Sup Forums utterly and completely BTFO.
How mad are you Sup Forums?
Sup Forums utterly and completely BTFO.
How mad are you Sup Forums?
I'm glad. More money to fund TERA 2.
I've made hundreds of dollars from this game.
I'm glad as can be
I don't really care. I would still not be playing this game even if they would be paying me for it.
FOTM overshilled snipe the dude from 10 km "shooters" are not my idea of having fun.
t. bad and mad
that's gonna last
t. projector
Elins getting an upgrade
Why does everyone act like Sup Forums is constantly shitting on this game? I have seen very few people that actually dislike it, and most seem indifferent. If anything most people here have not played it given that the majority of its audience are the kind of people who regularly go on Twitch and are in the streaming scene, which is pretty far removed from Sup Forums as a whole.
What's the pay per hour breakdown though? I briefly looked into the people who claim to make a living off of sell CS:GO items and it turned out they would work 1000+ hours to make MAYBE 100 bucks. You'd be better of flipping burgers for 6-8 hours a day/5x a week.
>How mad are you Sup Forums?
Not all since even though i personally do not enjoy the game i understand that the people writing that shallow shit are only doing for the sake of clicks and ad revenue.
Not a hipster or anything but i aint really ever been much into to what happens to hit the mainstream since that never happens to satiate my admittedly niche and specific tastes.
So i am not part of the mainstream so i am fine when click bait is written for the sake of appealing to people who are to click and give them veiws.
Game still sucks in my opinion and the only reason its as big as it is is more to do with the player base more than they actual game since given the way it is made it is really the random aspect of it all from what ultimately stems from the players more so than anything in the game. Gameplay itself is serviceable enough but still there are better more fulfilling things out there. But whatever not my cup of tea so don't really care about its success since capitalism and shit it does not stop me from buying and supporting the things i actually enjoy and want to see more of.
He probably meant his income from shilling this shit game.
Can't wait to play this game on PS4 right sonybros! Oh wait..
>my gaem has niggarillion prayas!
>you mad! BTFO!
you are 12,we get it
Indifferent. It's quarantine for kids. Keeps them from playing other games.
>ind of people who regularly go on Twitch
This is the main reason why Sup Forums hates this game. Sup Forums is simply mad at people that make money playing vidya gaems so they shit on one of the biggest games to do that.
Sup Forums actually IS shitting on the game, because its gameplay is objectively bad
doesn't mean it can't be popular
10/10 mad as fuck
I'm glad I'm not one of the one million idiots.
Trends come and go. My autistic single player games like dorf fort will stay.
Sup Forums just can't stop getting BTFO this season.
>DotA 2 has to live with the humilliation of having less than 10% of LoL's playerbase
>PUBG happens
I'm glad I stopped playing
No i just dont have any interest in watching other people play videogames.
It's not fair!
And? People will stop playing it in a few months when something new comes along.
That's probably shit per hour as well. Has any viral marketer info every actually leaked on Sup Forums---as in information on pay per post or even the actual presence of viral marketers on this forum?
I think most people on Sup Forums simply genuinely can't understand Twitch and streaming culture in general. The eternal, unanswered question is: why would you watch others playing games instead of playing them yourself? I personally don't get it, and never will. I'm past 30, I'm too old for this shit.
I don't understand this meme.
Why would PUBGs success mean more success for Tera 2?
Also, they're working on a Tera 2?
And PUBG is literally 20 minutes of shit with only 1-2 minutes of highlights, so it's the only way of it being even remotely interesting, so that means no for people with taste.
>Sup Forums
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit, I mean good for them but I just don't think it looks all that fun and I like battle royale games a lot. Maybe when it goes on sale I'll snag it, but at 30 burgers? No way in hell.
>Sup Forums said the same thing months ago
Go ahead and keep telling yourself that
>stop enjoying shit things
Fixed that for you faŠ¼
Oh dude I'm so mad people are enjoying a game I don't like right now.
I have no fucking idea how I'm ever supposed to find sleep now that I'm aware of this.
t. mad cuck
same publisher's, I think
XD top lel my friend can't beat that argument XDDD :DDDDDDD
I wonder how long people are going to keep saying this for
Yeah and people buy destiny 2. People. It means shit really.
I think that is kind of the attraction though. Every first game experience I've heard is people getting in the top 10 because they play very cautiously. And knowing that you outlasted ~90 other players gives a huge confidence boost and the thought that you might be able to win. The duo and team play also helps ease people in, you can join in with experienced friends so you are just diving into the deep end filled with sharks.
I still don't understand how it got to such huge numbers though, for as many friends that fell in love with the game i have the same amount that aren't into scavenging for 15 minutes only to get sniped.
Why would I care about this industry?
>casual shits play casual shit game
>this means Sup Forums is BTFO
Ok pleb
Bluehole is the same company that developed TERA, and they've confirmed that they're working on TERA 2 (see )
It might not mean more success, but at the very least it'll mean more will be spent on development (which I'm sure we all know isn't indicative of quality).
Here's hoping TERA 2 delivers though, the gameplay was probably the only somewhat decent part of TERA unless you really like thick lolis.
Because reddit newfags are obsessed with the game, and talking about literally anything else doesn't get any reply, so they are trying to get some kind of community in Sup Forums, but the only topic people reply to is
>H-HAHA Sup Forums BTFO
Look at their mediocre "memes", these guys are probably the same audience of Overwatch, craving for a similar community full of garbage like fanfics and art, but there's nothing to push that, so they do this.
>The duo and team play also helps ease people in
Honestly, duo and squad are a million times better than solo.
I'd rather play with complete randoms in squad than play solo, it's so shit.
Same developers, not same publishers
>One of the most popular games ever made
>1 million players
>b-but it is shit
>i-its just game of the month
>its j-ust casuals
Imagine your life being so pathetic you get physically mad about people enjoying videogames
I look forward to laughing when this game inevitably outsells CoD WW2.
Not even in the top 20. Try again bitches
>Still shilling this flavour of the month streamer bait
Fucking hell
Can you show me even 1 mad person in this thread? Everybody is indifferent, for good reason. This game has nothing to do with 90% of Sup Forums posters because simply they are not their target audience.
>game has been out six months
>continues to grow in playerbase
>i-its just flavour of the month
Im not mad at people having fun.
Im mad at the fact that soon enough Ill have to join the fun or get the fuck out.
But these threads are composed 100% of people saying that Sup Forums is mad, when Sup Forums doesn't care.
I mean, if people cared, there would be actual discussion, but there's only shitposting about player numbers, and then /vg/ general is dead, which means you aren't even interested in having discussion, you are just here to shitpost.
>"flavour of the month"
>has been at the top of the steam charts for months now
>laughing at Sup Forumstards who continually say it's going to fail "any minute now" is shilling
Imagine being this assblasted over other people playing a game
I realized that v is just a retarded contratard board when i first saw how much new vegas was shilled here
Did v hate minecraft back in the early days?
>Unique IPs
Hehehehehe you think Steam empire Will be toppled? Wake the fuck up libtard
Its fun but honestly NA Squads is full of bots/farmers so its somewhat skewed
>normies play low IQ shit games
more news at 11
People don't actually get mad about a game they don't like becoming popular, that would be silly.
WOW, the game attracted a bunch of shitters
pretty mad, just like I was when Halo gained popularity, just like CoD too. those games changed FPS for the worse and we still haven't recovered
not as much mad but more disappointed in normie tastes. they wouldn't know a good game if it bit them in the ass
I really don't get this concept about this game making Sup Forums mad.
What you are doing is literally the equivalent of someone coming here on the hour and making League of Legends sales charts threads and spamming 'umad umad' with them. Do you genuinely think that would make anyone angry?
The only thing about this that causes annoyance is how much the catalogue gets shit up.
t. mad
I never seen any footage of Battlegrounds. What is is even like? You run around and shoot people and occasionally drive a car?
shut the fuck up nigger
How incredibly boring and predictable
no u
I literally don't care.
t. mad cuck
>PC gets 1 million concurrent players, 10 million sales
>Bloodborne barely even sold half of that
What's your idea of a good fps?
It's called entertainment you retard it's the literal equivalent of watching a highschool football game on your tv except that just happens to be more accepted by normalfags for some reason, personally, I hate sports but like stand up and some of "streamers" I find comical but they are rare, the majority of twitch streamers need to be firebombed asap though.
Why are you implying I care?
I just don't understand why. It's a shooter with mediocre mechanics, mediocre graphics, mediocre performance, and a highly randomized outcome due to how open-ended it is at the beginning. Most other shooters with large maps are better in every way.
The reason Sup Forums doesn't like it is it requires friends to be fun, and no one here has any friends
Every game is fun with friends. Any game that requires friends to be fun is a bad game.
I'm more mad that they released this as early access, just call it a finished game jesus christ
Are people finally KILLING ALL STREAMERS?!
I never once claimed it wouldn't be successful. But why would you ever, unless you're a shill, be happy and smug about an early access game being this successful?
Do you have no idea what a terrible precedence this sets?
We need fewer early access games, not more of them.
I'm currently at a deli and some guys nearby were talking about PUBG, just thought I'd say
Never played it myself but the concept looks cool enough, I don't see what's the big deal.
After the game destroyed League on Twitch becoming the most watched game in the platform, i knew it was over.