Half-Life Rally mod for Half-Life 1

Download and play thing for Sup Forums and HL1. In the link below I've enclosed an already zipped up HL1 installation. All ready to go. The first link here is Half-Life 1. The second one is the mod HL Rally.


1. Unzip the HL1 folder anywhere
2. Unzip "hlrally" into the HL1 folder
3. Launch HL1, select "Change game" to Half-Life Rally


Half-Life Rally is a rally racer mod for Half-Life which is surprisingly well done. Lots of car models to choose from and lots of fucking maps.

NOTE: People who OWN HALF-LIFE 1 LEGITIMATELY CAN JOIN THE SERVER. Download HL Rally, zip it to HL1, restart Steam, and you're golden. Drop by. Conversely, people who do NOT own Half-Life 1 just follow the instructions above.

Other urls found in this thread:


>racing with source physics

Cool af

Its not dolphin porn, is it?

No, promise.

Alright then
Good enough for me
Downloading now

would love to play but my internet is down for the next three days

Gonna download

Download this and say goodbye to your bitcoins and passwords goys!


>Implying I'm installing this on a computer that has anything on it
Fug dat
This is a fresh install Windows PC so HA

here are some other links:



Not even source, goldsrc

ded server?

>Released 2006

>playing (gold)source games with Sup Forums
never boring, downloading now

>source physics
lurk moar fgt

>Internet down



It crashes when I try to connect :(

me too

half life runs fine, but this mod crashes.

Well, I guess thats that

Just download it from moddb. That's what I'm doing

Already did that. Thats the one version that is crashing for me.

which version are you running?
mod and hlds

There's something really messed up with the patched moddb version and the server.

Did anyone actually made connect to a server? Not working 10/10.

Is there a cops and robbers mode? Asking for a friend

Where does half life store crashlogs?

should I not have patched it?
I can connect to the server but when I actually manage to spawn the throttle is automatically floored for like a minute until I fly out of the map at 1000000000 sanics

I am in, I'm playing with steam copy of of half life and the mod from the OP link

like 8 people here m8

also my chat messages don't appear to be sent

is that a nostalgia goldsrc thread? if so
how was it possible to have such beautiful map on such a old engine back then? imagine them being remade today, even better.

and there is no hud
this shit is beyond broken, I must have fucked up somewhere. is anyone playing on OPs server from yurop?

Yep I'm a britbong (white)

Unpatched game also crashes for me

I turned the sound off and managed to connect to the server.

Is it fun? i'm at work so I can't join just yet.

its fucking hilarious if you're lucky enough to get it working

hey server host, my game crashed and I can't connect. it says my userid is already in use on the server. could you kick me? my name is dagumi

I cant find a way to join
alway CTD when connecting

have fun without me then ;_;

On one hand, it looks nostalgic like a PS1 racing game. On the other hand, it's too glitchy still. Cars clipping through eachother constantly, really poor sounds, that awkward tilting of the whole car when turning rather than anything even remotely natural looking.

are you playing in fullscreen at native res? if not, try that

It's a racing game made with the GoldSrc engine...

change graphic setting, sound.... etc
none of them work

btw it even crash when I try to create server


bumpity bump

Going downhill in this is really fun wow.

op can i micspam eurobeat?

goldsrc is comfy as fuck

do it

Who cares what he thinks, just do it

Reconnect now, sv_lan 0'd
Do it I don't care.

it says lan clients are restricted to class c?

ill be 5 mins anyway OP this is good shit

micspam this youtube.com/watch?v=igpOzhAkKhw


micspamming doesn't seem to be working for everyone, I'd suggest a synchtube or something

ok I figured out
for anyone who are crashing
if your screen resolution is some abnormal number
(like 1366x768)
change it and game will work

>go in dark tunnel
>hit L to turn lights on
>game crashes
PSA: don't press L

god damn this shit stopped working again

fuck my game suddenly started freezing for no good reason.
what did you do op?

constantly crashing now :(

this map is causing crash
change one?

Good, I thought it was just me having problems

i cant get into server at all now :s pls zec

I switched the map. Try now.


gg's all, hope i catch this next time you do one!

fuck finally above 5th place


You guys still playing? I'm willing to jump in sooner or later.

10 dudes on

Hey OP, wanna play the Specialists?

bless you op, it was fun

Is it over?

OP what did you say your steam name was again?
already forgot

Sorry man I'm pooped. Thanks to everyone who played.

Thank you player


really impressive mod considering its goldsrc

did anyone record any of this?

As someone who's never touched half life before I'm astounded at the amount of mod content and happy its left up for people to use.

Funnily enough the jeep in the HL2 beta has far better driving physics than the release editon, Not glued to the ground till you slip and do a 180, But well tuned letting you hold a drift for as long as you want. Dunno what happened

I only took lost of screenshots but I should've spectated to take better ones not from my perspective.

want to try deathmatch mode tomorrow?

wouldn't HLTV work with HL Rally?

can you play a horror map as the rally cars?

Oh shit, anyone still playing?

serber ded?


are you hosting tomorrow zec???

I am not seeing a server

I am using the Steam version

Let lets test if I can host...

No promises

nice bait

That's your internal IP, you need the outward facing IP of your system. You also need to forward the port the game uses to communicate, NAT punching is unreliable especially in older games.

ain't working

sv_lan 0

tfw retarded.