What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Large maps with mostly nothing but fetch quests to do. The made the exact same mistake with Andromeda too.

Open world meme

I agree desu. That's unironically the reason why I didn't get Inquisition and Andromeda.

Riddled with meaningless filler content. Sidequests with actual stories, the crafting system, and dragon hunting were all pretty fucking good.

Is the open world meme coming to an end?

EA corporate told a bunch of people who knew nothing about open-world games to make an open-world game.

And anyone who could even kinda write well was long gone by that point... although ME:A makes DA:I look like a masterpiece.

I remember years ago that people were going around saying open worlds were the future of gaming and the word "linear" was considered a black stain on a game. Oh how times have changed.

Just because Bioware made a shitty open world game doesn't mean they're going anywhere.

how was this games roleplaying, open world mechanics, exploration and gameplay any different than TW3? how can Sup Forums hate one but defend the other.

You will always have hypes.

Just like crafting and grinding games. A certain niche of people enjoys that very much, but a lot of people think it's boring or a waste of time.

I'm kinda scared about weekes too desu. What with saying that heroes don't torture and all.
This. Val Royeaux and Halamshiral sound like interesting places. Too bad we ol=nly got to see the market and winter palace respectively. All time and resources went to making open countryside.

i liked it. the intro is terrible and goes on way too long and the game is kinda trash but enjoyable trash. its got good customisation and you can build a party that destroys everything in its path. i like that.

It was the post Skyrim fad at the time but people are growing weary of that too.

>doesn't mean they're going anywhere
Unfortunately true. I just want the meme to end already. Open world games aren't inherently bad but this industry is focusing way too much resources on that shit.

A lot of devs forget a large majority of gamers with purchasing power have jobs and limited time.

12 year olds might spend a lot of time in a game but they probably cant afford the same amount of games.

TW3 world was filled with interesting quests which helped a lot.

Bioware thinks they can do no wrong and got overconfident. They failed to learn from DA2 and Andromeda is so bad it killed their Montreal studio.

Poorly implemented Qunari, both as PCs and as NPCs.

Fuck don't remind me. I'm still angry at how much they raped Qunari lore.

One of the few things DA2 got right was the Qunari. They were 10/10, and not even in comparison to the rest of the game. Fuck Stinkuisition.

The problem is lazy open world as much as lazy linear games, you can make both good, but most don't i.e. FarCry 78 liberate that cis outpost edition.

The Arishok was legit one of the best antagonists Bioware had ever written. I found he actually made some good points and ultimately he deserved to be in a better game.

He deserved a better FRANCHISE. Yeah, Arishok was incredible. He wasn't even deep but he was believable and understandable. If he'd given me the choice to, I'd have joined him.

>The Arishok was legit one of the best antagonists Bioware had ever written.

Not really saying much. Except for the Arishok, Loghain and maybe Irenicus, Bioware's antagonists are always just insane or one-dimensional evil.

>deserved a better FRANCHISE
That honestly applies to a lot of things Bioware has written. Some many great ideas and yet they somehow manage to ruin them in the end.


It's easy to blame shit ideologies but honestly even without them I think Bioware's incompetence is the real thing that stopped them from making good games anymore.

you need to look at things in the long run. sjw ideology is the reason why Bioware and generally speaking most of society has become so incompetent in the first place recently.
People no longer get chances based on skill but solely on gender and skin color. I can grantee you that a ton of really talented white dudes never got a chance to find their talent because of identity politics. they either got shit own by their feminist teacher and gave up or worked themselves through school only to be discriminated later thanks to "diversity quotas".
also aside from talented people no longer getting a chance to shine. making the best game possibly is no longer the main goal of anybody. instead the main goal is to push as many sjw propaganda as possible and to "fight the progressive fight"
people that study game design literally have to go to classes about feminism and marxism


>people that study game design literally have to go to classes about feminism and marxism
Source on that. You have to be shitting me.

Most of the open world aspects of TW3 can be completely ignored. DAI literally gates main story progression behind you completing a % of your laundry list. I don't care for open world games in general, but to me that's basically a death sentence to the entire concept of an open world.

Also this

>new generation of white boys are lazy, incompetent, and whiny
>they don't make it in the real world

it didn't build up any hype or excitment during announcement and marketing phase, because instead of advertising RPG disciplines or other engaging features, it was basically:

>new announcement: GAY Romance
>new announcement: The Bull will bull your ass up
>new announcement: lesbian elf hates men character included
>new announcement: super gay gaymen with gay mustache is here to gay up your gameplay

How on earth should have anybody gotten excited about that game?

in the end, this problem will solve itself. If you hire bad people that make bad games, in the end product will be bad. Bad sales = end of product = unemployed SJW and end of "muh diversity"

in the long run, quality will always win over "muh diversity"

They were going to be when they were filled with hand crafted content and had a unique method of traveling them
Instead we got fast travel and procedural bullshit with copypaste dungeons

the market will fix this approach would work if people wouldn't buy and watch shit just because they are on the band wagon

just see andromeda, it sold so bad that EA canceled all their plans for DLC and sequels and closed the studio at Bioware. Just the living proof of my statement

not everyone hates gays you now

> give Dorian the best VA
> make his storyline dull as hell
Everyone had this problem. Bull had great writting... and yet his VA sounded like he was asleep half of the time.

Not to mention that the game obviously wants some romances to be canon badly, mainly Bull/Dorian. Why even give players the option to romance them if their joint ending is going to be miles better that what they have with the Inquisitor?

>What went wrong?
Absolute garbage sidequests.
Horrible animations.
Not enough spells and abilities to make varied builds.

Crafting was nice, though.
And graphics in general.
DLC were also great, especially The Trespasser.

I'd score the complete edition a 7,7/10.

DA:O > DA:I > DA2

>forgetting the Architect, Sarevok, Sovereign, etc

This right here. Forcing the open world onto the player is such a dumb design decision.

Gutting the party AI programming of the other two games.
Not enough good skills per class that created a reliance or two or three moves - in a game that can last 100 hours.

The true future is the middle path of games like Deus Ex and Hitman. Large open levels with multiple paths.

The best course of action. You can pack levels with tons of detail and extra paths making a more enjoyable experience and it would probably cost less money to make than huge open world areas that no one gives a shit about.

Combat felt like ass and played like ass. Even the worst gameplay (e.g. open-world filler garbage) can be enjoyable if the combat is enjoyable

This and also a really boring villain. They should've made Fen'Harel the only bad guy.

MMO combat
Empty huge world with literally nothing to do in it

4/10 game

Speaking of Fen'Harel. Are they going to make DA4? Inquisition's ending was so fucking hype, I'll play the sequel even if it's shit.

>open world
Same thing with Andromeda.
Story driven games suffer from being open world, because it kills the pacing of the story. Having a paper thin 7 hour story in a 90 hour game is fucking retarded. Because most of the game is filler.

It was made by nu-Bioware

The game is pretty pathetic stacked up against witcher 3. It's got a bunch of empty deserts with nothing in them but stupid fetch quests

>what went wrong

The Qun was always retarded. In DA:O it was retarded and they realized it, see the Sten conversation about how you can't be a Gray Warden AND have a vagina. Then DA2 they've got constant defections, lots of death in combat, and somehow still have enough manpower to take a city without using their mages. They go on about how you can only be one thing in life and how mages are terrible and even hearing the words of a mage means you and the mage need to both die yet they consider tranquility barbaric. I think it's because they've made people tranquil and when all emotions and dogmatic adherence aren't factors they speak truth to power. And DAI... we don't talk about that. Suffice to say transgenderism makes negative fucking sense in the Qun.

> Arishok was incredible
This is what people who never read a book in their life actually believe. These are also the same people who think they are good judges of quality.

No, the Arishok wasnt good.
He was literally retarded.
And the Qunari and the Qun are one of the most overrated thing in vidya since Simon the Sorcerer.
He literally contradicts himself in every third sentence but people have the attention span of fucking toddlers so of course you are too dumb to notice. Jesus fucking Christ, Qunari Fanboys are the worst, most obnoxious blithering mongoloids I have seen on this board.

cool wall of non-arguments

>Yeah nah cunt let's just recton the lore of an entire fuckin race so they can be cool to trannies and have a pansexual search guy

FUCK Iron Bull, he was fuckawful. Within 9 seconds of know your marry band of retards the cunt up and fuckin says "Oh yeah, I'm a spy for a foreign government btw lol ;)" then talks about that transfaggot Krem and how the Qun has a word for them, and it's completely non-derogatory, even though Sten would have an aspergers fit if the Warder in DA: O was a woman and a warrior. Swear if I find the cunt who pulled that shit I'll fuckin glass them

It's also worth noting that Qunari are literally muslims.

user, have a snickers. You turn into a whiny cunt when you're hungry.

>The Architect
>Any of those good

How do you people even breathe and think at the same time?
The Arishok was retarded and his motivations boil down to ''THE PLOT- I MEAN THE QUN DEMANDS IT' EVEN IF IT CONTRARY TO WHAT I JUST SAID''

Loghain is a fucktard cuck who is willing to fuck up his own country and his own countrymen because of MUH PARENTS WERE KILLED BY ORLESIANS AND MUH BEST FRIENDS SON THOUGHT MY DAUGHTER HAS BARREN WOMB

The Architect isn't interesting or deep either. Right from the get to HE LIES TO YOU. In fact one of the Dialogue Options is to call him out on him LYING to you. But of course you were too autistic to tell, that he is neither who he claims to be nor are his goals what he presents them as.

Game engine that is reportedly hard as fuck to work with given to a an inexperienced team with agendas.

Some of the guys working on it have said it's an open secret, so yes there's going to be a follow-up. Who knows what they'll do with the Inquisitor though, since they want a different PC for every game.

Shit attention to detail. I'm fairly certain a good chunk of the game never got looked at in internal testing. Like the related mandatory converation.

Terrible bugs. (Knight Enchanter and Tempest on release. What the everloving fuck?) If you're shit enough to not notice until after release that your players can spam what amounts to a limit break for free by using one ability that removes the STAMINA cost from abilitie then goddamn fire everyone. Get Stanrey Woo back on QA, DA2 didn't have bugs that bad. It wa just a shit game.

The party AI is a work of art. It's a case study in what NOT to do.

The combat balance overall was worse than it's ever been. Somehow they created a paradigm where Rogues one-shot, mages are the most durable shit ever, and Warriors are just kind of useless tauntbots. Or they would be useless if they weren't just a convenience tool because the AI was braindead retarded and would suicide for no goddamn reason if you weren't constantly giving orders to them all. When a warrior can be literally one-shot by things that can be tanked indefinitely by a mage shit is wrong. (Also, holy FUCK the amount of abities that have retarded interactions and cancel each other out.)

(S)he should be the leader of the Inquisition and the new MC's boss.

>Sten would have an aspergers fit if the Warder in DA: O was a woman and a warrior.

Wasn't the explanation that wariorr = man, hence Krem was seen as a man, but the Warden insisted on being a warrior AND a woman?

TW3 didn't play like a solo mmo

no, it just played like shit to the point where playing on the easiest diff is the way to go just to make the combat shorter

>the Qun and the Qunari contradict themself and the Qun might as well be called THE PLOT is a non-argument

Looks like was correct about the blithering retard-part.

See, that doesn't bother me even half as much as how bad the writing gets whenever the Qun is involved.
>people don't decide their place in the qun, they get born into it
>whoop dee doo we actually have a word for trannies now, you know, the thing I just told you goes against the teachings of the QUN
>hey hey arishok-kun if you hate X so much why dont do Y
>because the Plot demands it, Hawke-chan
>hey hey arishok-kun why you doing Y now, the thing you said you cant do
>Because the Plot demands somethign different now, Hawke-chan

Great comeback you illiterate shitstain. How many times did you have to autocorrect that sentence? Or did your millennial betavirgin ass actually have to hire someone to proofread it for you?

he didn't say anything about hating gays. It's just that if your game's selling point is "we have gays". You don't really have a good selling point as a game in the first place.