You'll never be playing FEAR in 2005 again

>you'll never be playing FEAR in 2005 again

Why are we here? Just to suffer

Other urls found in this thread:

I can play it in the current year, on a PC that can handle it on max settings without problems, at a high resolution, appreciating the fact that it is better than 95% of modern shooters and having fun with ragdolls if I don't limit the frame rate. What's the problem?

That bitch Alma got me good in the vents and at the ladder.

That game design has regressed and homogenized

How is that relevant to your ability to play F.E.A.R?

Overrated game desu

>tfw when you were hyped for alien colonial marines
>tfw you played the shit out of it till the playerbase died off

Alien isolation game with pulse rifles when?


The shooting in FEAR is amazing, but everything else lets it down.
>you fight through a repetitive office complex, grey concrete warehouse and other equally boring settings
>the plot is expressed entirely through droning voicemail messages
>the horror is nothing but cheap jumpscares and dark corridors

>Wow, games have come a long way, can't wait to see what's next!


why the fuck can you not play it today? it's not like 2005 was some magical year that allows you to play fear

>the horror is nothing but cheap jumpscares and dark corridors

>invisible ceiling ninjas aren't scary
yeah ok

game would be fun for a replay if the movement wasn't so fucking slow. still better than modern FPS but god damn, feels like molasses

>Oh no! I'm armed to the teeth and have god-like reflexes! I feel so vulnerable :(

oh, the horror

Where did it go wrong?

last sp game I enjoyed

The year before, 2004. doom 3 and half life 2 marked the beginning of game sequels being more technologically advanced but inferior gameplay experiences.

Developers saw with the potential with Steam that to deliver unfinished games that they could just patch later.

Its a great Shooter, But nothing more.
The horror elements really could be cut out and the game would still be good.
Can't see why everyone hyped it so much, it was just a mix of gimicks that over games had.

Only one nu-Sup Forums cuck spotted in 15 posts.

I'm fucking impressed

>For some reason I get really bad coil whine with FEAR on a modern card but no other game does it
wtf bros


It's still fantastic if not for that. Did not age well.

>FEAR is now as old as DOOM was when FEAR came out

>Get FEAR demo in a magazine disk
>5 minutes in the grill in the hallway
>play it last year
>enjoy it

Enjoy your repetitive, babby's first """horror""" hallway shooter.

>tfw my friend complete the entire game+persus mandate on the hardest difficulty
>10 years later he is struggling on normal

Level design and how combat is made around it is pretty great as well, but these are not things your average pleb can appreciate, they rather have open world shooters or brainless enemies spawning from everywhere while running like sanic.

At least there are plenty of doom clones. There has never been a single game released after FEAR that's as good as FEAR. It also didn't help that it was released during the era when CoD was going to be the industry standard for FPS.

Well there's been plenty of games that are better, so here's that.

Not around those years, FEAR was the last good shooter made.

do enlighten me, I can only remember liking the 2 Metro games off the top of my head.

Crysis, Serious Sam 3.

Bioshock and STALKER

Thanks for naming the average pleb games i'm talking about.>they rather have open world shooters

>or brainless enemies spawning from everywhere while running like sanic.
Serious Sam 3.

Enjoy your shitty games with next to no level design and brainless enemies, i guess.

I was actually really underwhelmed and dissappointed with FEAR in 2005. By the standard of those years, it was quite weak in most respects.

I only kinda started to appreciate it in the great FPS drought that came around 2009 and onwards, with the great Halo and CoD plagues. And even then, I never found it as amazing as most people do.

The gunplay is great, and the A.I. give an impression of being unusually smart (though to be honest, this is the part where age added a lot to it: it only looks really amazingly smart in comparison to modern shooters. For people who grew up with Unreal, Half-life, AVP and tons of arena shooters, it really was just slightly above average): but everything else is REALLY AWFUL.

Three weapon limit, some of the WORST level design and environmental variety I've seen in a shooter of it's era, awful story with some truly mindboggingly awful side characters, horrible enemy variety (plus everything that wasn't a soldier was just flat-out SHIT enemy design), murky and dull art direction, boring and predictable horror scenes, tons of bad filler, lack of more interesting weapons, laughable lack of difficulty, weak music, and everything being just so drawned out, dull, grey, and silly.

Compared to HL2 that came out just a year ago, the game was really dull. It was fun during the actual gun fights, but those lasted for a few seconds and quickly started repeating themselves, and everything in-between those brief joyous (if incredibly challenge-lacking) fire-fights was shit.

Crysis is not open world. FEAR level design is not very good, and I'm not just talking about how bland it looks. There's not much routes for AI to flank you, which is a shame because they can do that when there are routes.

Crysis also has better AI than FEAR, so here's that.

Pretentious boring as fuck lineal, story shooter with trash gunplay

Broken piece of shit that can barely run without mods and repetitive as fuck quests, funny you compare low budget trash to a technically flawless masterpiece like FEAR.

>open world
Take your meds man
I feel the same, I played it as a kid when it came out and I found it to be meh
It was real drag and lifeless

I've never played FEAR and I lost my short term memory so I can't remember the year.

It's really not and the only one who is pleb here is you: FEAR's level design was literally CoD level.

It's fucking pathetic that you call other people pleb for liking one of the games that took the first big steps towards casualization and CoDification of the genre. Sure, FEAR did it in somewhat more interesting fashion, but it was a major step-back compared to shooters that came before it in terms of level design, pacing, enemy and weapon variety, and narrative.

yeah man i loved FEAR too but


Was there ADS in this game? I forgot, but I don't think so

I will give you Serious Sam, Crysis was pretty weak and was not really fun as soon as I start fighting aliens.


I liked SS2 better but at least it's more creative.


this is probably the only Sup Forums-core I haven't played yet, I couldn't get into it right now so I can't comment on that right now.

not all FPS games has to be like FEAR brah.

No it wasn't but alright

You are shitting of Stalker and you call others plebs?
Yeah. I think we are done here. There is nothing more needed to be added.

I actually agree with FEARfag here, funnily enough. Didn't like Bioshock or STALKER, would rather play FEAR. Still don't think FEAR is a flawless masterpiece.

Crysis is great but it kind of falls apart when aliens get introduced. Far Cry is a work of genius all the way through, though.

>one of the games that took the first big steps towards casualization and CoDification of the genre

yeah nah, you are barking up on the wrong tree.

>but it was a major step-back compared to shooters that came before it in terms of level design, pacing, enemy and weapon variety, and narrative.

I will give you pacing, enemy and weapon variety but I think that can be excused due to the setting, you can't always have games like painkiller where all the guns are unique as fuck.

I don't think calling everything that does the "locks you in a room and you can't escape until you kill everything" thing CoD is fair, plenty of games has done that.

>Crysis is not open world.
Yet has the shitty same type of combat design you would find in your average Far cry game, just use "epic" stealth and armor gimmicks for baby mode, boring as fuck sandbox enemy placement shooter with zero verticality, literally a tech demo.

>There's not much routes for AI to flank you
>which is a shame because they can do that when there are routes.
How do you know then if there isn't much routes? There is always enough variety in combat to keep it fresh, almost nearly every enemy in FEAR was placed where they are for a reason and levels are designed so enemy takes advatage of them and make encounters interesting, there is no wasted space in FEAR levels as well as having great pacing

>Crysis also has better AI than FEAR, so here's that
Half Life 2 has better AI the FEAR yet level design and scripted enemies make combat far more interesting than either Half Life 2 or shitsys.

Sup Forums ate my picture

>yeah nah, you are barking up on the wrong tree.

pic related

>Still don't think FEAR is a flawless masterpiece.
Techincally? It is, go learn more than basic concepts about how games are made someday. FEAR makes most AA games out there look like petty tech demos

Original Crysis doesn't really have armour mode like the sequels do. I don't think you've played it...
>no verticality
That's just a lie.
>How do you know then if there isn't much routes?
English isn't your first language? "There isn't much" doesn't mean "there is none". It means these routes are there, but they're relatively rare.

Halo CE is unironically better than FEAR (while suffering from exactly same problems, namely low enemy variety and extremely bland and repetitive visuals), and I never owned an Xbox console.

stalker is nothing more than your average hipster trash, tech is garbage, quests are boring as fuck, history is mediocre, FEAR may be a simple shooter, but damn it excels at being that.

The game runs TOO FAST on your modern overkill PC. Enable V-sync, or manually limit the framerate to your screen's max speed with RivaTuner.

It's a shame they totally fucked the series after F.E.A.R 2.

>Original Crysis doesn't really have armour mode like the sequels do
So you have not even played it?
Maximum Armor is literally THE default mode of the suit.

>stalker is nothing more than your average hipster trash,
trying too hard.

Every time I'm playing that game the enemies glitch the fuck out when they die. Also sometimes while walking the mc starts vibrating on the floor until I jump.
It's a great game but it's glitchy as shit.

Yeah, fuck that guy for not blindly adopting popular opinions.

>Original Crysis doesn't really have armour mode like the sequels do. I don't think you've played it...
They made it even more gayer in the sequels? Holy fuck, what a casual fest, no wonder no one remembers crisys series for anything but being a nice graphics demo.

> It means these routes are there, but they're relatively rare.
Yeah, no, go replay it.

Time is a cunt

>Halo CE is unironically better than FEAR

I was valuing your input until this post, good job.

it's pretty fucking ironic when you bash FEAR for being
>one of the games that took the first big steps towards casualization and CoDification of the genre
>a major step-back compared to shooters that came before it in terms of level design, pacing, enemy and weapon variety, and narrative

when Halo perpetuates the same bullshit and is worse than FEAR on all fronts.

Also you don't have to own an Xbox when the PC port also exists.

>trying too hard.
Better than not trying at all and not replying to any of my points, keep being an epic contrarian.

It's not a gimmick mod. It just adds energy bar to HP bar. Basically making your HP bar longer, the opposite of gimmick.

I've replayed it a year ago and I really don't want to do it again.

I'm a completely different poster. I didn't bash FEAR, it's an okay game. I enjoyed it.
>Also you don't have to own an Xbox when the PC port also exists.
I know, that's how I played it without owning an Xbox, smartass. I've jsut mentioned it to avoid accusations of being an Xbox fanboy. I don't care about the box (or PS), but I still enjoyed Halo.

FEAR is hardly that popular, its a game only people with fine taste can appreciate.

>I don't think calling everything that does the "locks you in a room and you can't escape until you kill everything"
Except that is not the thing.
I was talking more about "everything that locks you in a completely dull and completely linear corridor where you have a single direction to walk until you reach an ambush of one type of enemy while you gun them down with really unremarkable weapons, then rinse, and repeat. No change of beat or rythm, SHITTON of down-time, incredibly silly narrative coming up with god-awful excuses to keep you walking forward, occasional absolute gimmick just to prevent you completely from snoring.
Which really is the CoD way, save for the fact that CoD tends to give you pretty skyboxes, and FEAR has fun gunplay. Which admited, the "fun gameplay" does count for a lot. But structurally the games are very similar and both equally unengaging.

NOT the same person, there is more of us who don't value FEAR all that much. Let me get this straight: even considering the above: I'D FUCKING NEVER claim that FEAR is worse than Halo CE. I'm critical, not insane.

I feel like there are four different people in this thread: One insane retard calling STALKER "hipster trash", another retard claiming that FEAR is worse than Halo CE: and then the two mildly sane of us. At least that is the impression I'm getting here.

>barely runs

What the fuck are you smoking? If you run it fully patched, it works just fine. Better so than FEAR, since I don't have to disable all my Logitech drivers just to run it.

it's popular enough to having gotten on the top-100 PC games list last month.

>FEAR is hardly that popular, its a game only people with fine taste can appreciate.
Are you fucking kidding me? It's a lot more popular than Half life 2 here, for an example. It's arguably the most celebrated shooter on this board. It's a fucking cult.

>all these boring autismal fags blubbering about "m-muh stalkur" because of unfunny Sup Forumseddit memes

go cheeki breeki somewhere else spergs, stalker was an extremely mediocre shooter with awful ballistics and horrific AI, not to mention constant crashing and a total lack of polish

>Halo CE is unironically better than FEAR
I rather have good gunplay and good level and combat design then generic spuss marine shoots evil aliens in boring lineal, console designed shooter, maybe when you grow up you will do as well.

How is FEAR not worse than Halo CE? Halo CE is more challenging, has better AI, better weapon designs, more enemy variety, arguably better music. The levels are ugly and repetitive, but FEAR suffers from the exact same problem.

Also CE shotgun is better.

Halo CE is not linear, it's actually remarkably similar in level design to original Crysis and Far Cry, which, by your definition, makes Halo "open world".

What should be instead? Serious Shit 3, lmao.

>Are you fucking kidding me? It's a lot more popular than Half life 2 here
Keyword being "here" Sup Forums knows his shit when talking about shooters. FEAR may not have great map variety or a "complex" history, but the gunplay is perfection and combat is very well designed, which is what someone with good taste wants in a shooter

>Halo CE is not linear
Maybe outdoor sections, which are just mediocre as well, anything else it's your literal, babies first corridor shooter so xbox dudebros don't end up getting lost.

Jesus Christ, you guys and your arbitrary discussions on whether old games are good or not.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't influence anything. There's nothing to gain from this discussion, except a bad mood.

why are you bringing consoles into an FPS conversation in the first place though.

I see where you are coming from on the first paragraph. I may be biased or it might be me coming from a lack of experience with CoD games in general but I think FEAR presented the realistic shooter in a way that I find pleasing. The supernatural element and technological dependent-weaponry, while weak, was believable enough to be in a realistic setting.

Again, I am probably biased because I have a huge boner for urban fantasy where you deploy special trained squads against super natural occurrences.

>Also CE shotgun is better

I will give you everything else above even though you are completely fucking wrong but this is just over the line.

>except a bad mood

I don't think I have been in a constant good mood since 10+ years ago, so yeah.

also everything is arbitrary, nothing really matters unless you want it to.

>tips trilby in your direction

Where do you think we are?

Which are like half of the game. The indoors sections are not more linear than FEAR ones. Silent Cartographer in particular is some really good level design, a small island which you get to explore from the outside and from inside.

Halo CE shotgun is just stupidly powerful, which is probably why they nerfed it so much in the later installments. It kills enemies resistant to kinetic damage in a couple of shots. It's decent at mid range, too. Each pellet does some hilarious amount of damage.

The assault rifle is kind of crap, though.

Extraction Point > Perseus Mandate > F.E.A.R.

Why did they gimp the shotgun so horribly in FEAR 2?

I guess they wanted the semi-auto to shine? It was dumb, yeah, and I like FEAR 2 but that shotgun was bad.

Flamethrower is even worse though, probably the least useful gun I've used in an FPS.

>How is FEAR not worse than Halo CE?
By having fun gunplay, not looking like fucking trash, not dragging out nearly as much, having fun enemies. Fear is a lot of fluff and occasionally really fun shooting. CE is a lot of fluff and a lot of really, really incredibly boring shooting. Fears art direction is murky and dull, CE's art direction is insulting in it's hideous childishness. CE is one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life.

>in general but I think FEAR presented the realistic shooter in a way that I find pleasing.
I would have nothing against it if the game at least had more interesting presentation. My problem is just how dull it is most of the time.
By the way, if you want to see realistic shooting done really well, I'd say Vietcong is the absolute best answer. It did what then CoD did (hell, one of the CoD games ripped off entire segments of Vietcong) but it did it really well, without being as patronizing to the player.

Bottom line: I don't think Fear is bad, by any measure. As I said, I was disappointed with it around the release, because it had a lot of hype, but compared mainly to HL2 which came a mere year before it was such a grey dull fest, but as time went on I learned to appreciate it's focus and the fact that it did not compromise the most important aspect, the actual feeling of shooting.

I just think that it has a lot of issues, in fact that it has more issues than things it does right. It just also happens to do the two things right SO well that it makes it worth playing for them alone.

>CE's art direction is insulting in it's hideous childishness. CE is one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life.
Well, someone's got a chip on his shoulder.

>What should be instead?
What the hell does that mean? FEAR is one of the few GOTYAY titles, it fucking SHOULD be on any PC gamer's list and library.

>Serious Shit 3
Oh no, you did NOT just dislike the best FPS game of the decade, and the TRUE Doom4 game.

The problem with FEAR is that it sought so hard to be a corridor shooter that it became uninteresting. The AI becomes entirely predictable after a few plays from being so scripted. They always do the exact same stupid "shooting dances", and they duck behind the exact same cover in the exact same way. The only time they ever do anything special like flanking or kicking tables is in extremely special scripted circumstances. And then you have the weapons, which don't really feel any different since there is no depth to them. The weapons do not have variable staggering, no bullet penetration, no bullet gravity, no bullet variety, range is a non-factor, accuracy is a non-factor. FEAR is just too simplistic to be fun, it feels like I'm playing a shooting gallery at an arcade.

>The indoors sections are not more linear than FEAR ones.
Not only are far more linear and with less ambush points, but also enemy placement far less worked than in FEAR, combat in HALO single players was always more than a chore than anything, people remembers the first game for the universe and setting and the sequels for multiplayer. FEAR excels at combat because the encounters are designed carefully around the levels.
Level design IS everything.

Fair point, FEAR was a very overhyped game on Sup Forums (I wouldn't know about the hype before its release, I don't think my English was functional enough to read at that point) so I can understand why you may lash out (for the lack of a better word) at people who valiantly defends FEAR from all possible flaws.

he's not alone, I came to Halo during a time when I was trying to clear my backlog of "classic FPS" and I remember Halo as nothing but slow, clunky and unsatisfying gunplay, I hated it, it got worse as soon as I was launched into the outdoors.

tfw waiting until the comfy halloween night to play this game

Both games look decent for their time. Halo enemies are more fun because they're far more aggressive and less predictable. The Elites are more fun than any FEAR enemy except maybe for ninjas, but ninjas are kind of gimmicky. Still loved fighting them.
>CE is one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life.
I'm not going to do the asshole thing and say WELL SHOULD'VE PLAYED ON LEGENDARY, instead I'll do the mature thing and assume you did try the harder difficulties when the lower ones didn't satisfy you. And well, I dunno, I've replayed FEAR without slow-mo and it wasn't very challening and was kind of boring. Legendary Halo kicked my ass until I learned to use plasma weapons vs. shields, cheese Elites with needler, use plasma overload, stick plasma grenades, go for headshots. By the end, I was killing Elites left and right, it was really satisfying. Maybe it doesn't hold on replays though, I really should play it again.

>people remembers the first game for the universe and setting
Well it's nice that you can talk for all the people I guess, but personally I don't give a shit about Halo lore or MP. Or level design, for that matter.

>What the hell does that mean? FEAR is one of the few GOTYAY titles, it fucking SHOULD be on any PC gamer's list and library.
It means exactly that, it should be in EVERY list out there, its great to play, even today.

>Oh no, you did NOT just dislike the best FPS game of the decade, and the TRUE Doom4 game.
Level design is trash, also brainless enemies without any real placement running into straight line to you isn't my idea of fun, neither of those things were Doom at all, doom is all about practical, yet complex level design and well planned enemy placement.

>he's not alone, I came to Halo during a time when I was trying to clear my backlog of "classic FPS" and I remember Halo as nothing but slow, clunky and unsatisfying gunplay, I hated it, it got worse as soon as I was launched into the outdoors.

This, FEAR is just a much better game to replay and has aged better in every single way. The details in indoor sections and lighting are even better than in a lot of modern shooters out there.

>Level design is trash, also brainless enemies without any real placement running into straight line to you isn't my idea of fun,
you clearly haven't played the game then.
SS3 does Doom way better than nuDOOM ever will. Not to mention it's a total blast in co-op too.

Heads poppin, bodies droppin.

>tfw i'm not the only one who does this
Been replaying FEAR that time of the year since 2014, now i will be playing the expansions for the first time when october hits.



I love SS3 but the level and encounter design in it are trash and a big step backwards compared to TFE/TSE.

>PC can barely handle the game


They really aren't. Going back to TFE / TSE is quite jarring after BFE, as they seriously expanded the gameplay, adding more depth to it in 3.


>you clearly haven't played the game then.
SS3 does Doom way better than nuDOOM ever will
Yeah whatever, show me a map that is as well designed as pic from Doom 2016 then. SS is always been low budget, parody shit, 7/10 games, only a pleb would put them as the same level as something like Quake or Doom, new game included.