>Go to some shitty university
>Wondering what the vidya clubs are like
>There's only an "e-sports" club, a Smash bros club, and a yearly lanwar event
>All they do is play Mobas, CS:GO, Starcraft and Smash bros
>No fightan vidya clubs
Now look, I know everyone has their tastes and all, but this is ridiculous. Is this true in other universities, or is mine just this bad?
University vidya clubs
They're full of spergs, same with anime and "pop culture" clubs.
You want a fightan vidya club? Try actually getting some people together then. I run a university club and it's impossible to get enough people together to do a simple fucking tournament for any fightan game.
spergs don't want to play anything with anyone, they join the clubs then don't do a single thing.
Clubs are bait incarnate. Find some mates in class like any other functional human being
>go to university
>no clubs
>nothing but normalfags everywhere
>have to live with two of them in the dorm room
>drop out after a year
I wish it was like movies, with d&d nerds or something
From what I've seen all unis are like this. Mine is the same, we have a game room next to the campus pub and it's always loaded with dudes playing smash.
Every time I put together a tournament for a fighting game, fuck all people turn up.
Every time I run an e-sports game, I get a shitload of people
That fucking sucks that not a lot of people play fighting games. What's the point of joining a club if you aren't doing anything, though?
Don't go to the vidya club on your campus. I guarantee you that it is filled with the most obnoxious and insufferable people in existence. Same goes for anime, comics, and film clubs.
I've watched it for two years now. They come and sign up, I give them a schedule for the semester, I never see them again. Spergs just do this, we all know how socially awkward they are
I know they're bait that's why I don't go to these kinds of clubs. Doesn't help that half my class are either ultra normie or ultra spergs. I just want to play fighting games
>No clubs
What university doesn't have any clubs?
I don't know how Smash gets a lot of people. It just grows and grows while Nintendo barely gives a shit at times
Which clubs are ok then?
Can confirm, I run a vidya club, literally some of the most insufferable cunts ever
Depends what country you're in as well
the only clubs in uni worth joining are stuff like the College Republicans and poker club.
Generally, if you have an interest then its best to find classmates who share that interest. Clubs are for enthusiasts and sadly, shit like vidya attracts autists and spergs. If you really desire to join a club on campus, a club centered around a sport usually has the most normal and easy going people. With anything else, there is always a huge risk. You may find people who are great or you may find people who you cannot stand to be around.
I would say scout out the clubs that interest you. Just pop in one day and see what it's like. No harm in that.
>tfw you joined the fit club
That Pepe is skinny fat as fuck
>tfw same but with introverted semi-normalfags with "geeky" hobbies
They're more insufferable to me because they managed to get their life perfectly despite being in the same groups as me
Just bring your own. Brought Skullgirls last year to my club and it went great. And I brought Budokai 3, so hopefully gonna bring tekken this year,
Can confirm, the anime club in my university was full of bronies, turboweebs, autists and there was a guy who molested his own daughter too.
The gaymen society at my uni is tempting me because they have weekly street fighter competitions to win cash or free drinks, but the people there will most likely be the biggest autists you'll meet
All fighting games are dead user, why do you think everyone plays smash
>a guy who molested his own daughter too
and ya'll was cool with having him around?
They were. I only ever went to that place once and the first thing one of the autistic bronies did was start playing some techno remix of a MLP song with me, a complete stranger, in the room.
No company is better than shit company, user.
>No company is better than shit company, user.
i wholeheartedly disagree. i'd rather be alone than with those faggots
As in having no company is better than having shit company.
i wish clubs like this were a thing here in europoorland ;-:
i can't read sorry
>tfw will get the opportunity to sign up for clubs tomorrow
I'm steering clear of the vidya club, but how are d&d clubs generally?
Ranges from mostly autistic to least autistic but you never know. Just go there once and bail if you don't like it
This. There was a bombshell of a woman in the d&d club on my campus last year. I knew because we shared a class together. Every guy lusted after her so I never really talked to her that much though
Every once in a while at my community college, I'd see SF4 or Marvel 3.
Most of the time, though, it was filled with Smash, so I'd just not.
It is how i got introduced to my metro area's FGC, though. Might as well hang out with people that'll actually play long sets for hours into the early morning than autistic school children.
>college has video game club
>everyone in it is playing 8 man smash
holy fucking autism
In my experience those types of people join just to scout out and creep on girls. It never works.
Got one in UK but its full of spergs.
I only ever played D&D with people in the comp sci department at my school. I ran the vidya club though and we naturally had a similar member list to the tabletop club. They were definitely more on the hardcore roleplaying side but they were all nice people.
>That Mitsuru
Smash draws a big crowd because you have to play it in person, and it has a good appeal among both the casual and competitive members. I founded my school's club but we didn't get good numbers for anything but Smash and Mario Kart. People used the Steam group I made to meet and play with other people online, but getting people to show up for LAN parties or "let's all play x online together" was impossible.
i just want to join a club to meet vidya friends but as a grill it always turns out uncomfortable and autistic due to 9/10 spergs. i just want to try and make one guy friend to practice vidya with that isn't after some 'tang
>that isn't after some tang
Consider gays and guys that are already in relationships.
All we have is a smelly smash club and a "nerd club" full of people going "imsuchanerdECKSDEE" while watching star wars and playing Pokemon.
>a bunch of idiots got into a shouting match between dota and lol in the cs building
>both games are now banned
>Consider gays and guys that are already in relationships.
>guys that are already in relationships.
oh you poor naive bastard
>there is people on this very board that doesn't hide their powerlevel
This is why you have no friends. Maybe the turbo autist are you guys?
I would love a melee club at my uni.
It'd give me an excuse to actually travel and turn up to lectures/labs rather that do it all at home.
that was some good porn
Rule #1 and #2 asshole.
>people are playing video games I don't like
>throw an autistic tantrum on Sup Forums about it
Good thread
My school has a melee club and a fighting game club. I fucking hate everyone in them. They all expect other people to set everything up, none of them have materials. They also want to do tournaments for cash prizes, but they don't want to pay entry fees. Not to mention the smell.
this. i play a severely unhealthy amount of vidya and watch tons of anime, but to normies I'm just the history dude who knows how to party
I'd like to start a gaming club, how should I go about it?
Fucking normie
just gather people you know in class or post on facebook to see if anyone's interested
> be me
>transferred to big university in capital of state, from community college
>its nothing but fucking niggers, chinks, and, towelheads
I was so triggered
>loyal guys who are already in relationships
There you go.
>go to university game club
>it's actually more about board and card games, with a side group that plays LoL and CSGO
>actually have a lot of fun playing classic board games, and get introduced into DnD
The best part is that one of the members was staying at one of his grandmother's rental houses, so we didn't need to meet on campus. Our usual meeting where at his place, and we would usually grill food and blast music.
>just gather people you know in class
I just got here, from out of state, no friends yet.
>or post on facebook to see if anyone's interested
Isn't there another way?
If you want a fighting game club, go to the black student union.
If you know other people, talk to them to get a good base number of people, at least for the first meeting. Send out a survey or just ask people at the first meeting what games people would like to play. If possible, get at least one other person to help run the club - I ran mine all by myself and while I had a lot of fun, it was stressful as fuck balancing all the event organization and keeping people happy with class work, especially my senior year.
Definitely start it sooner than later though, my biggest regret was not starting the club sooner.
what, you want a fighting game club to just exist with no effort? you need to get out of your comfort zone to gather people so that you can make a damn club
>week one of college came to an end
>didn't make any friends in classes, and only have one club I plan to return to, where I'm not super close to the members
Should I just try visiting the vidya or anime club again? I don't want to be alone anymore.
just talk to one of your classmates and improve your social skills that or just get /fit/ and welcome the loneliness
>full of bronies
Why the hell bronies were in anime club?
No, you're going to have to ask people you don't know one way or another. Try the people in your dorm, maybe play games in the common room if there is one and then say you're thinking of starting a gaming club. Or just ask your roommates. I was a social autist when I started the club at my school but I ended up meeting some of my best friends that way.
Sounds just like Sup Forums
This. /fit/izens who are alone all the time appear to others to have made a conscious decision to be alone, and are considered badass. Unless you're a manlet. In which case, either go trap mode or off yourself, really only two options
I can "talk" to people without spilling my spaghetti, it's just that I can never seem to get close to anyone.
Maybe I'm boring.
Joined the Anime Club and made some friends to this day.
Some of them were spergy but none were cringe-level.
I wish I joined my uni's anime club, 2bh.
So much of my childhood was "Pfft. I'm above these casual Narutards."
There wasn't a "club" at my Community College but there was a group of guys that hung out in the common area of the campus and just played 1v1 vidya for hours. Usually it was Smash (PM and 4, occasionally Melee), and there was a scene for the Naruto Ninja Storm games (which I don't really like). Occasionally we'd play fightan vidya, and I would curbstomp 90% of the people because they were either total casuals or only played Smash. I recall somebody brought BlazBlue every day for a week and I went undefeated as Tager because motherfuckers couldn't tech. There was an entirely separate get-together to play PM more casually once a week as well, set up by a friend of mine. I or somebody else would usually bring a setup with another fighter to those; I got some good sets in in SFV before I got really fucking tired of that game and sold it.
At my current college there's a gaming "society" where you just bring whatever vidya you want and play it with people for 2 hours. Mostly it's casuals and some spergs playing something popular like Rocket League or something like that, but I generally bring my PS3 with its several downloaded Fightan titles and Marvel 3 disc. There's a guy there who has some anime fighters on his laptop that we've played too; I beat his Elphelt with my Potemkin in Xrd more often than not.
There's also a specific weekly get-together with friends of mine on campus Saturday nights where we play vidya for a few hours, watch an hour or two of Toonami, and then go back to vidya for hours. We generally play fighting games for that, including some anime shit like Arcana Heart and Aquapazza, but also CvS2, Marvel, USFIV, and so on, plus semi-fighters like Smash and DBZ games.
So I guess things have been going alright with me the past 3 years on that front.