. Its impossible for a diamond player to get placed in bronze the next season for example even if he loses all placement matches.
Playing overwatch
>Had the game since launch
>Never touched competetive mode
It's a good feel.
Sounds like all your other stats were shit.
Gold healing and objective time aswell
Well, you were playing against shit. You are never going to gain 100 sr because of gold metals. The climb will be a bitch.
I've been stuck in high plat/low diamond and during each fluctuation I always manage to make it back to 3000 even.
It's probably cause I que with my friends, one of which is better than me, and the other 3 who are constantly trying to escape gold.
They play stupid heroes tho and make terrible ult timing decisions.
I accept the fact that I'm forever tanking.
Same here my man.
I play it really laid back in arcade and QP to get those weekly chests, but unfortunately I meet people who try to force their annoying meta on me even on QP. Moved on to PS4 and nobody talks ever, so that's pretty good.
Then stop playing it you fucking joke of a human being.
>Keeps playing
Hey, fuckwit! Uninstall right now and the problem is gone! You dumb fucking addict.
Pic related has your balls in a vice.
And yet, you're still playing.
Stay mad, virgin.
>jump in and shock healers and anything else in backline, dancing around shield
>probably don't get any kills, but possibly 1-2 if they are already hurting or their dps and tanks are blind/oblivious/preoccupied, with average solo kills during this process being around 0.5 or lower
>assuming you don't die, you jump back for heals and maybe tap some people near your team's frontline when you land, maybe shock one or two as you or someone else merely finishes them off
>you get gold elims
compare to getting gold elims as Lucio, Zenyatta, Rein, Dva... whatever. it means very little usually.
play more passively and never stray too far from the team. you need to keep an eye on your healers because your dps won't (but they are supposed to). your job as a tank is to initiate teamfights and secure space, not get gold elims. if you get gold elims while doing so, then great. but if you are always getting them, you might be playing too aggressively. especially if you are queued with randoms, play reactively, not proactively. keep your healers alive and your chances of winning typically go way up. 90% of dps are incompetent retards and lone wolves, or they get too absorbed in their plays to step back and examine the situation employ game sense. I do that a lot so i play dps very little.
>play with friend
>he is a mediocre Hanzo and I carried him to platinum
>he used to only play rein and was too aggressive and never shut up about his gold damage and elims
>now never shuts up about "I got all the golds!" on Hanzo
>gets POTG a lot
>bitches if you don't vote for his card
>hover around low plat while he hovers around 2400 and finally loses his platinum emblem
>solo queue tonight for first time in forever, go up 270 sr
>check his profile
>sr is free falling
I wish they would remove medals. People don't realize that they are relative measures with respect to your own team. Your golds mean nothing if you aren't filling a role needed to help your teammates secure objectives too. He ignores me every time I make a suggestion, so fuck him.
this. i have only done one comp game with randoms and its safe to say that i only enjoy it with friends. we rarely play because we all stop once we start bitching all game and realize how retarded it is.
well Jeff said this season people are gonna get more accurate results
>Play mostly healer, do well (save one fucking match that was a travesty altogether)
>Win 7/10 games
>Plummet 500sr
really makes me think
>inb4 "lol support," I think I might actually agree.
>place as lucio
>win 2/10 placements
>get mid platinum
I wanted bronze tbqh, I'm sick of playing with angry sweats *sigh* I guess I'll stick to quickplay.