What vidya are you Floridabros playing to keep yourselves company while your house gets destroyed?

What vidya are you Floridabros playing to keep yourselves company while your house gets destroyed?

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stardew valley on a cheap laptop with a big battery would be kino

t. carolinian

Florida would be a great place worthy of not getting HURRICANED if it weren't for the Floridian people.

do you think the hurricane will destory our house bros


Jet Moto

Been playing a lot of the Puyo Puyo tetris demo on switch lately. Saving money for other vidya, and also to rebuild the soon to be wreckage of my house

813 here, I hope to finished DQ8 before I rip Sunday night/monday morning

772 here, prepared to die.

352 here just hope my power won't be out for too long

>352 here
hey, me too. i live in belleview.
downloaded stalker CoC standalone onto my laptop to play when the power goes out

Love how it makes a sudden right turn straight into Florida.

I cant even imagine being in someting like that. Only thing I have to worry about is the heat.

Ocala here I'm charging up all my portables which means maybe a day or two of vita and 4 hours of 3DS

>living in Florida

Last thread some anons were asking why there wasn't a survival game about making your way through natural disasters.

Thats literally what Disaster Report and Disaster Day of Crisis are.

>tfw used to live in vero
>tfw most of the family still lives there
godspeed, you bastard

Post a picture of the girl you're sleeping with faggot

I've got SMT4 and a bunch of Engineering homework to do.

it was an old pasta from harvey
i know, i was in the Sup Forums thread that started it

I'll repost what I said last thread

>my father's friend invited us over since he has a generator so we could combine our food and water with other family.
>He calls his daughter
>I have to sleep in his daughters room
>"dad why do you have to do this why the hell do he need to sleep in my room"
>tell her dad it's okay I can sleep in living room on the floor I know how young teen girls are
>she says fine I can sleep in her room

She's in her Pajamas right now on her bed to the left of me.

holy shit she has BIG fucking TITTIES
THEY'RE HUGE, massive as fuck for such a short girl. I mean like one boob is bigger than my head. Her just moving around a little bit they jiggle a lot.
>she's still under 18
Fucking end it bros. Tonight is going to be a hard night to sleep

>Ask why they choose to be buttfucked by hurricanes
"Y-yeah well West coast g-gets Earthquakes. Nowhere's safe!



better boards for erotic fiction

352 my niggas!

New Smyrna beach here, not evacuating. Downloaded a shit ton of anime to my phone. hopefully it blows my work away.

>stalker CoC

freudian slip?

Bazinga, amirite, my fellow Rick and Morty fans?

Olivia lives there

I hope she stays safe

>tfw Central Florida
W-We'll be fine right bros?

i hope you don't live on the barrier island
i hope you know exactly how tall that surge is going to be if you do
hope you wrote a will

I'm not sleeping with her you pervert, I'm just sleeping in the same room. Besides she's 16 and I'm 21, that's illegal as FUCK

Literally all of florida is fucked

904 here. Practically my whole fuckin family from Miami is up here.
>twin aunts with both their kids and husbands
>grandmother and her husband
>and my great-grandma and her husband
I'm hiding my wii u and ps4 in boxes so the little shits dont get to them

why do amerifats refuse yo evacuate when the government and weather people tell them to then beg for help from their destroyed house afterwards?

That's a dick.

>Southside Jacksonville

I'll be fine. Hope I get Monday off work.

You wouldn['t understand, third worlder.

Post pics of her or STFU.

Thinking about it, has there ever been a somewhat known person on internet who died in a natural disaster? Anything from a Sup Forums or 2chan user to an e-celeb.

>going on congested highways, getting stuck and dying
>dying at home, in your own bed

Kansasfag here. Hurricanes vs tornados, go.

what do you expect from someone who watches anime?

Hurricane is a giant tornado with water.

Ganbatte, Florida-kun!

Should I do it bros?

>not leaving earlier
>dying from being lazy

>this is an argument

God, you burgers are hopeless

>Florida's age of consent is 18, though the law contains a provision allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to consent to having sex with someone age 16 to 23.

You have to go for it.

Nice LARP.

>hes doesnt own a gun either

407 here. if not too bad I'll play stardew valley or something with cute azn gf

hurricanes spawn tornadoes

No it's just the idiots in Florida.
For some reason, they're too lazy to leave.

Sanford? You go to seminole high?

>When your state fucked up so bad that the biggest fucking hurricane in Atlantic on record does a 90 degree fucking turn to at you

>not leaving a week ago
RIP you

DemoD lost some stuff during Matthew and probably is gonna die of alcohol poisoning during this one

God I miss him...

You'll probably be fine. You might want to protect important documents and electronics from the elements. You might get some damage to your roof if there's a lot of wind and stuff flying around.

239 reporting

>leaving earlier
>losing my job over uncertainty
you have to remember, the corporations run everything here

>infrastructure so shit floods are common and can't evacuate in time
>not the new definition of third world
top kek 'muricans, top kek.

Fellow Kansasfag here, Tornados.


>400 pound virgin loser lying on the floor in the room of an underage girl, fantasizing about doing naught things to her


Nigga I don't have a CHANCE with a girl like her. Besides her dad trusts me, I don't want to get my family kicked out for this.

Also from southside, we gonna meetup or what?

>dying for your job
nigger what?

We can't control where we're born.
It's not like you'd accept us invading your countries, anyway, would you?

What good is a job when you're dead?

>/r9k/ is Reddit
Lol no, you sounds like an actual Redditor being triggered by muh incels and anime girls.


Hey there 407 bro, I'm in Longwood. Hope no trees fall on my house, because I sure as shit aint at risk of flooding.

Dick and Morty

t. Capitalism

Dominicanfag here, kek it was only a mild breeze to me
Overwatch, Marvel Ultimate Alliance

Hope you die with the rest of the underage.

I was playing PoE. I got to level 60 and realized my build was shit. I give up and will just wait for death.

You think we'll be alright, bro? Though I do hope I have as much fun as I did with Sandy, granted it doesn't wreck my shit.

>reeeeeeee normie
r9k has been dead since moot brought it back

Excuses, you need be confidant and make her your wife tonight. This may be your only chance.

I'm not a retard, I am going to be fine. My house is concrete block, I live inland, I have water.
I am not going to go outside and drown, or try to pick up a power line.
Why be stuck on a highway for over 12 hours trying to get out of the state, struggle to find a hotel, especially one that lets me bring my dog, anyway?

>Call of Chernobyl
Only the one you made.

954 here. Playing some Hearthstone and hoping mtg arena can save this shitty fad of a game genre by actually converting people to a sweet card game. ALSO HELP I'M SO FUCKED, I JUST BOUGHT THIS HOME

It was just small weather disturbance off the coast of Africa a week ago. There was literally no way to know what direction it was headed or if it would even amount to anything at that point. You can't evacuate for every small weather disturbance off the coast of Africa we'd never get anything done here. The vast majority of those storms never turn into a tropical cyclone and very few tropical cyclones actually hit anything to begin with.

Bitch-ass Tornados
>touches down carefully from the air
>lasts for a few minutes at most
>only hits a small area
>barely does any damage
>Kansas pussies hide from it in their cuck cellars

Motherfucking Hurricanes
>comes for your shit from across the ocean
>stamina to last for weeks
>can ruin multiple entire islands, states and even countries in one go
>Floridian men prepare and face down the storm with properly secured homes and anti-hurricane ammunition

>move out from florida in february to cali in hopes of NK nuking the state first
>category 5 hurricane visits florida


Looters. People are afraid of coming back to all their stuff stolen.


yeah how about you yankees stop howling "3rd worlder" as an argument every time and shut the fuck up.

305 here. I've got big windows, so I guess I'll be picking glass up after the storm. I'm thankfully out of the storm surge evac area by just a smidge.

>Live in FT Myers
>House build next to a sewer river
>Harvey's Rain almost flooded my house
GG guys I hardly knew my life

>moves hundreds of miles per hour
>somehow takes several days to reach the coast

Deliver or FUCK OFF

Reviewbrah has instilled fear in my heart, even he is concerned.

I have a surface and a dusty 3DS if the power goes out. Probably going to predownload same backlog games off GoG since I can't run anything fancy.

I don't know man, what could we do over a hurricane weekend? I can't lug my PC anywhere. I'm on University and Beach.

>every shitposter is completely representative of their countries
What, are you a leaf? an aussie?

Not in any civilized country.

Alex Jones predicted it, he literally said it was going to fuck up Florida. He had leaked information from HAARP.