Cute voice

>Cute voice
>Cute irl
Name a better VA

Other urls found in this thread:

Sarah Anne Williams

Cristina Vee


>Cute voice
>Cute irl
Sorry user but this is not a picture of Hannah telle

i dont even know who she is

She looks like a mix of Milana Vayntrub and Kate Havnevik

What is that disgusting thing next to her mouth?

voice actor worship is for fucking nerds



Laura Bailey

I can't, you already did


Where are her lips?

She's cute but legitimately fucking terrible

Edea Lee

You called?

Yes that is correct

>tfw this will never be real

Ali hills my Liara waifu

i want to lick her skin.

Willingham you MOTHER FUCKER

amazing taste

>She will never voice your smartphone

Jen Taylor




Has Jen Taylor voiced anyone besides Cortana though?

Rachel Leigh Cook

Wrong thumbnail will show if two pictures are given the exact same timestamp.

on my cock


Zoey from L4D pops up in my mind.


Princess Peach and Toad from the late N64 era to the late GC era

Kari Whalgren

if Seiyuu are allowed, Miyuki Sawashiro.

Dang, I had no idea. That's neat.

Cutest couple.




Go away, Sup Forums

It's a kundis.

Good, no one claimed my voicefu. have I never noticed?

Imagine a threesome with Grey DeLisle and Miyuki Sawashiro.


>ywn be a chad and fuck your VA waifu every night

>me on the left

Considering the number of times she's been married, I think she's been plenty claimed.


It's all good, she's just taking her Viconia role into real life.

My nigga.


Mark Hamill

Big Johnson plz go


I had no idea of what she looked like until this thread tbqh

but I liked her performance a lot in Devil Survivor 2, Cold Steel and Atelier

Cherami Leigh a cute

kana hanazawa



>there is no porn of her
how the fuck is this possible?

>cntr; + f
>no brittany lauda

you are all homosexuals

>height: 1.52m
holy shit that's dwarf tier

Small girls and size difference is cute!

I agree, but I'm pretty sure she's the smallest girl I've "seen" yet.

I reverse searched the image because I didn't know either
She's done a bunch of shitty anime bullshit. She's nobody.

My man

I love Kugyu

She's not much of a looker, but she is adorable

Sombras voice gets me going

Alix Wilton Regan

Dragon age cisquisition

I told her once to sucky-suck my chin chin but she didn't reply back
Why Sup Forums?

>45 head
no thanks

Are you hot?
was this supposed to be funny?

is this what women consider humour?

No one?

>anime reaction image

like fucking clockwork

t. kissless virgin

>I've seen her boobs
I love when voice actors try and be real actors because they almost always go topless, Tara Platt, Jen Taylor, and Grey Delisle

Dwarf = 58 in
1.52m = 59.84 in
Cherami > Dwarf
> Literally 4' 11.84"

You've never seen a woman under 5"?

>Claudia Black will never verbally abuse you

why even live

>You will never see her Jewoobs

>Western VAs

Do you guys think she would take my 6 inches Spic dick? I'm 6.2 tall btw

more than half the Overwatch women have cuter voices and are hotter


>20Ft tall
>6 inch Dick

I don't know shit about VAs/her. What movie/show does she go topless in?


t. blacked porn enthusiast

Lucie Pohl is a babe.

>Rie Kugimiya
>good actress
Funny joke

Jack the dog

>old broad
>big with feminist twitter
>wears lots of makeup

90% of japanese seiyuus

I just did

>VA's who voice your waifu but are actually obnoxious as shit

Noire? Nazz? Chie?

ma nigga

she's short, got nice little tiddies, is hot but not in the way you'd expect Mercy's VA to be hot and her instagram is pure feetfag kino

What manner of sorcery is this?