What went right?
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not catering to casuals
>not catering to the west
>not catering to SJW's
Japan does it again
Kiryu's and Majima's businesses. Honestly. They're better than the main story
daily yakuza thread?
fucking hell ishin is fucking godlike, will the japs release it in EU or NA any time soon?
The story and gameplay btfo most of western made games released this year and previous years.
jk. Tachibana, Lee and Makoto were pretty good characters.
>not catering to casuals
it's Japanese COD user
rgg, dragon quest, monster hunter are holy trinity of casual shit in Japan
I'm on chapter 3
when I'm gonna have enough money for 30mil upgrades?
When you grind Shakedown and the business mini games in Chapter 7.
>, will the japs release it in EU or NA any time soon?
We might finally get a solid no, hints or nothing since the localization team is doing an AMA today.
there're no irrelevant chinese characters other than Lee and Lao Gui
Tachibana and Makoto are half chinks though.
no they aren't
I am retarded
>not catering to casuals
>Able to carry a dozen health potions that you can use anytime, every during Shakedown fights
Sagawa is my husbando
Their mother was a nip orphan that was married into a chink family.
Real estate is a timesink.
Management is fun tho.
What's usually the weakest part of Yakuza (its bosses) is actually not bad here. Every Kuze fight is great, Nishitani isn't bad until you realize he's a Mad Dog clone, and Shibusawa is the best final boss since Ryuji.
Yakuza 0 has the best cover with actors.
Yakuza 6 on the other hand... I hope they'll change it in the west, since they didn't confirm one yet.
The women. The delicious jav women.
Not much, copy pasted mechanics from Ishin, not improved engine again and weak story with copy pasted elements from 1 and 2 because the "new" writer is a hack.
Combat is piss easy, legend difficulty just makes them damage sponges instead of adding more enemy moves or just more enemies in general.
Great idea for new combat styles but they were not improved in Kiwami and they were missing in 6 which had even worse combat.
Music was good but neither it had the same style as previous game and neither they fit to the setting, the BGM and Karaoke songs were a spot on though.
Sub-stories and mini-games were good with exception on cat-fight random shit and pocket racer.
Overall it was a good entry that made me give another hope for the series but was broken with 6 on how they rush those fucking games instead of improving them.
1,2,3 had the best covers, sadly the rest was uninspired garbage that looks like any other jap movie poster.
At least Kiwami 2 looks decent as a movie poster this time around.
I wonder what happened to mister libido
Why was there no fight with him?
It still baffles me that they had to shove in actors on the cover of Kiwami 2 as well. Just look how out of place they are.
/r/PS4 of the place we don't talk about, 12pm PDT.
Oh is that the funny dancing man of japanese creativity?
yes you have to say munancho to get his blessing
I wasn't even a little bit gay until 0 majima
Probably because he'd just shoot you.
>What's usually the weakest part of Yakuza (its bosses)
Put a rubber bullet in your head
He didn't do anything wrong for you to have a reason to fight him.
If he was actually bad he would've killed Majima the moment he lied about the body double.
Is it true Kiwami is a lot shorter than zero?
It took me 40 hours to complete story with all substories and maxing Dragon of Dojima.
The price is low for a reason.
It's worth playing so you can get the story in the original moon.
This is how you do a fucking boss battle
Did he fucking die in prison or what?
>what went right
Anyone else get freaked out by marina?
Her smile is super creepy.
Wow, the best cosplayers ever.
What the fuck was his problem?
Yuki is the best hostess, prove me wrong.
They look almost like the characters of Yakuza. Its amazing how far cosplayers will go these. days.
it's ai
yuki's 2nd tho
Even if he didn't, he's gotta be 70+ years old during the events of Yakuza 1.
His final scene in zero, man. Top feels
Something about walking into Sunshine and seeing Ai lazily dancing on stage gives me a nice feeling
Kiryu fucking ruined everything for him. He was in a great spot and then some upstart punk shit comes along. He loses his pinky and his standing just drops and drops and drops as Kiryu kicks the shit out of him over and over again, refusing to just end his suffering.
I loved how tenacious this fucker was.
Not sure how Monster Hunter qualifies as casual.
MH is super casual, in Japan at least. That's just the way it is. It's on handhelds only (besides World, until now, and the initial PS2 release and tri) for a reason.
It's only not casual here because it's a niche title.
When I think casual I think of a game that's easy and walks you through everything and describes all the systems. A game that is accessible to everyone, one normalfags can pick up and play without having to research at all. MH doesn't qualify, IMO.
Howcome Majima is such a legend in zero and such a dick in Kiwami?
he went full joker
Then why is COD considered casual? It actually takes some effort to get into and play online.
Don't think more than half of the faggots that play MH are actually decent like the shit you see online.
Ai confirmed vorefag.
should i replay yakuza 0 and finish it on extreme? I felt like it was too easy when I played it on normal for the first time
he got NTR'd and lost his marbles. 10 years can do a lot to a man.
The really weird thing is how much he obviously just wants to be friends with Kiryu in the Majima Everywhere System scenes, but then you get into his presence in the story.
the people he looked upto played him like a little bitch, despite him thinking he outsmarted them. Over the course of this adventure, he met others who basically lived by the concept of being free through batshit crazy. No one fucks with ya, people get scared of ya easy, etc.
He liked it and respected it enough to adopt it
Everything except certain 100% completion requirements.
What was the worst for you?
Mahjong is the polular answer but i don't really mind mahjong.
Post yfw Bakamitai
Call of Duty has a very low barrier for entry. You boot it, join a match, start shooting. Even the worst player can get a kill. Obviously you can build skill with it just like every game, but you don't need to learn about the weapons if you're a casual player. Point and shoot. The average normalfag isn't going to understand MH at all.
What he went through in Zero would drive a man insane.
The moment he realized his blind cutie crush didn't recognize him and was now hanging out with a doctor was the exact moment he stopped caring and went into a life long quest to bully Kiryu.
>shirtless costume
>Kiryu's tattoo is complete instead of being just lines
So this was my first yakuza, I'm real confused as to why nishiki said not to cross the line after you shot at least 100 guys to death
I'm pretty sure being tortured in a super prison for a year gave him PTSD among many other mental problems.
Majima lived a hard fucking life.
Those guys all survived they're okay.
>Not sure how Monster Hunter qualifies as casual.
Because in Japan they four man everything.
In canon Kiryu didn't pick up any guns, you dingus.
she didnt recognize him because she was blind when she was with him
he realized that if she was to have a happy life he couldnt be with her
its why he didnt talk, because she would recognize her voice
They all just got knocked out by plastic projectiles
Honestly didn't expect that, people told me that he was a handsome husbando, not a big pile of feels and tragic past
Send help
She didn't even remember his name when she visit her brother's death spot. She remembered Kiryu's for some reason.
He never told her his name, though.
Did they even say Majima's name around her?
She knew he was a cyclops, she knew he was yakuza, she knew he would always protect her from goons. She blew it.
I do think he opted out of saying something for her sake, though. He wouldn't have been any good for her, especially after already deciding on living crazy. If you love someone set them free etc.
Kiryu would have just tried to jump right in and fucked her over. Majima can control his thirst.
Rubber bullets.
MH is a very basic game, stop trying to make it look like it's the most deep game out there.
It's a japanese game and the japanese players who are "normalfags" can play the game just fine like they would go online in COD.
Same reason why over the years Yakuza games started to become more easy, to appeal to bigger audience, no challenge in those games anymore.
Plus shit out those games every year, shill them in chinkland and korea, hell even make exclusive items for those regions and you have a massive hit.
If you want damage sponges enemies and Makoto dying in 3 second then have fun
Always liked Majima about the same as Kiryu but after 0 he easily became my favourite character.
Hope that playable Majima in Kiwami 2 will be good but I'll just be happy to play as him again regardless.
After all she went through, involving her in his life would only bring her more pain. Besides, without being attached to her, Majima could go full CUHRAYZEE
Theyre literally the actors the characters faces were modeled after. Theyre not cosplayers.
They were only pretending to be retarded
I'm in Majima's first chapter and I fucking love this game. The difficulty is just right, to where I had a lot of trouble with Kuze until I learned how to actually fight worth a damn, and now the low-level street fights are about experimenting and just fun as fuck.
Plus I think I'm going to actually beat Space Harrier and Out... RANNU just for completion's sake.
I just realized how Sotenbori Mr. Shakedown looks a lot like Chad.
Its a joke m8
Majima's role in 2 was basically keeping Kamurocho free of Koreans.
Eating every item at restaurants.
Why does it count towards completion? It's tedious and adds no extra content.
Uh, no?
They are all original 3d models you dingus