Redpill me on buying ffxiv with stormblood

redpill me on buying ffxiv with stormblood

you missed the first two weeks when there were actually people playing

There's still queues to login for my server at night

game's too easy now

Its literally the second biggest mmo and growing.

No reason to buy Stormblood unless you're already level 60. Just get the starter pack.

play if you have friends

or not

its your money

You are going to spend two months at a minimum playing through obsolete content before you get to the actual game.

Also FFXIV is boring.

i already have base game and heavensward a pld on level 50 and a nin @ 30-35

don't have friends to play this can i make some ingame ?

>don't have friends to play this can i make some ingame ?

i mean will i met people outside of town and dungeons or are the zones empty

Join your servers novice network. If you play on a non dead server there will be 100+ people in there chatting and grouping. There's also party finder where you can find tons of discord groups so the only factor of meeting people is how social are YOU

will i get gametime if i buy stormblood or do i also have to subscribe

no gametime included with expansions

1 month of free sub with base game. SB doesn't includes free sub

then play heavensward until you beat it. no point in buying stormblood unless you're already done with the heavensward story or want to play as samurai/red mage

well that sucks

i wanted to play sam with stormblood but now i remember i didn't even finish the base game story. how long will it take

There you go

how long it takes depends on (you)
skip all the cutscenes and skip all optional content? not too long
don't skip everything? very long


I created a n account to play with old FFXI friends, and while I'm happy to be able to play with them again, I don't know how to tell them that I think the game is pretty shit, I get no satisfaction from it, and they're the only reason I haven't left it yet.

It's a shit wow clone for gay erp fags.

what a coincidence, I created an FFXI account to play with friends and I'm in the same position.


Who else hype for beast tribe and retainer tokens going into currency?!

>used to be hyped for rdm and didnt care for sam at all before launch
>in the end sam is really fun and rdm is boring as hell

>lines to log into the game

Two months? Took me a week to hit 50 and then another to hit 60.

Well, what's left of XI today I wouldn't recommend to anyone except people wanting to satiate their nostalgia - and even then not all of them, so I think I definitely understand where you're coming from.

what a coincidence, i created an account to play ffxi with old ffxi friends on a private server and am having a blast. must suck to like playing MMOs that cater to casuals

its not about the leveling but the quests.

You level doing the MSQ. They are synonymous when on your first job. Later alts can hit cap even faster due to armoury bonus.

Did you play like 15 minutes a day or something?

>Who else hype for beast tribe and retainer tokens going into currency?!

You mean along with a new beast tribe to do dailys for everyday where you fly (swim) around and click on things? Cool.

Me. I've yet to spend any of my beast tribe currency, but having it on hand and not in the way would be great and might get me to use it.

>all these dead game memes
>new worlds still being opened to deal with congestion
Try harder Sup Forums


Balmung with the hard hitting questions as usual

they need to make primal tokens and raid tokens go into currency too

why is it still not ingame, yoshi hack?

I've yet to find a satisfying private server.
Not that I begrudge the people trying, it's hard work.


>watch twitch chat during one of the fanfest and everybody was shitting on balmung

i fucking need to get off that server it really is as bad as people say

Am I the only person who has literally no issues with it from day one? Why do I give a shit if some people RP in a handful of specific places.

most (all?) have level sync enabled. if you find one with 100+ active players during your time zone's prime time, you will usually be able to do anything you want. the low populations only affect the AH economy really

catboys are made for ______

putting in the garbage

wrong, power bottoming !

100 players in a game like FFXI is still a ghost town, may as well be playing with trusts.


The game should let you filter duty finder by race. My life would be improved if I never grouped with another cat.

Game is okay. Next big content patch is next month so now is a decent time to start and catch up before the 24 man raid.

Go away, Khloe. Alisaie is canon WoL waifu!




Jesus christ. I haven't met this character yet but I'm going to have to mash through its dialogue for sure.


>not getting your choice of either or

Alphinaud is superior in every way, and even has better taste in minions according to that image.


Please fuck the kitty loli

Post slutglams


back to your cave you goblin

Khloe isn't a prostitute! She's a sweet, adorable kitten cum dumpster!

Why do bottom of the barrel retards use so many exclamation points in their posts?

what does ravioli have to do with khloe?

Don't buy it with stormblood.
Unlike Wow and most other MMOs, FFXIV is NOT just about the end game content. It is literally a JRPG in MMO format, so you have a story and a crapton of quests to go through before even reaching the first expansion Heavensward, so just buy the first game and try it out like that.

based meren

Healing sucks complete ass now. I do less damage thanks to no Cleric Stance, and it feels like mobs of enemies are cunt-punting the tank for 1/3rd of his HP every tic; so not only do I do less damage there's less opportunity to even squeeze it in, and trying to AoE burns my MP to 0 before Luminiferous Aether is halfway off cooldown.

I came back to my lv68 AST today, redlined the tank's HP and whiteknuckled my way though a Doma Castle run, all for a meagre ~1100 DPS. What the fuck? I used to do 800 at iLv 180 back when Heavensward first came out, and that's when AST was still garbage.
And I only had 30% overhealing, mostly from Aspected Helios ticking on myself and the DPS, so it's not like I'm burning MP wastefully either.

I just want to play RDM, but the queues are atrocious and there's already a million of them.

It's a singleplayer MMO.

Go play a regular FF game instead. Unless you like paying more for a worse game. Just so you occasionally see another player walk by you in the world, pretending to be a catgirl.

I'm confuse.


Subs started dropping two weeks after SB. Post source or fuck off.
Worse than boring, it's just not fun. It is everything that killed MMOs, perfected into a glossy turd.

the nerf to healer dps was necessary because it was incredibly cancer in heavensward. people were dying because healers were prioritizing damage over heals, groups were kicking healers that didn't damage but also kick them for screwing up while doing damage. also don't get started on the whole meld situation

But I can't pretend to be a catgirl in any other Final Fantasy game.

You'll occasionally see someone walk by you in leveling areas. But that's it. Nobody will talk to you even look your way.

I played on a capped server and only ever saw like, 20 people total until I got to 50 outside of cities.

Ravioli Ravioli
Don't lewd the catgirl loli

A long ass fucking time.
Or you can shell out a ton of money to skip it ;)

if you truly play on the capped servers (balmung/gilgamesh) you will never see anyone in old zones because those servers never accept new players. thus you're only left with level cap people and jaded veterans

It's a JRPG if you strip all the gameplay out of it.

And JRPG's aren't known for their gameplay in the first place...

I knew ffxiv players was weebs, but filthy frank is taking it to new levels

If you feel that's worth putting up with shitty, boring gameplay, an awful story, and sub money, go ahead.

>Subs started dropping two weeks after SB
you have no source either


It's actually not Allisae, it just looks like her (the artist probably plagiarised).

It shows.
I'd have 20-30 minute queues as a RDM for SB leveling dungeons, but my Doma queue was instant. Also holy shit I'm glad I went through the campaign as a DPS class like 2 months late because SB world enemies have bloated HP pools and I'd be fucking excruciating with my crippled AST DPS.

Not that it would matter. Leveling and MSQ is 99% solo.

For how much people praise the socializing in FFXIV, it's really awful for it.

I don't think you understand what a capped server means.

Capped means no new characters allowed. Odin was only recently uncapped thanks to Louisoux, and now we've got tons of people running around the low level areas again.

Anyone want a referal code?

I will, thanks.

the fetch and job quests are solo but you literally cannot do the MSQ entirely solo. you're forced to group with others for dungeons like 30+ times


Where is Dalmasca?

>People dropping sub when running out of stuff to do
>Come back once new patch/content drops
>Exactly as the game director intended

I dunno what to tell ya.

>1 veteran drops their sub because their bored 100+ hours later
>100+ new players have joined since then

If it was capped, how did I get in? Because anyone with a brain knows how to get in.

JRPGs have varied gameplay, just look at all the different FFs, the Tales of games and many others. They're mostly known for the story based progression and the many japanese staples.


Dungeons that you can sleepwalk through where nobody says a word. I know.

The game might as well be singleplayer. You know I'm right. The fact that the game has raids doesn't make it an MMO, nor does the fact that you see other players in cities.

>awful story
When you hit Heavensward, its literally one of the best final fantasy stories since the PS1 games. Off yourself.

first you say it's a solo game, I prove you wrong, now you're saying the game is asocial. the problem is not the game, the problem is YOU if you can't find like minded players. do you blatantly ignore novice network or the 50+ discord groups in PF?

How do I find myself an actual real FC and possible a static?

Unless the director plans on releasing an xpac every month, that plan is not going to work.
