Games that don't hold up

Is a game that doesn't hold up still a good game?
They may have been good when they came out, but today they're pretty fucking dated and shitty in a lot of areas, especially the most important, gameplay.

Pic related is a perfect example of a game that doesn't hold up well. It was good when it came out. But not anymore.

It still has a well designed single player with diverse level design. The multiplayer was surpassed by PD and TS though.

le big mouth

Replayed it recently and it's still pretty good. The only part that sucks is having to replay the ENTIRE level if you fail an objective, like some random guard in the middle of nowhere hitting an alarm.

goddamnit every time i try to make this thread it turns into discussion about the game i'm referencing

all i want to know is if other people think a video game or piece of media is good when it comes out is it good forever
personally i think no

Well no shit? Something that might have been ground breaking and cool 20 years ago will be obviously outclassed and tedious by today's standards.

Don't post that game then faggot.

then why do people still suck games like this, OOT, ff7, etc when they are completely outclassed today and not as fun

It's still good today. My favorite FPS

If you scrutinize anything long enough you'll find faults, the nature of pushing technological boundries in order to try new things will often leave you vulnerable to looking dated, not every game can be Tetris.

OOT is literally completely outclassed by OOT 3ds version but people STILL suck its dick. it makes no fucking sense

those games are still alright. the problem with goldeneye is it's controls being fucked up due to being made at a time when no one really knew how to map a controller for FPS controls

Goldeneye controls fine.

Your pic related was never good. It is only considered good because retards played it with their friends when they were tiny babbies, completely unaware of what actually makes a good game.
Golden Eye was and is shit. All it's mechanics were shit. It's graphics looked like shit. I knew this when I was a tiny babbie, and never said this to my tiny babbie friends to avoid drama.

>game is bad because its shit/dated
Sup Forums levels of criticism.

It's a more cerebral game than Doom, and System Shock would've been better if it wasn't for that horrifying control scheme, which now is thankfully fixed.

>all these Goldeneye defenders

Not even OP, but graphics aside, you can't honestly tell me this game would have been considered good if it was released today.

if it was with a keyboard and mouse it'd still be a very mediocre game

>no HP regen
>vague objectives
>no cover system
>no scripted setpieces
It would be hated all right.

t. never played goldeneye with m+kb
game is still amazing, problem is shitty controller
Games dont age, its just that some people play old games with a wrong mindset or just dont give them enough time to actually get them

This is why the game is still good today.