What is the most redpilled faction?
What is the most redpilled faction?
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idfk i always got bored up to nipton
House/Caesar's Legion
House if you're a nihilist
Caesar if you're an idealist
yesman obviously, even in the literal redpill sense
House would have voted for Trump.
neutral independent with a 10 INT Barter/Science/Speech Courier.
House, because he would have voted for Trump like a fucking boss.
Yesman is the least spooky route
House if you are a realist
Kaiser Roll if you are a faggot
Post your weaponfu
Who is the Hillary Clinton of the Fallout universe? 1st Citizen Lynette?
Literally this, all other answers are wrong
Caesar's Legion.
They understood why the Old World failed, and want to avoid it. Attempting to emulate or re-create the pre-war world only dooms whoever attempts it to suffer a similar fate.
The Great War came about due to resource scarcity brought on by unchecked economic & technological progress bringing about rampant consumerism & unsustainable living.
House and the NCR both model themselves on the pre-war societies, which will lead to even faster collapse due to the much greater scarcity of such resources.
Even worse it's not even basic resources like metal, oil, fissile material, or plastics. But also long-lost knowledge. They currently sustain themselves on uncovering caches of pre-war technology. The best they can do today is salvage what was left behind.
What will happen when caches of medical supplies, computer hardware etc grow scarcer and scarcer?
New Vegas really needed an extra 6 months development time to complete the Eastern side of the river, where you could see what Legion territory was actually like, and not just their military camps.
That NCR colonel cunt who tries to kill the Kings
>Attempting to emulate or re-create the pre-war world only dooms whoever attempts it to suffer a similar fate.
By emulating an empire whose fall is still widely discussed today?
>neutral independent with a Jew
I think the Legion's military camps are a fair representation of what a widespread Legion civilization would look like. Men cosplaying as romans, women being fourth rate citizens and slaves everywhere. Even though I sort of see your point, that returning the world to it's olden state would likely lead to another nuclear holocaust, I feel as if this time it would be different, because the world is now post-nuclear war. Hopefully it has learned the lesson of not using nukes in warfare anymore, otherwise they'll revert back to a wasteland every time.
However with people like Tenpenny willingly utilizing nukes already, I think you're right in assuming restoring old world technology inevitably leads to nuclear war. That's why House's approach to space exploration, if not a bluff, is interesting. Maybe it'll doom one or two planets to nuclear death but humanity will have the possibility of expanding to new worlds.
I don't think the Legion is the best choice. I don't see why a tribal society led by someone like Joshua isn't better. They're basically the Legion without the ridiculous slaving stuff.
Well that's kinda the point isn't it? But they would certainly last longer than the NCR or other societies that keep trying to re-create pre-war nations.
Why? Through (mostly) sustainable practices. Eschewing most (if not all) pre-war technologies so that they are not dependent on them.
elijah is the only person who isn't clinging to some old world philosophy that has already proven that it won't work
And thus the series' tagline "War, war never changes".
fucking retarded nigger
The Dead Horses I would role with Joshua Graham any day and tap some tribal ass
Followers Chalk is already banging Waking Cloud
I told Follows Chalk to "see the world"
I'll bet I'll see his ass in freeside in six months, begging for some jet
Probably someone like Lynette, honestly.
>It's never my fault
>Everyone who doesn't like me is a degenerate fool
>Can't shake this aura of smugness no matter what she says
House is straight up Howard Hughes. Trump's closest parallel is Kimball in all reason.