What do you guy think????

what do you guy think????

>like this post for no

u got the bobs yes?

How would you tell the difference?

Huh? Why?

>Should Fall out In India?

the heck did they mean by this

Everywhere is the drinkable toilet

heart for fall out in india
like for no fall out in india
very simple, bb

but what's supposed to fall out? fall out of where??

fall out america hav creepy crawlies
fall out india hav bobs and vagine


the fall out is the radiation and it fall out the bombs, you see

Yes...... it would be gorgeous ad good. How are you doing tonight beautiful OP???? Pics off fall Out??

now u send sum fall out bb

suddenly Ulysses doesn't seem so insane

You have stepped on POO

fall out chat me plz
r u ther????
fuk u dumb bitch

because no matter which answer you give it it's still going to show up on your feed in a positive way and it'll spread to other people.

>Radioactive shitting streets

Your stomach hurts
You need to poo
You need more INT to use the loo
Open VATS now young Pajeet
Aim now for the shitting street

I see...

Fuck you Mother bitch

Go fuck Your Mother!

>Go fuck Your Mother!
>Not just "go fuck mother"

ok rape u next week

gotta love them indian folks


let's go boys

>Buy Fallout: Mumbai
>have to constantly click at random intervals to avoid urge to shit
>find toilet paper legendary weapon
>one white woman in game
>have to pass speech check to see even a glimpse of post fartcalypse snatch

show robit bobs pls
open gool vajine

It's already a shithole there, try somewhere you wouldn't expect it.



What's going on in this thread?
Is this how designateds talk on social media?

just an average thread day on 4chans bb

I wa,nt fallupt in albani-a!!!!