Gotta Protectors Amazon Running Diet.nes

Here, have some thicc.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fat acceptance shit


But does she get fatter?

She's clearly on a diet you dumbass.

I don't get it. Seems pretty boring. Is this some doujin game?

>when the goal of the game is to lose weight


gotta protectors is really fun, very underrated

If you lose.

Sounds like Kid Speedy but turned into a fetish game

Best end

Looks like a one of those endless runner mobile but somehow even less fun

Are you retarded or obsessed with anything that has a micro sized thing to do with tumblr?

So this is a spin-off?
Is there a english version for the main game?

DL link for the eng version:

Making fun of fat people who are trying to fix it is the only line not to be drawn, user.

Only shame the fat fucks just sitting around.

Gotta Protectors is some good shit desu


Main game? As in Gotta Protectors? It's on the 3DS eShop.

Ignore this post

From the readme file:

>Hello from Ancient Corp!
This is a special game which was made for the 3 year anniversary of
"Minnade Mamotte Knight", also known as "Gotta Protectors", in English.

>This game is distributed in the .nes format.
To play this game you will need to download a NES emulator from the internet.
We cannot guarantee the game will work with all emulators.
Also, we can't answer any questions to which emulator to download and how to use emulators.
Sorry and thank you.

>------------------------- What is Gotta Protectors? ----------------------------
>"Gotta Protectors" was released on July 28th, 2016 for the Nintendo3DS on e-shop.
It's a throwback to the 8bit, old school style action games of the 1980's for the NES.
Nastalgic graphics, audio done by Yuzo Koshiro, and superb text/translation done by 8-4.
Featuring 6 characters with many particular skills that offer a unique gameplay experience.
It is still a growing title even now and with gratitude, I have made a memorial game called
"Amazon's Running Diet". Because it is completely free, I hope you enjoy it.


Wow. That looks incredibly boring.


>tfw nobody ever made decent Gotta Protector QR maps



Hope you enjoy them user.

>Yuzo Koshiro


>tfw no 3ds

I'd recruit her for my seaman

>Seaman Recruit

Does she ever get skinnier?

I wonder.

Thank you, user. It's a shame people didn't use Miiverse to upload more maps instead of going "haha this scene was funny"


Can she get fatter?

There's been a few Sup Forums threads for it, but I agree. It deserves a lot more recognition.

One of the only nip games I know that have actual nipples.

I wasn't prepared.

I like these animations

>gut barely goes over pantsu rine
Somebody call Eishiban


She's pretty cute

EU release never right?


She looks like knockoff Athena.

>being this retarded


why are you complaining

Last one. Not many animations outside of running.

I mean the original game.

Try holding down or up when you kick.

>that jiggle
I need doujins and I need them now

Just the webm I was waiting for.
Because she basically is.

It's even more obvious here:

Also, click on the ENGLISH versions for laughs.

new "retro" games are always welcome

Kira Kira Star Night is also pretty good, and the loli on menu screen is beautifully animated

>ass earthquake
my fuckin' DICK

>sends the entire earth a quakin' after landing
shiver me timbers
man the harpoons

Jesus fucking christ that ground is lucky

It did more than quake the earth.

whoops, I missed that
Here you go

its pretty fun

i'd play a platformer with cute chubby amazon tho
fuck the japs for being able to just make these games on the fly!

I like how smooth the game plays even thought it's nes, cute animations, just wish you could go fatter but you know.

Was there ever any DLC besides the FM music?

Why was I not informed of this

i wish it was a fight back and forth when you eat cakes and drink water

they could have sold this for money and i would have bought it...

Athena was already a pretty generic design in the 80's/early 90's. There were tons of anime girls in bikini armor running around at the time.

mink is cute!

he did the soundtrack of the 3DS game too
AND it has fucking Genesis style FM dlc

That just makes it hotter.

Or a reverse mode where you collect cakes and avoid water to get fatter and fatter.

Hold up and press b for a backflip

We did it reddit!


I could have sworn I bought it for like 7 bucks.

Not the 360 version though? So I have to buy a 3DS?

does it do anything?
it seems useless

no idea bout 360
i only have 3DS, shit is cheap now
i find those shits for like $50 now

>Yuzo Koshiro's company, Ancient
i forgot that was even a thing

haha you should read the story of Streets of Rage 2, his sister was randomly bursting into tears whenever SEGA would call to bug them about the game. amazing industry, they make all the money for old people who don't even appreciate it.

God dammit. Are there more actions I missed?

so much animation
so much thicc
all for the NES

it could be put on a fucking cart

Amazon is unironically my main in protect me knight, that boomerang does crazy amounts of damage if you're good at making sure not to catch it

Someone rip the sprites please.

>literal shilling is ok as long as its anime fetish shit

>Promotional fetish fuel distributed on NES roms
>With music by Yuzo Koshiro
Japan's shill game too strong.

Do I record the animation and then crop the frames?

Nope that should be it according to the readme txt file. Thanks for the webm
Maybe if you're too close to a cake and can't go under or over without touching it and need to back up.

There's ways to extract NES sprites, I think.

Is it shilling if it's free?


Give me a link.
I've never heard of this until now.

the game is free?

Well I'm convinced to try out Gotta Protectors now

Goddamn, I want to pump her full of baby batter.
I want to lick the sweat off her ass.

It's literally a ROM they instruct you on how to use

But where is the rom?

Have fun, user, the game is legit really fun

What emu should I use?


>take pictures of each frame, disassemble and then assemble them back together.

This will take a while, but I'll do it for the sake of learning it.



I guess it's on the 3DS too.........

Here you go friendo

>It's literally a ROM they instruct you on how to use
like you have to hack the 3ds?