You start up a new MMORPG and are presented with this option...

You start up a new MMORPG and are presented with this option. You must select a pair of shoes to put on before you can begin playing, and neither pair can be removed once put on. These are the only shoe options in the entire game.

What's your choice?


you get more done with the second pair


Leather, the second ones are worthless in combat, so good luck getting your ass kicked in pvp and not getting invited into raids

Second pair is the only pair.

20% movement speed. Faster farming, cut down on travel time between quests etc.

If mounts are in the game for end game, 5% defense for raiding/pvp.

>Pick a kite class so defense isn't even relevant
>Take boots of haste for faster questing


if your movement speed is faster than that of others, you will be able to pick your fights.
you will be able to flee from advancing foes
you will be able to intercept enemies attempting to avoid conflict

>+1 defense

+5% def is better since it's combat stats.
Sure, the other one let's you be faster, but it only let's you do things sooner while def is always useful.

>beating the game 20% slower


Always fast, mmos are fucking slow as shit with their massive but empty maps

>op knowingly gives not enough info
>people make assumptions and then say why their answer is better
>250 replies and 135 images omitted.

I want to make a turn based mmorpg. Less action more strategy so there will be no skill involved only knowledge.
Monster weaknesses, gear horizontal, open world but instanced battles with up to 64 players per fight.


Are you fucking kidding me with these bullshit choices? I'll be spending 95% of the game outside of the endgame dungeons, most of the game not in combat, and I guarantee you half of the guides for them will be written "Tanks with the Boots of Haste instead of the Leather Boots will need x / y additional gear (or have nothing to worry about)" rather than "Tanks without the Leather Boots can fuck off".

>shoot an arrow at you from 50 feet away
>now at a significant disadvantage because you're technically in combat
But hey, at least you can do busy quests that don't involve combat faster, because that's why people play multiplayer games.

I always get move speed when its an option

My first choice is to ban all Brazilian players

>if you get aggro, you're in combat
nah, eat shit mate

Haste and then pay $10 for the cash shop item that lets me swap once I get to end game and am just standing around in town.

I always play as a black guy and I'm always a criminal
Speed boots

Depends on MMORPG
If i was playing something like EVE online (Game without tons of lvling and every bit of stats is important in combat) i'd take first, but in generic korean trash mmo's i'd take second cuz i want to finish that leveling shit faster

Healers can heal that extra 5%. No one is going to make me permanently increase my character's movement speed.

It's hard to say what the equivalent of 20% out of combat speed is in eve, if it was align time and warp speed i'd take it.

>leatherfags enjoying 20% slower raids and farming
Yeah how's that defense treating you?

/spoiler/i gay/spoiler/

> no im not ajajjajajajaj

> *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever* *insert whatever*

>not having ms buff in raids
Enjoy your marginal dps loss from moving out of danger's way

An MMO? Haste. As much as I love tankiness, there's more to the game than combat.

I play a better game

Depends how challenging this MMO is.
99.9% of MMOs only stop throwing piss-easy cannon fodder at max level, so why the fuck would I need defense at low levels?.

>turn based with 64 players
I'm gonna fell asleep waiting my turn.

If the combat system isn't broke, the +5% def won't be necessary, and the move speed will help me finish game much quicker.

Are those boots on the left from Tibia?
Also I go with haste boots of course

Leather boots.

in most mmorpgs a 5% defense boost is almost always going to be irrelevant
you either get games where spamming healing items is the norm so a little extra defense is worthless or you have games that are optimized for party play where the majority of the party isn't going to be getting hit very often anyways.
nobody but the most hardcore of autists would take defense boots. if it were +5% damage then it would be a completely different story, but it's not.

Almost like ambiguous questions will lead to further discussion. What do you want OP to ask?

>Which is better, +5% defense boots or +10% defense boots?

First response is "the second one" and the thread dies.

Is there a disengage spell/skill we can take?
I'd lean more towards the movespeed, since a lot of other gear slots are gonna be able to make the 5% defense negligible - 20% movespeed is hard to recuperate since the boots are locked and boots always provide 99.9% of movespeed buffs.

Boty arÄ™ grom tibia

literally just click randomly as no decision I make in the game will ever matter.

>free BoHs at level 1
Shit nigga sign me in.
I'd make a bank just selling the account.

wow you'd only have to wait two weeks for each turn

>play a class that can kite and generally doesn't take hits
>def is always useful!
I'm 20% ahead of you.

shit nigga
it was boring to wait with 8 people in Dofus

You'd have to make it like Frozen Synapse, where everyone makes their move and combat turn resolves at once for everyone.

>5% def
>take 21 hits instead of 20 before dying, irrelevant if you can't handle 20 in the first place

>20% move speed
>can kite all the melee enemies easier
>can LoS all the ranged enemies easier

Is this one of those "casual vs hardcore playstyle" questions?

I explained myself very badly. 64 means 16 parties of 4 furthermore turns are timed like 30-40 seconds. Parties can join the battle mid combat.

Open world would be a problem it needs to be like guild wars with instances outside of town.

Out of combat movement speed.

Reading is fundamental.

Leather, of course.

Leather Boots are a min max faggot perfectionism solution. People like this are never successful and are just autistic as fuck.

Boots of Haste are a practical solution. You make your playtime immensely more enjoyable by cutting down on a lot of time for the mere price of having a minor disadvantage in the post game.

first one if you're a powergaming cunt

second one if you're a lazy/impatient cunt

I uninstall the game. That's really stupid.

>a minor disadvantage in the post game
Have fun not getting into raids because you wanted to run a bit faster and cut down slightly on your time grinding

Getting into raids is a social skill. No one wants to play with people that are overly autistic and pay attention to every single detail to begin with.

>raid leader tries to kick me from the group
>can't catch me because he's a leathercuck

>Getting into raids is a social skill
Comparing gear score is a social skill now is it?

My my I'm suddenly a real social butterfly

I never play classes that rely on armour a lot (mages or rangers), so 5% extra armour is shit.

20% extra movement speed is godly regardless of how quick or slow your base movement speed is.

>pug shitter

>I never played a MMO
Yeah, it's entirely social. If you're a cool dude and are not too shit at the game you will be always picked over the min max social outcast faggot.

Pick one, and only one.

Haste boots. Moving 20% faster is honestly just ridiculous compared to 5+% defense unless it's one of those games where ever single point is game changing.

I play eve online.

It's... different.


The left ones because they give elemental resistance which is harder to come by.

>playing eve
>not picking 20% more movement speed

>out of combat movement speed
>in eve
pick 2

Utility > Defense, if you disagree you're a shitter

That mitigation will be useless on anyone but tanks, and tanks are exception only because no boots with damage buff exist.

Left to trigger people that my almost full perfect armor is "ruined" by these clown shoues.

Movement Speed >>>>>>> 5% Defense

How about not making these retarded bait threads in the first place? There is nothing to discuss. The answer is always "it depends".

I would agree if it's general movement speed, but it only applies when you're out of combat.

So it's not gonna help you when you actually need it. It'll just save you some time while running around the world.

Boots of haste. Anyone who says anything else is shit. They are superior for every role, including tanks. 20% faster speed outside of combat = less time spent out of combat = faster completion time of dungeon and faster pulls. Minimizes time between pulls.

The BoH simply do not compare to a measly 5% defense even if it was a flat 5% damage reduction

>enter pvp area with haste boots
>see some trash player with leather boots
>don't actually enter combat until you're within his range
>he has no chance of getting away from you because of the 20+% speed
Haste boots are pvp meta.

>>he has no chance of getting away from you
He doesn't need to because he has 5% more defense than you.

Name an MMO where you can engage in combat at that range

5% defence is very unlikely to significantly help you in combat either, unless you're a shitter that either can't play so he fucks up every fight or the game forces you into these 5% defense situations. Take note that 5% defense do not mean 5% hp, it's probably much less. Not to mention that to scale defense well you need to have solid defense to begin with with other items. 20% movement speed however would let you do everything much faster, including grinding itself. 20% movement speed is top tier in 99% of the games.

Pick favorable fights, you can escape from anyone with leather boots anyway so you don't have to worry about anyone stronger than you attacking.

I'll be spending the vast majority of my time dicking around the world, if I can dick around 20% faster it's all the better for me. Even in a dungeon, that lets you go 20% faster outside of combat, which is a massive improvement to efficiency.
>So it's not gonna help you when you actually need it. It'll just save you some time while running around the world.
The only ways the extra 5% Defense would matter is if the raid bosses require EVERYONE to be as tanky as hell because the boss literally pisses out damage to everyone, or if Defense is utterly busted, and potentially allows for zero/near zero damage from even endgame tier enemies if stacked high enough.

Depends entirely on what exactly constitutes 'out of combat'.

If it's something like a physical radius around an enemy then yeah sure. If it's the second an enemy chooses to engage me then no. It's worthless.

>Take note that 5% defense do not mean 5% hp, it's probably much less.
Well that would depend on the game mechanics so it can go either way. It could be flat 5% damage reduction which is huge or simply 5% extra "defense" stat which could be worth fuck all. Still it's better than no bonus in combat in my opinion.

I don't care about having to take a little bit longer to grind. At worst it takes 20% longer to grind to max level, probably much less.

In City of Heroes, you could spec a ranged build so your snipe power could reach up to 280 feet, and all of your other powers varied from 80 to 180 feet depending on the power. That wasn't even with +range enhancements which probably let you reach 350 feet.

Boots of haste nigga. You don't need 5% defense. Just don't suck dick at the game

create 2 characters and give 1 both the boots, 1 for out of combat and one for in combat depending on the combat mechanics

The boots can't be taken off.

>can't be removed

So just put on the speed boots over the defense boots.

What are you dumb?

>+10 hp
>+1 armor
This should be easy for Sup Forums

>everyone saying they'll take the speed boots for use in combat

But how would you get the speed boots if they can't be removed from the other character?

Are you dumb?

Even in a dungeon it's superior for getting from encounter to encounter faster.

You never put them on in the first place, dummy.

10 HP. Armor doesn't mitigate much at low go.

Depends on armor mechanics.

If it's AOE2 logic then I'll take the armour for the flat reduction to enemy damage.

This is a waste of everyones time. Left if you cant change them. Right if you can change them.....

+10 hp is insane in hotline miami.

Armor, HP is boring.

"Outside of combat"

Leather boots of haste because in 3 patchs the developers will remove that retarded choice and add enchanting.

Not an argument