PC users buy jrpgs they said

>PC users buy jrpgs they said

Kek 2 will never come on PC at this rate

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steamspy.com/dev/Nihon Falcom

>release ports of old games
>nobody buys them

Wow it's almost like everyone who was interested in playing it already played it like 8 years ago.

When you treat an entire market like an afterthought don't be surprised when they treat you the same way.

Cold Steel is shit.

is that for real or did some localizing faggot meme on the west?


I buy good JRPGs.

Trails fucking sucks. And that one autistic avatarfagging faggot who constantly shills the game on Sup Forums has made me avoid the games at all costs.

PC is a different market though, cold steel isn't that old

>trails gets announced for PC
>"lol thanks for beta testing consolefags!
>nobody buys it
>"the game sucks anyways! nobody wanted this!"

every. fucking. time.

this same exact shit is going to happen with FFXV

I buy everything on GOG now.

That isn't half bad for it's price since people usually wait for them to go on sale and they probably have another few thousand on GOG as well.
The other titles only really seem to take off once they get bundles or go on sale.
steamspy.com/dev/Nihon Falcom

CS is, in fact, fucking terrible even by the series standards.

porting old game and leaving the rest on the console is a shit move should have just released as a trilogy when coldsteel 3 releases in the future

Yeah. When you release on consoles and treat PC players like they're worthless, and then later decide you can get more money by porting it to PC, everyone sees through it.

It refers to railways/trains rather than the meme. I guess they could of called Trails on the Rails or some shit like that if they wanted to avoid it though.

>buying pure weebgarbage
No thanks.

Trails on Rails honestly sounds much better.

More like trails is shit. Tales can sell better than it. Trails will always have shit sell thanks to the series being one big glorify prologue.

Am I missing something? 18k for a port of a niche jrpg is great

No it doesn't you desperate faggot.

>Release ports of 5-10 year old games at astronomical prices
>Too stubborn/prideful to put them on sale
>Expect people to shower you with money

Top logic from Xkek

It's a shitpost, obviously. Not new material. Not even changing up his usual language.

Maybe it's niche compared to other jrpgs, but the PC version is abysmally niche.

Big surprise the Trails series isn't selling. Sky only got its number thanks to its stupid low price tag and most people who play the game can't be bother to finish it because its boring. The new Ys will sell more than most Trails game at $60.

Good thing.
Jrpgs are fucking garbage

Stop damage controlling.

The superior trails sold 5 times that and most of the sales were from years ago.

>The new Ys will sell more than most Trails game at $60.
see steamspy Just over a week on and it has only sold 4k and the glut of the sales usually happen within the first few days.

It's not fair to compare Japan, when PC users are pretty much only westerners, I would like to know how much it sold on PS Vita and PS3 in the west alone, then it would be a fair comparison.

Then why has SC or third not sold as much? Probably because people realised trails was garbage after the first one?

This game was in monthly humble bundle, so the number is inflated.

That's because it was sold at like $10 and on sale half the time

Nothin Personell is a current gen game so it's priced as such.

>most likely sold at full price
You're full of shit.

Is Tokyo Xanadu any good? I was thinking of getting the PS4 version for my Persona fanboy friend for Christmas, since I read people here saying that it's kind of a poor man's Persona crossed with an ARPG.

I don't get why people think 18k would be bad. It's a fucking port. It's not a new game. They are probably more than happy with it


XSEED does the porting so they get a way bigger cut than just localizing games to the west. For them it will always be immensely profitable to port console games.

>New Ys
>Ys 7 is considered a new game
I'm talking about 8.

Because it's the first game. Look at the trails in the sky trilogy. First one sold 300k, with 2nd one selling 50k and third one 10k. Now, translate this numbers for this on and you'll see why.


They don't. They outsourced the port, I.E, paid someone else to do it so they can profit off of Kiseki one last time before NISA steals the IP like they did with Ys.

Half the sales is Japan alone? If it's like that unless Japan gets into PC gaming, PC sales will never reach Console ones. I also don't know how importat are Japan sales for localization companies.

You're comparing lifetime sells to first week sells.


Should have been no more than $20 at most. One of these days nips will learn how to use steam and they'll experience great success.

Still good enough to get ballpark figures for comparison.

Don't japs usually get shafted a lot of the time and get region locked out because steam prices undercut the jap prices?

Its been like a month, trails has already been seen as shit and it won't sell as much. Probably will never get 100k life time sales no matter how cheap.

You want to compare first week sales? Okay.

The fucking Nepshit spin-offs sell more than 18k first week.

>Release 4 year old niche JRPG with a hamstring budget for $40
Why it didn't sell well will always remain a mystery. Glad Steam weebs are finally wising up and not buying every turd ported to Steam just because it's anime though.

Nepshit has a cancerous waifu fanbase with a double digit IQ average. Not comparable.

PC users pirate JRPGS

It's garbage.
Play it for Sora though, she cute


Nobody bought it in general. Subtract Japan from the Vita sales (since there aren't any Japanese people on Steam anyway) and you arrive at 100,000 copies sold, which is pathetic for having been out since July.

>Glasses steals your girl
Not worth it for Sora.

>Not comparable

It is comparable though, since their spin-offs sells badly, and they sold more than this game, you could say this one sold even worse.

PS3 version sold another 100k outside of Japan

This. SC's numbers are for almost 2 years now.
At the time, Sup Forums was mocking it relentlessly because disgaea(which had been ported twice before the PC version, plus the original version) blew it the fuck out.
PCbros fell for trails the first time, but it was get that shit out of here after that.

That number is off by about 250,000 though.

Wrong Sora.
Then who? Not-Asuna? Not-Shinoa?

Source? Not that I don't believe in you, but I'm actually interested in the sales for this series worldwide.

Wordfilters are back I see. Fuck this board.

Sora is also garbage. The only party member worth the time of day is Shio.

Well, i don't want to buy every JRPG. But i bought Ni No Kuni 2 and thinking about last Ys port.

Some Gematsu article reported the game had sold 220somthingk before the localization came out, I guess that's where that user is getting those numbers

from the same website. Just click on the PS3 version

Why the fuck would you buy Ys 7? The money won't even go to devs since its way to old. Pirate that shit and spend your money on 8 since that will determine the future of their games.

>Sora is also garbage.
The whole game is garbage, that was my original point. But if you're going to play might as well play it for the cute girls, which Sora is the cutest one that stands out.

Not that user, but we now know I/II have sold over a million combined. Japanese figures were about 2-300k each before the western release, so it's logical that global sales added a few hundred thousand more.

Why does it even matter if the devs aren't getting the money anymore?
Publisher forked over to distribute it.

Fine, bought 8.

Because it was literally pointless, 7 was easily emulatable and most people already played that shit years and years ago. Especially the fact they're only releasing this right when 8 is coming out soon makes it pointless to spend money on.

Not that guy, but giving any more money to xseed is throwing your shekels into the fireplace. We're better off supporting Aksys and NISA and bringing Falcom games to a better, more caring home.

I miss when we could have Trails/Ys threads without the fucking shitposting.

I don't remember anyone saying that.

You know it's always the same guy. Just report him.

>I miss when we could circlejerk about Hatsuu's tits and le funny chest memes xD

Based NISA taking us in the right direction.

The money wouldn't go to the devs even if it was brand new.

>xseed marketer sperging out at PCfags again

You're worse than Todd Howard, Tom. Just how many copies do people need to buy before you stop acting like self-entitled cunts?

Calvard when?

PC games have longer tails than consoles, that's basically how it works.

They'll make their money in the end.

But Tom is our guy, he literally got himself shadowbanned from his own workplace to fight against censorship. Read up the akiba shitstorm about the KKK joke

Japs have been releasing ludicrously overpriced media for decades. They'll never learn.

O warrior of NISA!

Yeah when it's sold for 5 bucks?

Devs and publishers prefer the upfront 60 bucks in buckloads and this is why you CONSTANTLY see consoles get the games first and PC treated like afterthought.Even fucking MH is getting delayed on PC despite them knowing they have quite an audience on PC


nobody but japafags buy jrpgs

Tales seems to sell fine for 40-60 dollars.

If a dev delays a game I will pirate it, just how I am.
Sucks to be them I guess.

Thing is dev can sell game as long as steam exist. Okay, on sell it could be 5$, but it's still 5$ more than selling game on pastgen console.

Can't speak hieroglyphics.

One more cold steel, then a second arc through both Crossbell and Liberl. Calvard is going to turn out to be the seat of the Ouroboros and Zane was in with them the whole time.

Berseria came out day and date on consoles and PC though. And it's gone on sale multiple times.

Good news, that article is in English, not Hieroglyphics.

More like JRPG's have lost their fucking touch. They are passable in the 90's, but nowadays they are low budget garbage.

>Paying 40$ for a decade old port


Berseria sold a lot on Steam compared to the console releases in the west (~160k vs ~220k). Neat.

>Trusting Gamatsu ever

Find me a better girl.

You cannot.

Yeah but they prefer 60 bucks with a specific amount as to 5 bucks with more copies sold. The former makes them more money.

>4 years is now a decade

>Give me a source! Prove what you're saying!
>That source doesn't count!

>Zane's alternate personality was an Anguis all along
>nobody noticed because everybody forgot he even existed

I can see it