So... What do you think?
how the hell did you get elected
monster hunter stories thread
So... What do you think?
how the hell did you get elected
monster hunter stories thread
Elected for what? And stores at my country still doesn't have it (or at least haven't posted that they have it in facebook) which is odd, those niggas always get the games fast, they got FFXV one week before USA.
Just got the email, i didn't even know they were doing a US release.
Why don't you pirate it? You can pay for it later.
Because i am a lazy fuck that doesn't want to learn how pirate and i like to have my games in psychical
how long until it's out on freeshop or 3dstitlekeys?
What crapcom should do if they do a sequel.
>Learn from splatoon and focus all the marketing in the female avatar
>Learn from pokemon and give the female avatar shitloads of armor options
>Don't say that the game is "MH for KIDS"
It's already out on freeshop.
>tfw playing the demo right now and it's blowing away my expectations
Probably gonna buy it to have something to play during the hurricane
This game is the persona Q of MH.
Came in the mail, just beat the Narga. Amazon didn't give me my DLC code.
I only see the japanese version. Am I supposed to do something special to update the game list?
Let's just say, I don't write my own speeches.
What the fuck has Armstrong to do with this thread?!
You should be able to see the european version at least. Are you using the current source of tickets? Last year's one is not usable anymore.
So let me get this straight, capcom was trying to get into the yokai watch's train, but failwd due to japan being burned up of yokai watch and reatarded marketing, right?
>tfw finally understood what OP meant with the spoiler
Nice one.
More like they wanted to fill the Battle Network shaped hole in their financial reports. They tried it before with Gaist Crusher, but that was a true flop, neither game in that series even sold 10K. MHS did well for its demographic, but not up to Capcom's expectations due to poor marketing.
Same. Call them, there apparently is a big marketing problem so now I have to wait until I get an email or phone call from their marketing department. Thanks a lot Amazon/Nintendo.
>10 mins into the demo and a fucking Nargacuga kills a kid's mother onscreen
Well this is darker than I was expecting
I re-scanned the QR code for the bin but nothing new's showing up. I had to fetch the demo from the site itself because it wouldn't shop up on freeshop either, weird stuff
Navirou is just so fucking stupid, I could have a proper Calico, but no, it's too cute and not Jibanyan enough. No cute purring, no cute cat noises, just this little shit that don't shut up and keep repeating to me every single thing that happens in the game. I hate him, I absolutely despise the mascot character in this game.
Is worse in the anime, the mother could have escaped but rushed back to the house to save an egg, then protected it with her body.
Yeah, there was a short anime to prpmote the game.
It's 48 episodes and still airing isn't it?
yeah, new episode just went up on crunchyroll
>Still airing
NANI?! Didn't this spin off bombed in Japan?
shut the fuck up
Both avatars appear or just the guu?
The game yes, but TV animation is always a thing apart, even if everything fails, sometimes it'll keep going on, and sometimes if it makes too much success it'll stop, like with Konosuba. Sometimes the TV anime will fail and the original work which it was adapted will be axed, like with Keijo!!!!
The anime industry doesn't make sense to me.
This shit is comfy as fuck. I would have liked to see more of it
Mon Hun totally has room for spinoffs like this
I researched and keijo wasn't axed cuz the anime, which seems to have done regularly well.
Just the boy, they went full Yokai Watch with this spinoff so girls are not relevant outside of the game.
Really? That's what I heard about, that the author even made an apology for the animation team and all.
Well, Lilia is still on it, making people drink her fluids.
Seems yhe actual reason for the axe was the mangaka being stressed.
Where is the USA cia?
She has one doujin about that...
I know, fun read.
Post your hunter. The game isn't exactly bad and I'd have to say it looks surprisingly good. It's a miracle that it doesn't have 30 fps lock and supports 3D. SM has similar if not little worse and couldn't get 3D support.
>Expected her to mindbreak
>Instead she mindbreaks the old dude into her monstie
It was in she all along, she was into it.
Someone please tell me there is another way to save the game. It's not just on your bed right? If it is I don't think I'll be able to play this game on short bursts, completing side quests take a long time and will involve a hellish amount of backtracking to town.
A little later in the game you unlock save spots around the map
You can save at fast travel points.
MH's usual "you got fucked, now you go back to the base" was upgrade into a bus with posts all around were you can save besides moving between the posts. It still drops you like a corpse when gettong back to town.
This is wrong, the artstyle is way too cute for something so lewd! She takes all the tree at the same time!
It's great.
That's reassuring, thank you anons.
Let's just say I don't write my own speeches
Has been there any report fromncapcom about the performance?
For anyone wondering whether the amiibos work with the US version of the game, I can finally confirm to you that they do. You're welcome, happy hunting, Sup Forums.
Wsti, you mean the MH amiibos aren't in usa?
Well as far as I know they haven't been released here, I had to import them from Japan.
You can import them for the same price as a normal amiibo anyways. At least what I assume is the normal price now, they seem to have gotten more expensive than when I bought my first one.
Are the riders removable from the amiibos?
yep and they're interchangeable with the other ones so you can swap'em around
Yes, you can swap them around. The amiibos are gigantic, too.
Yeah, you can swap them onto different monsters too if you want.
How big they are?
The game do have slowdowns on my old 3DS, it's fine while exploring, but it's noticeable when in town.
Well, they're going to get more expensive now that people in the west will have some use for them. I might try getting them later.
Apparently, it was entirely on Capcom to bring them over to the west.
>mfw I charged that sleeping Pink Rathian like a retard thinking I have a shred of a chance
I'm having fun
Does anyone know how many recruitable monsters this game has? If its under 50 i might just get World of Final Fantasy instead
I wish you could play this on the Switch. I haven't used my 3DS for like more than a year.
I'm liking the game a lot so far, my only problem is that it's mindnumbingly easy. Does this change at all?
Pretty cool, is that on a new or old 3DS?
They're all at least half an inch taller than wolf link, which was the biggest I'd seen before getting them.
Her death is better too IMHO.
>Narga just directly attacks the house with a powerful slam
>Narga is on the house and just crashes it down with heavy movements, like it doesn't even give a fuck
New, but my cellphone is shit.
Anybody else skipping fast travel and just enjoying the romp across the map? There's just something so comfy about listening to the footfalls of the monster you're riding and all the other ambient sounds. I'm really glad there's no annoying field music.
holy shit, this. I'm dying for a reason to dust off my switch
Post more Lute.
Avinia a cute.
>no hermitaurs
>no magalas
>no tetsucabras
>all those recolors
Somebody post the egg design chart plox
Here. Now I need to sleep though.
Now you know how digimon fans feel when a new game gets announced.
The lack of certain digimon isn't the worst part, it's all the fucking recolors that is the real kick in the balls.
>a MH game has recolors
No way.
Magalas don't make sense in this game. Tetsucabra is a sad loss(hurr, let's have a monster type and then let's only put 1 of the 5 monsters of it, there isn't even Tigerstripe Zamtrios ffs) but HEY you have Ruby Basarios and Purple Gypceros!
Holy fuck that's exciting. Real sad they dropped Nerscylla in Generations. Hoping they bring her back for World.
>eggs have 4 colors
That explains a lot actually. The last chart I was looking at only listed two colors per monster and I got confused a ton
Is there any location listing for where to find specific monsters?
>Catavan service is a taxi
>yfw you notice the Catavan is what carries your ass when you cart in mainline
>yfw the reason your reward is reduced per cart is because you are paying the taxi back
Except in stories is completely free
For Riders only
Hunter: REEEEEE! Why the hippies get benefits?!
Wait a second, no Gore Magala or Sheguru Magala? Then what the fuck is causing the blight? I thought it was the frenzy virus just under a different name.
I watched the whole anime and only while playing the game i noticed Dr.Manelger only has one arm
That explains why he hates monsters so much.
>fairwind shit
C'mon user you can do better than that.
The guild lady in MHGen's multiplayer hall said the quest fee goes toward the felyne cart
How many days left again until release? Also do we get anything for finishing the demo?