So, this came out yesterday and apparently a good portion of the story deals with refugees...

So, this came out yesterday and apparently a good portion of the story deals with refugees. This immediately makes me think this addon could be way too close to real world politics.

Has anyone already played this? How is the refugee thing handled? Is there any virtue signaling?

tl;dr: Did Obisdian beamdog this one?

>keep politics OUT of a game about being a political leader


Yes, current REAL WORLD politics.

>Diet coke

refugees are always welcome

>Is there any virtue signaling?

Why would you ever assume such a thing?
No, but honestly, I'd like to know that as well.
Can I just send them away and wall myself in?

Failing Obsidian desperately trying to milk real world controversy for sales.

>virtue signaling
This is a buzzword.

Since the base game is on sale because of this, is it worth playing? Or should I just finally play PoE that I bought a year ago and never played.
Or should I just do what I normally do when I get a crpg itch and install one of these again instead?

PoE is a lot better than and I mean a LOT.
The idea of playing "the evil guy" sounds nice on paper, but fails completely ingame.

>virtue signaling
Kill yourself

Haha, we got a butthurt libtard.

The game is fun, but it's really short and cuts out at a point where it feels really unfinished. There are some good ideas though, I especially like the lore hyperlinks in conversations.

They're really different. In Tyranny you've got fr fewer restrictions on builds and less stuff that's just way the fuck out of line like bouncing blade restoring more than it own cost to ciphers.

Why dont you play it and find out?

I'm not playing a game about no trannies.

I'm not paying money for having some leftist agenda shoved down my throat.

Don't stick it in your mouth then, it's not a dick.

You can pirate it fagface, the game has a lot of stronk womyn but you can kill them all so who cares.


Why though?

I want to know more about the expansion.

> virtue signaling

Well at least people are done using "style over substance". I wonder what the next phrase kids hear a YouTuber say will be the next hot thing. My money's on "shame shaming".

"Stop pixel shaming this indie dev, they can't afford to program in a 4k environment, that's why their fps are so low!"

That's a clear-cuck case of libgenda pushing, fagbutton. Can't wait until Kinotrumo DACA-signals your ass back to Irma's Toilet, Pacomeme.