What are some games that distract you from the fact that you and your entire family are about to die and your lifelong house will be obliterated?
What are some games that distract you from the fact that you and your entire family are about to die and your lifelong...
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fuck florida
super smash bros melee
I've never been to Florida, what's it like?
You'll be spared the horror of having your information stolen.
Fuck off, retard.
Old people, spics, and white trash
It'll be a CAT4 by the time it reaches florida
A total of 10 people will die and everything will be fixed before winter.
Nothing will happen, like always.
Wilma was cat 3 and Katrina was cat 2
It's warm and nice if you don't live in a shit neighborhood.
Central Floridian spic here, can confirm that this is accurate.
This is Trump's fault for pulling out of the climate accords.
Coast line Florida is basically Vice City, and more clubs, and neon Stuff.
North Florida should basically just be South Goergia if anything.
>White trash
That's not Alabama,
When is this thing landing? I have friends who are trying to stick it out or don't have anyway to evacuate.
>uni closed tomorrow through Monday
>can't go to the gym Saturday
Pulling out of it was good though
Just got a hurricane notification blazing across the tv with a screeching siren. I'm scared anons
Move to Georgia
>White trash
We're starting to get away from the White Trash State finally. Bunch of auto industry is opening up here and north Alabama is starting to become a tech center. Wouldn't surprise me if we were the most illiterate state though.
stop buying video games trailer trash.
That's not Mississippi,
That shit is gonna go all the way through Athens too apparently.
I guess FL will weaken it though.
Orlando better not get fucked too hard.
Fight the hurricane and get fit that way. Didn't you see the monk in Hong Kong training against the recent typhoon there?
If you've never experienced extreme heat and extreme humidity at the same time, just think of a sauna. Except you are wearing all of your clothes, and trying to live a normal life, in a state full of crazy people.
>St. Martin is a poorish country where most of the houses that aren't resorts are cheaply made of wood and tin
>Around ten people have died
You'll survive, and seawater hurricanes generally have far less rainfall so there won't be to much flooding.
However your car and yard is fucked and you better get ready to not be able to shitpost on Sup Forums for a week or two since powerlines are definitely going to go down.
Nothing. No games work. Everything I'm watching/reading/playing/thinking is colored by the fact that my hike might get destroyed in 3 days (Tampa here).
Just give into the dread and plan for the worst.
Nah that's what America voted for, it's not Trump's fault he and the conservatards were honest about what shits they'd be. No one can claim they didn't see it all coming.
The REAL shitty part is that Texas and Florida with their AAAYYYYYYYN RAND PROUD CONSERVATIVES NO BIG GUVMENT TAXES bullshit who were rushing to kill FEMA and maybe finally end the travesty that is the national flood insurance subsidy and voted against offering relief for Sandy are now rushing hat in hand to suck on the blue state teat of the federal government.
You can bet they'll be right back to MUH STATES RIGHTS MUH STRONG INDEPENDENT BOOTSTRAPS the instant any northern state has a problem or anyone suggests that maybe this time they actually let the free market work when it comes to housing or perhaps take some action to prevent damage from being so bad.
>not stomping your way across a hurricane, holding a shield to stop the debris from killing you
>not getting amazing cardio in by swimming for your life
>not improving flexibility by killing strangers as they try to mug you outside of aid stations
No shit though, I lived in Biloxi, Mississippi during Katrina. There was a SHITTON of crime while I was scrambling to get the fuck out of town.
the one where you get in the car and travel north west
Imagine hell. There you go, you've been to Florida.
>onlyafro will be killed
>tfw live in orange county
>not in flood zone
literally the only worry for me is someone's yard furniture will fly into my window
Florida weather is strange. In some parts, it's like the air is made of fucking sweat.
By the time it reaches the State line of Georgia it'll already be nothing so most thing Georgia will get is just rain, and thunderstorms. The wind won't be bad enough to cause any significant damage
fellow florida bros post yfw irma hits
That or your roof getting torn off.
I got family there so that's good to hear.
>tfw central florida
I just hope the power doesn't go out for too long
ITT probably dont even own a gun
>Didn't you see the monk in Hong Kong training against the recent typhoon there?
No but you have my attention, user.
Shit I've never got.
Life threatening storms predicted days in advance.
Faggots still don't drive north for a couple days even though everything is closing including probably their job.
Seems like a good time to take a forced road trip.
In Australia, the spiders have mana bars.
In Florida, they have stamina bars.
I'm sick of being scared of this storm, bros. Central Florida reporting in. I'm going to make my final preparations tomorrow and play some vidya while I wait.
Gentlemen, it has been a privilege to shitpost alongside you. The PubSubs are on me when this is all over.
Can't believe you typed this shit out. Texas shits out all our Oil and had a budget surplus for reconstruction but no one could have prepared for that magnitude of storm. Meanwhile awesome blue states like California have the most debt in the nation and is constantly on fire.
Tales of Symphonia. Not even joking.
>telling insane gator rapists to move to my beloved home state
Fuck you
But global warming is a hoax and these hurricanes have been nothing special.
Fuck Florida and fuck white people
>listen to reporter interviewing charity guy
>asks what is the most useful item to donate
the madman
The entire state is a combination of the 3 ps2 GTA games.
>Imagine hell. There you go, you've been to Florida.
No, that'd be Australia. Florida has at least 72% fewer things trying to actively kill you at all times. Also the internet can be non-terrible there in places and not everything vidya is 2x or more the price and censored out the wazoo. Florida is at worst only semi-hell. It's ok in January, I go see family down there some years around then. They actually complain about how cold it is.
You nearly bankrupted yourself with hard right laws.
You say that when recently a district attorney of Alabama tried to prevent a 12 year old THAT WAS RAPED from getting a abortion.Let that settle in your head a second.
At this point Mississippi is looking better than Alabama because they won't even sink that low. But at least you have foot ball right?
Most people lead such mundane lives tied to their work that they can't spontaneously plan a road trip when news starts getting bad. Then they double down on their decision to stay because they didn't know where else to go by saying they don't care and it won't be that bad.
That's only for two months of the year. People greatly exaggerate Florida hate; it's literally a nation wide meme to hate Florida but it's actually a great place to live. People wageslave all year just to vacation where we live.
>Having anything server
The most Georgia will get will be some rain, with the occasional Thunder especially since that state hasn't had anything state changing in 15 years
>live in northeast
most likely gonna get fucked up
Motherfucker has balls.
Who /Apopka/ here
Tampa here. Good luck.
County? Cobb the best
atlantic doesnt facilitate hurricanes. Dont stand outside with your mouth open like a turkey and you'll be fine dipshit.
Sonic 06
Collier county here, I'm basically dead. See you anons in the next life.
Post and R8 supply
I'm all for fighting against climate change but the Climate Accords were horrible
>hey America we're gonna force you to shut down a bunch of factories and force a bunch of Americans out of their jobs because you produce a lot of carbon while we give billions of dollars to China, India, and Africa so they can produce lots of literally everything else
thanks shitdip
Organ Trail?
Fuck you Naples
>perishable bread, meat and fruit
user are you fucking stupid?
STALKER. Fallout too maybe.
Doesn't matter when you're fucking dead, evac now user
Oh boy I can't wait to larp STALKER in america
All day Sunday.
Layers of irony. But unless you want iron in your water, better live with it.
Unless you have an elevated hurricane proof structure with a power supply capable of lasting a good week or two you're a dumbass retard.
>Florida is going to be new Chernobyl.
Shame americans can't do a proper openworld game.
This is amusing.
Reminds me of several years ago when Hawaii had a hurricane run up on them and Sup Forums was watching a livestream of the beaches when some ballsy madman hangs on the beach not giving a SINGLE fuck.
Any gainesville fags here? Worst thing that will happen to us will be some dead wood getting knocked about.
worthless perishables and most likely not enough water. dumb Sup Forumsedditor
fort lauderdale here. Hopefully the bums I see on my runs will be blown away somewhere else.
>wooden house with asbestos siding
>two feet above sea level
>on a tiny gulf barrier island
I'll be fine, right?
>gainesville fags
Ocala fag here I just hope the power doesn't stay out very long
These places are poor and fucked because they are colonies. No one cares about them. Britain is barely sending anyone to help the British Virgin islands and no one cares about the US Virgin islands. It's all about Florida
Puerto Rico is on the same boat
rip retard
>Cobb the best
Got that right. Cherokee, or parts of it, were okay too though.
I think I'm prepared
Bye, user.
Good shit user
My small joy in life is going to twitch irl and telling the people playing games
"This isn't real life, I can tell because of pixels"
>that chicken
At least you'll die after having something better than sex
I'd think sending iodine and/or carbon filtration systems would be a lot more effective then water. If you have that you can just use any old water source and filter it/kill anything harmful in it, and it'll go a lot farther then trying to send massive amounts of bottled water. In maine in an Outward Bound that's what we did for water, get it out of streams/rivers and whatever and just filter it then add iodine and let it sit for 15 minutes in a bottle (be sure to get iodine around the threads too). Safe enough to drink after that even if you have no power/gas to boil with.