Game has levels where you float

>Game has levels where you float.

What game

What kind of games let me play as Pennywise the clown?

final fantasy 8
but not minecraft

>game features a team of 11 year old children who after defeating a powerful cosmic entity decide to give the one girl in their group the gangbang of her life

sounds an awful lot like earthbound

I love that scene. I read Stephen King wanted to put it in the miniseries.

Space Station 13

the fucks this


Gravity Rush

>game has a level where you float on an egg over the sea

Saints Row 2
Soul Calibre 4

>game has a float you need to keep level

ay yo what the fuck stephen king

where's the FLAOT guy?



Thanks to Stephen King and Tim Curry I was afraid to go near storm drains for the longest time as a child.


The new one is fucking brutal. Like if a small child watched the new scene, they'd be absolutely petrified of storm drains and clowns.

This movie was fucking great. We need more video game antognists like It.

I thought that he got what he wanted and was freed from FLAOT hell

so brutal

Oh damn, I forgot about it. Will watch it here soon. Probably tomorrow.

it was so fuckin good

What's the context of this scene

Like where are they when she decides she needs to convince the group to dick her, and for what purpose
>read the book

A lot more than the original yeah

The only people who read books are virgins and authors know this so they throw in weird shit like this and virgins think its normal childhood behavior they missed out on.

I thought that scene was pretty shitty but my God was it horrifying when it was toying with Eddie in the house.

I'm talking about the opening scene with Georgie. In the first one he just kind of disappears. The new one shows a lot more.

>The fucking Jew boy painting monster



Really? I thought it looked lame as fuck. The leper looked great, as did giany Pennywise.

I like his fucking boss battle too, shit was cool.


They got lost trying to get back out, and their human compass(Eddie) fucked up a bunch of times, and were falling apart as a group.
King decided that the way to restablish calm and reunite them as a group power was to run a train on her.

Yeah, fuck that thing and the horse it rode in on. Stan was totally right to be terrified of it.

Laughed my ass off at both of those scenes. Giant Pennywise was absolutely ridiculous, and the leper helping Eddie was just too funny.

To be fair he was also using cocaine.

Weird, I thought the Hot Topic Slenderwoman was lame.

So how is the new IT?so far it seems to be getting decent reviews

stephen king sounds weird

He can be a good writer, though. Check out his short stories, like 1408 and N.

The "main" bully to the losers club gets his dick sucked by another lesser bully because he just fucking felt like it. After getting his shit sucked he beats his ass at some point for being a faggot. :^)

Before the accident he did good work(his technical writing's always been shit, but he evoked good imagery and told a good story anyway,) but part of that was having no self control, and apparently no editors who decided a book didn't need off the wall shit like that to sell.
It all stopped after the accident, but so did all the talent he actually had. Reading the pre-accident and post-accident dark tower books is like "holy fuck, did this author have electroshock in the middle of this?"

Its really apparent since him being hit by the fucking van is a plot point in the books.

But yeah this movie was great. It would make a fantastic video game antagonist, as it felt like it was stalking the leads in every scene just to fuck with them.

was kid gangbangs before or after the accident

Waaaaaaaaay before.

What the actual fuck was King thinking. This was so unecessary.

Some of his non-horror stuff is pretty darn good as well, especially the ones that are more heavy sci-fi Ray Bradbury style, like The Jaunt.

Alice Madness Returns is very floaty.

Tim Curry makes me both scared AND aroused.

Holy fuck this is disgusting. How can anyone think Stephen King ISN'T a pedophile?

>game has levels where you sink

it's ok because it's just literature and not a drawing


In a lot of King's work from the 80s, you can tell when he wrote something while high as a kite. There will be weird run on sentences, paragraphs that go nowhere, etc. So what makes that scene particularly awful is, looking at its logical flow and structure, that King WASN'T high on cocaine when he wrote it. He wrote a detailed preteen gangbang while completely lucid.


>Goonies with float

Yo, I just watched that movie tonight. Definitely worth the ticket price, awesome movie. I wub adorable child actors :3

I think it was something else he might have been on, there was that handjob section with the two boys



As far as it goes, though it wasn't neccessary, I think it has some justification in context though. It was meant to build on how crazy Henry was going towards the end of things.
Violent sexual confusion is a pretty good mindbreak.

Kind of wish they had Freddy Krueger be one of IT's illusions. Wasn't one of the illusions in the book a werewolf, because one of the kids had watched a werewolf movie or something?


>Bill, the King stand in, gets sloppy 6ths

It was Patrick who was giving the handjob though. He was the initiator, Henry snapped out of it when Patrick offered to suck his cock.

I Was A Teenage Werewolf, yeah. You wouldn't want someone/thing megapopular in a book like this though. It takes away from things. Putting something in like freddy or jason, especially into the movie, would turn it camp in the shitty way, no matter how you tried to sell the scene.

King's choice was probably right on the money. I don't know how popular the movie was for oldfags, but since noone remembers it like creature from the black lagoon, I'm guessing he wasn't a memeitic icon. Probably just recoginizable enough that people who actually saw that movie would be like "OH SHIT", but nobody would be like "oh for fuck's sake what's with that cameo?"

>too impatient to wait for bluray
>no friends to go to cinema with

He wouldn't be /ourguy/ if he wasn't also a cuck.

And Henry brainlessly went along with it. Patrick even started yelling at him over how he got hard from it.
You really think a punk like Henry wasn't stressing out over that later?

SotN because the controls are floaty as fuck KEK

I haven't read the book or seen the original, but I thought it was pretty good. The child actors are surprisingly good, and Pennywise is really eerie. One of the better horror movies to come out in recent years.

Good point. I haven't read the book in years, so my memory isn't as fresh as it should be.

Does Stuttering Bill actually have his stutter? It was absent in the trailer I saw.

Just got back from seeing and I fell in fucking love with it.

Shit kept me on the edge of my seat near the end. I thought I wasn't going to like the new clown at first but he grew on me fast to the point I got excited when he would appear.

why don't you go alone, user?

I guess you're right. I just thought it would've been cool since both movies are by New Line, and they had ANoES5 playing in the Derry Movie Theatre.

Why is that grown woman crying?

>love IT
>hate horror movies

I really want to see this movie but I fucking hate getting startled.

Nice pic for ants faggot


>Mobile posters

What did he mean by this?

Ugly, smelly, dumb phoneposter

I laughed through the entire movie. But then again, I am terrible with "horror" movies. Even the worshipped japanese ones. I don't know why, I just kept seeing tropes and jokes.

Pennywise dancing when he captured the little girl had me in stitches. I couldn't hold it whenever he did the shaky thing either. The only part of the movie that was slightly suspenseful to me was the first few minutes, with the little boy talking to him in the edge of the sewer hole.

The scariest/creepiest thing to me was the pedophile father dude and the redneck bully increasingly and over the top agression.
Aside from that the movie was basically comedy for me.

Movie isn't really scary. A lot of the scares are telegraphed as fuck. Good movie, still.

Don't get any naughty ideas user, she's 11
Because I'd just feel lonely

As long as you kept yourself quiet. Some guy behind me just kept laughing, and talking, and telling his friend on how the movie differed from the book by the minute. I honestly thought this was gonna be my first encounter with the fabled theater loud nigga, but to my surprise, it was a white kid with curly hair and a deep voice. He looked like he was cosplaying as Napoleon Dynamite.

What the flying fuck am I reading? And why wasn't this in the movies?

Wouldn't this be illegal in Canada, or is it okay if your name is Stephen King?

Yes, he does.

Can't show preteens displaying interest in sex. It's not normal.

Steven King did way too much cocaine and his editor didn't tell him to fuck off.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't in either movie because no reasonable parent would consent to that. Plus it makes no sense in terms of the story

Oh, yeah. I kept it to myself. People who go to movies and make a fucking racket are the worst.
I never read the books, I just didn't really find the whole thing particulary scary. It had its creepy moments, but it is pretty easy to evoke "creepy" when using a clown.

>no reasonable parent would consent to that
You've never been to LA

Books get away with a lot of shit because they aren't marketed like movies and vidya. I remember my junior high library had a book about two runaway teens who moved to the city, and it detailed their encounters with drugs, sex, prostitution, murder, and the sort. I honestly wonder who let that slip by and gave it a Teacher's Approval stamp.

Do a lot of preteens engage in group sex?

well, I remember getting a huge boner watching Carrie

>either movie

Tim Curry IT is a miniseries that went to VHS after airing. Not being smug, I didn't know this myself until recently

So what's your favorite King book? The ending to Hearts in Atlantis makes me cry every time I read it.

Nigga they aren't showing a preteen gangbang on a NETWORK MINI SERIES. It wasn't even an R rated movie. The film had to follow 1990 network television practices.