Tell me about Fane. Why does he wear the mask?

Tell me about Fane. Why does he wear the mask?

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Drink my diarrhea.

But... he doesn't.

They should just release it already.

>behind a charmed mask

If I take that off, will you die?

Well, he isn't actually wearing it on the screenshot. I think it's talking about the mask of the shapeshifter or w/e it's called. I don't think it's unique to his origin story and any character can use it. But don't take my words for granted, because I wasn't really following the game's development all that closely.

Will it be extremely painful if it's taken off?

Nope. But to be able to shapeshift using to begin with, the mask first needs to collect a few faces from different race. By literally ripping them off of their former owners. Now that would be extremely painful.

Wut game

How to rip face off from skeltal man?

Loopy Belgian rpg

You don't. The mask is to help the skellingtons disguise themselves as living. Or to let other fleshbags to disguise as different races. You don't disguise as a skeltal.

Damn last time I checken on the game that nigga wasnt in the game. Kinda hype

>listen to origin story

what game is this?

Divinity Original Sin 2


>You don't disguise as a skeltal.

speak for yourself

>entire game of 1000+ characters is voice acted
how the fuck is this a bad thing? Unless it's like oblivion and we get

Why does the skeltal need to disguise himself as living? I thought this kind of skeltals were accepted as regular members of society. Did some event in the lore happen to change this since Dragon commander?

From what I know DOS2 isn't all voiced, just the important characters this time. Unlike the first game, which did have the VA deficit problem and every other NPC sounded like Iorveth from TW2.

Dragon Commander was thousands of years before DDOS2, in between the undead went extinct from some reason and only the origin story skelly is left.

Honestly I'm no expert on Divinity lore, but the devs said most NPCs would just become outright hostile if they realize you're a skeltal.Except the most shady sort.

They said the are gonna voice everything

Maybe I misheard "gonna" and "not gonna" voice everything. As I said, I wasn't really following the game closely.

Ah fug, I just wanted my skeltal to be himself when I am gonna play this.

I might be remembering it incorrectly but before the enhanced edition i dont believe everything was voiced either.

Well, you can still bee yourself and murder everyone.

Was this intentional?

You can be a skeleton?

He's a big guy

>No no knows who he is until he puts on mask

They really shoehorned in a shitty Bane meme?

Yeah of any of the races