Will the Switch survive without essential third-party games?
Will the Switch survive without essential third-party games?
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Probably the only two games that I'd be okay with having on the Switch are Persona 5 and Monster Hunter.
All of the third party portable support for the 3DS will move over to the Switch in time.
It will likely steal the waifu/weaboo market from the Vita as well.
If they get a Madden, a quality racing sim and a COD with a healthy playerbase it'll be fine if it misses out on everything else.
Nintendo games don't play anime games not made by Nintendo or western stuff anyways
Worked for the n64, if you ignore Rare games.
The Switch hardware is 2007 tier garbage it cant handle any of those games.
>Look everyone! I made this shitpost thread again!
>Worked for the n64
It really didn't. PSX outsold it 3:1 and had so many more games to play.
>Third party support
>nintendo giving a fuck
People get nintendo consoles to play all the great 1st party titles not to play medal of duty 467636337676 or Gray Open World game 37383
How the fuck can they not port the south park game and hearthstone to the switch?
Depends on what you mean by "survive".
Is it going to beat the PS4 in market penetration and sales? No.
Is it going to beat the XBOX One even? Probably not.
Is it going to surpass the Wii U and carve out a comfortable niche among gamers looking for an alternative that's not a scaled-down PC or even just a secondary system where they can play Mario Kart and Splatoon? Then yeah, it'll do just fine.
>south park game
Would you say that there exists a certain critical mass of users where third parties would consider entering the market? Just give me Battlefield 4 and some JRPGs
Nintendo, unlike Sony and Microsoft, don't sell their consoles for a loss. And they've also got you retards buying little plastic figurines (that makes most of their prophet these days.) Nintendo can afford to shit out one or two exclusives worth mentioning a year and still stay in the black.
In its first year on the market (March 2017 to March 2018) the Switch will likely sell around half what the Xbone has total.
I think the JRPGs are coming. A bunch of companies were banking on the Switch bombing and are now in the process of eating that metaphorical bag of dicks and crows. We'll likely see some development on that end in the years to come.
WIth that having been said, we're likely going to see a bunch of ports of Playstation JRPGs instead of something new.
>Gray Open World game 37383
But that's what botw was minus the gray
Nintendo doesn't need them.
But they need Nintendo so screw them.
>All of the third party portable support for the 3DS will move over to the Switch in time.
Sony is announcing a new portable at TGS so no it won't actually
android phones don't count
Kekmao. Think nintenbros are autistic enough to make Octopath Traveller a bestseller while ignoring ports?
SMT is, Professor Layton is, and it seems like Etrian Odyssey is too.
>Sony is announcing a new portable at TGS
if those games actually came to the Switch you'd just be disappointed in the resulting ports
Apparently you will have to pay a subscrption for online play in 2018.
Is this true? I was gonna buy a switch largely for splatoon but not if I have to pay an online subscription.
Yes, the first year is free and then after that it's 20 dollars a year
Although it is comparatively cheap keep in mind that the Switch's online is pretty shitty and you are paying for peer2peer connection, meaning there's nothing your money could possibly improve.
Welcome to Nu-Tendo
Only a few of those games I'd really wish to be on the switch, but essential? No.
And? Even if by some miracle of logistics, the new Sony portable is both cheaper and more powerful than the switch, who would still buy it knowing what happened with the Vita?
>Persona 5 is not coming to the PC
No game ever is essential
Nobody because Japan doesn't give a shit about Sony and every japanese developer is moving to the switch.
>Wii gets a shitload of third party support
>Switch only has first party and a select few third parties
nop it will die like wii u
That was taken out of context. The quote is from someone who no longer works at Atlus USA and kept getting bugged on twitter about Persona 5
Remember me?
lmao acfag can't stop spamming. The switch is succeeding and he's SEETHING
ACfag is primarily a Nintendo fan though
What is with Nintendrrones and calling everyone whatever the boogeyman of the month is?
>an entire swathe of normiecore trash
Damn, what a loss. Now I'll only have good games to choose from.
Because the fan boys don't want to accept that some of the former fans are tired of Nintendo's bullshit.
>tfw had to post a picture of my 3DS in a thread last week because fan boys kept insisting I was a Sonyfag
Most of my consoles are Nintendo ones but I'm not retarded enough to defend the kind of shit they've been doing in some areas.
There's maybe 5 companies on that list that haven't announced anything yet.
>Doesn't get the big 3rd party devs PS4 / PC
>Doesn't get the niche 3rd party devs from Vita
I thought this was going to have the Vita and PS4 dev support? Where are the games?
>It will likely steal the waifu/weaboo market from the Vita as well.
They're already failing that. Not only that, but the biggest reason WHY those devs were on the Vita was imply due to it not being a Nintendo system. The devs on Vita are already primed to go to PC or PS4 so don't expect any Switch stuff.
post games that Nintenbros will NEVER play
The last Nintendo machine I bought was a refurbished Gameboy SP. It half-a-decade after that when emulation became a more common thing and even the cheapest laptops could do it, so I essentially bought myself a laptop and never looked back. And I have no regretted it.
The reason I specify all this is so that you'll know where I'm coming from when I say that I don't think Nintendo cares about 3rd party anymore. Like at all.
The Gamecube (and arguably the Wii) was the last time Nintendo felt like it was willing to suck 3rd party dick, and honestly I don't think they need to anymore.
We live in a day and age where single games are considered "system sellers", meaning games that are so good that buying the system JUST to play them is an acceptable trade-off. Good examples of this are Bloodborn, BoTW, and maybe some Xbox shit like Gears/Halo. If a console doesn't have this kind of selling-power it'll bomb, see the Bone, but if it does it'll sell millions, see the Switch.
Now, consider that Nintendo has made the console AND the system selling game. They are now making money not only from selling the box, but also for selling the system seller. But it gets better, because Nintendo has a built-in fanbase that will eat their shit if it comes in a fancy game cover. Nintendo won't have ONE system seller for the Switch. They'll have 2 or 3! Mario, Metrioid, Zelda and not to mention the buzz about a home-console Pokemon. If all these line up (and don't get spinoffs like Mario Kart or fusions like SSB), that's 4 system selling games.
My point is that the Switch might not have 3rd party games, but if their first party games are as hyped as BoTW, they will turn a much bigger profit with letting 3rd party developers be 3rd class citizens.
>we're likely going to see a bunch of ports of Playstation JRPGs
In your dreams nintenbro
>It half-a-decade after that
Remove "It" and the sentence makes a lot more sense. My bad.
Has Nintendo ever had good third party support? Starting from the N64 on, Nintendo's been on their own.
>Where are the games?
Being announced? I mean the system did take DQ Builder from the Vita and just got a Rockstar game.
>just got a Rockstar game
And the worse version too
Same with Final Fantasy
You know what, fuck it, there's a ton of grammatical errors in this post. Fuck I'm too tired to type out long shit like this.
DQ Builder was a PS4 game though and it wasn't very niche. Plus, Dragon Quest has a history on Nintendo systems so the entire franchise is impossible to call a Sony exclusive title. The last title that was "stolen" also sold half the amount the Vita version sold despite both releasing at the same time.
Just face it. The Switch is already failing to garner 3rd party support and with its abysmal sales of those who DID jump onto the hype, I don't see this trend changing anytime soon.
>worse version
>not the VR version
Whatever you say Gabe.
>buying Nintendo for multiplats
No one does this. Why would anyone prefer to play a gimped version of a multiplat on weaker hardware?
People get Nintendo for the first-party games and the occasional third-party exclusive.
>The Switch is already failing to garner 3rd party support
>Just got big third party announcement
Nope. Repeating it doesn't make it true.
>abysmal sales of those who DID jump onto the hype
So abysmal some of the greediest publishers are making games for it.
>Mass Effect: Andromeda
fucking lewd
all of those games are terrible anyways
unless they change their mind
>hip hop artists, sports stars, and celebrities are literally gushing about bow great it is
>implying normies want anything other then Madden and NCAA shit
EA is backing it with sports titles, it's completely fine.
>Atlus USA
Dont they just take care of localization? Why would he know anything about the the game development?
Fuck mario, the manlet poster child
I want a Yoshi game, a Luigi game, A wario game, a bowser game.
>Suda's NMH is on board
Can't wait for Bayo 3 EXCLUSIVELY on Switch
No 3rd party will bother.
they just need a version of the big hits. if it's MW3 PS3 Madden with a current roster and Project Cars 1, that's enough for more casual Nintendo players from straying to a 2nd console.
Why you survive without essential shitposting?
Reminder that third party support != AAA multiplat
3rd party exclusives are a thing too.