What do you want from the next Switch hardware revision?

What do you want from the next Switch hardware revision?

How the fuck do you operate the right thumbstick on that little joycon? with your palm? that picture was made by a retard

Something that is not nintendo quality.

Why wouldn't you just be able to do this?

A switch the size of a cell phone would be fantastic
I would also be somewhat interested if they made a big one the size of a tablet

A screen that actually is decent.

Actual onboard space, not this micro SD shit.

t. retard

i want it to be $199 and come with the new pokemon. thats it.

unless the new pokemon is a shitty rehash then im not buying it ever.

idk dumbfuck try playing an action game like that. make sure you're standing on top of a hard surface as you do it.

Please tell me you don't play your Switch like that.

Oh God don't tell me you're unironically playing Arms

Oh my god, it's not going to be smaller. If anything, it's going to be bigger or they're going to add more features to the dock.

>new pokemon
>shitty rehash
You literally can't be a Pokemon fan and not know EXACTLY what you're getting before the game is even announced

Give me that with a glass screen, non-removable joycons to spread the internals around properly, and a decent battery life.

>Action game

Why would anyone want a smaller switch when the 3DS already dominates the portable console market?
I'd much rather a PSTV style revision of the Switch, where it becomes a small and non-portable home console that just plugs into your TV
That'd also be a LOT cheaper because there wouldn't be a screen built into the console or anything, so those who don't care about portability can get the console at a good price


How the fuck is putting the charge input on the top of the system instead of the bottom not the universal first response to these threads?

i want a non-portable version. i dont want to pay for a tiny screen and terrible joycons im never gonna use

Why do you think Nintendo still supports the 3DS and its related

I actually own the Switch and have zero intention to ever use it on a tv.

Because then it would be weird to dock
Ideally we'd just have two USB-C ports

I'm right and you know it
The DS was a better console, but that and the PSP are last generation, and Vita just rolled over and died.
The 3DS basically won by default

The same way you use the dpad on the 3ds
you dont

And I own the Switch and so far, I have used the portable mode only once.

>Charge port on top
>new system has to be placed upside down in in the dock

to drop the whole handheld and "portable" meme and make an actual console that is on par with the technology of 2017 so that i can play monhun like a fucking norml person.

I'm using the portable mode right now

smaller switch will obviously be called a 'Switcheroo' you braindead incel

Vita didn't so much rolled over and died as Sony came in, saw that it was on life support by the weebs; proceeded to unplug said life support, cannibalized all of its organs, and gave it to his favorite son, the PS4; and then declared the Vita died from suicide.

>nd make an actual console that is on par with the technology of 2017
But they already made the Switch.

>Shitposting about the quality didn't work
>"BOTW WILL BE SHIT" didn't work
>"Mario Rabbids Will be shit!" didn't work

will sonyfags every learn

And I'm playing Splatoon 2 in dock mode while replying to this thread in between rounds. What's your point?

I own a Switch and set it up in table top mode when it's at max charge and dock it and play when it's nearing 0.

theres a chance they will revamp it like they did zelda though. thats what i want.

Oh man what I WOULDN'T change from it, I think it'd be an entirely different console at the end

What? As yet another 'I'm actually a PC' console that's on the market?

maybe some games worth playing

I actually operate the right thumbstick with the lower half of my thumb. It works nicely and lets the tip of my thumb stay on the buttons at the same time so I can swap between using the right analog stick and the buttons much more quickly than on a standard controller.

You're right, but the end result was the same
I still own both a vita and a 3ds, but I get a lot more use out of the 3ds, and it's pretty clear which one sold better
It sucks that it did so poorly though, it's a pretty powerful handheld, and the nice buttons and proper analog sticks make games feel nice to play

a dock with extended hardware and cooling for parallel processing to make it a 4k home console and 720p portable

literally dying over here

Why do people say this retarded shit?
Consoles have always been PCs since the start

A dock that doesn't scratch the screen and better battery.

Realistically I can't imagine they'll do much.

fuck those controllers are made for handlet manlets

It wasn't doing poorly as so much as it was completely neglected by Sony, and then stripped for all of its useful parts and gave it away to the PS4. It had no chance with Sony in charge.

more like
>i'm actually a console that is worth 400 euros
my switch didn't even leave my house, i'd rather have a home console than a big 3ds.

>made for manlets
You haven't seen anything yet.

Exactly. Why would you want another such console in the market? It's over-saturated as fuck with them.


>Consoles have always been PCs since the start

Once upon a time consoles did nothing but play games. What makes them PCs now is that they come with fully functional OS GUIs, non-game apps, web browsers, media functions, social media apps, etc, etc, etc.

But the option to leave your house is there. It is something you cannot have with the other consoles. If a hurricane is coming your way, you have that option available to you.

>>i'm actually a console that is worth 400 euros
So the Switch.
Given how basic and old the Xbone and PS4 were on launch there's no reason they should be sold for more than say, 150?
Basically the worth in consoles is in how it's used, not how powerful it is but somewhere along the people forgot that.

I dont care about any of that shit, but is retarded to not have them now, and web browsers and media functions exist on consoles since a long time ago

You're wasting the system's best feature and might as well just stick with the Wii U

>the sony boogeyman

A stronger, non-portable version with more internal storage, true online functionally, and packaged with a proper controller.

>true online functionally
What does this even mean? You can't have fake online functionality.

Literally all I want is a joycon with a proper d-pad and then it's good

or instead of revisions I'd be happy if they just made different styled joycons to stick on it. Like ones modeled after their other controllers

>web browsers and media functions exist on consoles since a long time ago

Media functions started with music CDs and movie DVDs, but web browsers on consoles just started this generation.

user, the best feature is that the option is there. If I'm going on a long trip, I am so bringing that along.

Is it feasible to have two charging ports on the system given the wiring would diverge? Would that cause any problems or would they have to worry about some dumbfuck plugging it in twice?

>proper controller
I don't get this. Does that standard controller dock for the Joycons not good enough or something? I'm not seeing anything I would be complaining about it so far.

I'm surprised so many people want to remove the best aspect of the Switch

Playing Sonic Mania under the covers with that gorgeous screen is just fantastic. I'd rather it be strictly portable then locked to a living room. But I like it doing both

the option to leave my house is there, yes, but for what price? shitty hardware?
the xboxone and ps4 had such a price when they came out and are still more powerful than the switch, i just want nintendo to stop making shitty gimmick consoles and make a fucking n64 again.

Why are you still playing like your mom is going to storm in and yell at you?

No voice chat via smartphone app.

Complaints for the sake of complaints for the most part.

Nobody plays in tabletop mode you fucking faggot

>such a price
The ps4 was $399 at launch and the Xbox1 was $499. What the hell are you talking about?

I'm not gonna lie, the switch being portable is kinda neat
I wouldn't mind playing it in bed, or on the rare occasion I go out on a long trip or something

But I just don't think that'd happen often enough to justify paying the option
A docked-only switch could shave off a large amount of expenses (and probably have better cooling), meaning those who don't care much for the portability, or just don't have a lot of money, can still enjoy all the fun games on the switch

It'd just be a nice option for people to have, like how they made the cheaper 2DS
Sure, the 3DS is better in a good amount of ways, but some people don't care about 3D, or appreciate the cheaper price

A Switch TV for those of us who don't care about handhelds. Replace the joycons with a Pro controller, and make it $150 or less and I'll probably buy a couple of them

Something that costs more and is less powerful.

>but web browsers on consoles just started this generation.
Tell me you aren't serious, please

>More battery life
>No dock
And I'm sold.

i got my switch for 400 jewros.
and i just looked up the price and in america it's 350, nigga even if it was 300 the hardware is still worse than the 100 dollar price difference.

>and make it $150
I'm sorry, but what? You just went full retard with that pricing.

Some of us just want a normal controller without having to pay extra.

There is no fucking chance since they literally had an interview a few weeks ago where they said exactly that. To paraphrase
>Fans are thinking that we will make a Breath of the Wild-like update to the franchise, but that is not the case.
>The new game will be very much similar to the previous games and do not expect any massive update or change.
How about you pay attention to the news

I swear to fucking god, if you're bringing reseller's prices into this, I will be so fucking triggered.

>Some of us just want a normal controller
>but not this normal controller

Better D-Pad
Better analog stick placements
Better battery life
Better screen
Re-vamped online infrastructure
More storage size

>in america it's 350
I got mine for 300 and it included a game

guess im not buying a switch ever then. fuck those lazy ass fags. 20 years and we are still waiting for a real 3d modern pokemon game.

I'm sorry you were dumb enough to get ripped off but the Switch is 299 user

>Better analog stick placements
I hope you aren't suggesting that symmetrical is the way to go.
Haven't you learned anything from the Vita and Dualshock?

Biggest issue with the joycons currently is lack of grip makes switching from the top of the controller and bottom a bit awkward when in portable mode.

Portable with joycons permanently attached and a d-pad.
I'm not buying one until the "New" models come out

You think it should be cheaper? I can't really see it

Don't buy from Amazon. It's full of scammy resellers.


Yes, normal.

I don't care about symmetry per se, but I want them to be farther from the face buttons.

Do people not like being able to keep their hands apart while using the joycons? I find it super comfy to have my arms draped over the back cushion of the couch and such and still being able to use the controller. It'd be great if they had a slightly better grip and bigger thumbsticks, but I'd take the separated concept over a standard controller any day

All I want is that they stop the DLC shit, amiibo support, and paid online, and I will buy this shit

yeah, thankfully most games have different functions for analog and dpad so far
although this is the first time I've ever used analog for 2D games, with shovel knight it's so accurate compared to the 3ds analog nub thing

I love doing this a lot but I'm paranoid that I'll fuck with the connection to the console by holding it out of range and get disconnected or lag for a second
I used to get that a lot with the wii u and it was fucking obnoxious when playing bayo or splat

Why do handposters, without fail, always have hideous hands?

Those are all optional buys you dont have to get. Thus getting it would be the same as what you said without buying the optionals

It's the exact same tech as this, which Nvidia is making a hefty profit on at $199. You think the Switch is cutting edge hardware or something? Lol