Why are PC players so shit at this game? I can run circles around console players no problem,and have actual teamwork

Why are PC players so shit at this game? I can run circles around console players no problem,and have actual teamwork.

But on PC, no body has a mic, nobody supports each other, much more trolling and bratty bitchy behavior.

what gives? why arent PC players better gamers?

tell me more about bronze

>playing moba shit when you could be playing something that is actually fun and not frustrating shit

Whats the point of playing on both console and pc?

silver/low gold actually. would have been gold had it not been for the server disconnecting me and losing 50 SR points, which led to more losses afterwards because of poor teamwork.

console I'm platinum. Console player take shit more seriously. or maybe its the rank that's the difference. I cant wait to get into plat on PC. maybe then I'll find people that can actually play correctly.

Being so bad at a game you have to put others down for enjoying it you are joyless just end it now

>not frustrating shit
what do you suggest. I'm getting burnt out on it actually.

got it on console first, then thought the PC version was where the real challenge was

turns out the real challenge is trying to compensate for your teams lousy aim.

I'm don't play it, I rather play singleplayer games that have actual depth and are actually good instead of online shit where your enjoyment depends on whether people fuck up the game for you or not.

>I'm don't play it

I don't*

Depends on what kind of game you want to play.
If you want to play an fps get Stalker.

>silver/low gold actually

>silver/low gold actually

>console I'm platinum
Certified shitter

I'm getting the vibe that you think platinum is a good place to be. Something to be proud of.

Idk man, I'm in plat and I'm fucking embarrassed to admit it.

yup. doesn't matter how well I play, I cant carry my team.

I admit I may not be the "best" player, but I'm not silver level for fucks sake. I was placed 50 points away from gold, and then got DC'd and lost another 50 points. then haven't won a match since.

>where your enjoyment depends on whether people fuck up the game for you or not.

got it. its pretty good.

>Platinum on console
>is literally the equivalent of silver on PC

>wonders why PC players are worse than console players

I uninstalled the game after this season's rankings. I'm done grinding ranks with team members who do nothing to try and win.

>Even having a place to begin with
>Owning Overwatch period

Pc players should have no excuse if they can't handle using hitscan hero's better or deal with Symmetra.

when you have to work your away up the ranks, its pretty good. At least I'm the best among my friends list. they're in gold still.

working my way up to diamond now. Tho I doubt I'd hit any masters level.

>Why are PC players so shit at this game?

Hah nice bait post, but you made a fatal logical error. Its impossible to be shit at the game, because the skill ceiling is so low

simple really, with the end of dedicated servers, the concept of curated game communities was effectively destroyed. Why talk to people you will probably never see again? There's no customization, no mods, no custom maps, no custom profile pics to recognize people, no getting to know people you play with regularly, nothing. This is what happened when the xbox audience became the demographic and not the PC audience.

>silver/low gold actually

>Platinum on console
>Silver/"Gold" on PC aka you can't hold gold for any longer than one match
>Only console representative thats made the jump and held onto GM long term is some shitter lucio main who can't aim and just spams the fuck out of jump while having autistic knowledge of how to contribute the least amount possible while hiding
>Some of console's best GMs struggle in platinum

don't tell me it aint true nigger I was GM before I quit this shit heap.

This pretty much, gone are the days when I enjoyed my regular servers on TF2 or CS 1.6 / Natural Selection with good communities, familiar faces day after day and nice friendly sense of competition. Assholes got bans and everyone generally acted nice, banter was just friendly banter and not being a total cunt.

>Why talk to people you will probably never see again?
Becuase you want to win? Nobody expects you to chat up strangers you jaded neckbeard, it's for tactical communication such as "they're going this side" or "this character is behind our point, watch out" or "I'm diving their backline go in" or "let's combine ults what's yours at".

It's literally that simple. Overwatch is a shallow game. A team that coordinates better, wins.

>playing any games period

For that level communicaiton (well anything above "JUNKRAT IS FEEDING REPORT") you have to be upper diamond / masters. There the game starts to slowly feel like how it is supposed to be. Though diamond players are some of the worst flamers and throwers as they are "good enough" to think they are something, but at the same time are still absolute shitters

This sorta shit has been dead since mid 2008. I remember 2009 being full to the brim with autistic memers trying REALLY hard to le troler people. Then 2011 came along and people were trying to be all ironic about it.

Now it's socially acceptable in communities to be some meme spewing, "banter" flinging sperglord who sucks shit at the game. And if anyone has an issue with your shitty, aggrovating personality with your sense of "humor" that's completely comprised of recycled garbage they found on reddit they can just call people toxic in turn and this is apparently some sort of deflection to any sort of criticism. Including them sucking shit at games.

I don't claim things were PERFECT back in early 00s but people actually tried to capture the fucking flag. Now? Good luck nigger.

I find that it's all the same. I started on console and switched to PC. Was low Masters on Console now I'm high plat but I was lower diamond last season.

I haven't really noticed much of a difference between pc plays and consoles players. There's retards no matter where you're at. I was expecting to be pretty bad as the usual "diamond console is silver on PC!" when in reality it's just autists trying to wax their own ego. Fights on consoles is pretty close together, while pc players can stay further away is about the biggest difference I noticed. Other that it's still same fucktards not grouping up, not in voice chat, bad positioning, feeding the enemy team

I'd imagine Grandmasters pc vs console is different, but everything below seems the same.

This barely gets any different once you hit masters. And then the only deterrent once you hit GM seems to be people being afraid to get noticed on streams so they put on this fake haha facade so they don't get dumped on by someones legion of twitch shitters. Outside of that you can pretty much expect everyone to be an arrogant sperg who thinks they're the next KennyS

t. liar

>but people actually tried to capture the fucking flag.
There's a reason these types of game modes have fell out of favour.

>playing teamgames with the lottery of random teammates

Yeah this concept was flawed right from the start.

Why do people who want to meassure their own skill not play 1on1 games?

I'm not excusing it, far from it, I'm just saying what most people likely think in games. In the beginning, I used to try to talk and be friendly, but I quickly realized I was literally the only one talking, so I gave up. I wish people talked but I understand why most probably don't, games these days just don't foment any kind of comradare like days past, mainly for reasons I already pointed out.

It's true. The difference of skill level between Console and PC players is greatly exaggerated. Again, its mostly PC autists jerking themselves off.

Because nobody on PC likes Overwatch.

How could there be a skill difference if the game has such a limited skill ceiling to begin with?

Check mate atheists

LOL why play a game if youre not gonna be in the top 1%

delet this

On consoles you need to pay for online so you actually have to put your money to use and actually try to win

Online on PC is free so you don't give a fuck and take it for granted

Aiming is so bad on consoles that everyone who isn't bronze tries to teamwork and combo abilities because it's the only way to get things done

Every other player on console is a faggot who thinks the only way to be a good overwatch player is to have better aim

Splitting the community on several servers with dedicated servers , you can't have a competitive game like that

> you can't have a competitive game like that

I fail to see the negative here, considering competitive esports shit is what ruined multiplayer gaming

>PC is free so you don't give a fuck and take it for granted
this kind of makes sense. maybe thats why PC players are so relaxed about comp.

This is pretty dumb user. People pay for MMO subscriptions all the time and don't give a fuck about getting good at their classes.

Fifteen euros a month doesn't mean jack shit unless you're still a child/young teenager or something and even then you're probably too dumb at that stage to really hit peak.

This is bronze-plat easy.

if it was the equivalent I should have similar experiences in both console and PC just placed lower on PC because GM is a higher ceiling than consoles.

PC players just arent as dedicated on anything below platinum.

never have I seen so many scared gamer afraid of getting close to the payload or insisting that firing from far away makes a better decision than holding a closer choke.

Though the only differnce is that more people have mic on console so team work is easier there. PC guys are timid.

If it makes you feel better you're above average.
Too bad the game is filled with fucking retards from bronze to masters.

People who play Overwatch don't care about gaming. Overwatch has the most casual fanbase.

i'm diamond and embarrassed

lets pretend i was as shit as you:

i was plat on PC, and then try console. i get silver on console and bitch and moan how my teammates suck

oh right, it's because they're in FUCKING SILVER NIGGA WAKE UP

You can't compare MMO to a competitive game ,because in the latest you actually want to win MMOs are just for having a chill time with your bros there is no urgency in being good like competitive games

PC players are toxic fatty boy cancerous scum.

I am a PC player.

you would never be silver on console though.

but I know what you're saying. I just have to deal with the silver shittery until I can claw my way out of it.

>PC players are toxic

PC players have thin skin apparently. never have I heard the word toxic said more times than on overwatch PC.

>plebbit spacing
>console shitter
>playing blizzshit

doesnt get more pleb than that

I'm masters and embarrassed

PCfags tend to be worse people.

There is no difference in skill between pc and console. Im in high masters on ps4 and just about every DPS player up here is using a mouse and keyboard anyway.

Its practically the same as PC.

>>Platinum on console
>>is literally the equivalent of silver on PC

More like opposite. There was Genji player that went from console to PC and destroyed PC neckbeards easily going to top 500.

>be me
>buy this game a few weeks ago
>start off mid silver
>literally fall 1000 sr in a week
>cannot carry for the life of me
>the further down I go the less people use mics
>I'm considering buying a new key just to have a shot at this game again

holy shit this game is awful, I really DON'T mind losing when I feel outclassed but how are you supposed to deal when you rack up all these losses and your end-of-game stats indicate you're doing what you need to just about all the time?

Well there was a Top 500 Widow player that went from console to PC and shutdown his gaming channel because he couldn't get to diamond. Checkmate atheist.

>how are you supposed to deal when you rack up all these losses
hope that you'll place better next season. you wont. they just place you near your highest rank from the previous season. I busted my ass in placements and won every match, save for 1 draw. still got silver when I easily should have been gold. i was fighting against diamonds for crying out loud. nope. still silver.

the matchmaking is rigged though. they know exactly what shitters they're pairing you up with.

Yeah I love when my friend says "enemy on the right" but he meant "his right" so now i'm basically doing nothing looking for a guy that isn't there.

Teams can coordinate perfectly fine just by looking at what people around them are doing. All of my best ult combinations came from people doing what seemed natural atm. As a low elo player you shouldn't worry about communication, improve your game sense and decision making first.

>muh thick skin

You mean emotionally repressed and using video games to "fill the void" instead of enjoying them? People weren't meant to have a "thick skin" and to take shit from retards, and no responding to retards isn't a confrontation, the best thing you can do online is /muteall

It's more difficult to aim with controller, however console player destroying PC tards shows how superior game sense console players have despite having disadvantage.

Didn't he make it to GM? He hasn't really updated his channel since his niche "widow main on console" is gone and a lot people stopped watching.

Unless we're talking about 2 different console YouTube's, don't think this guy is stated he was a top 500 widow main

I think a lot of PC players don't have a headset at all. On consoles it came with it, for the 360 anyways. I remember. I remember many, many, many times more people using mic on 360 than I ever have on PC in any game. Can't speak for any other console because I switched to PC and never looked back. OW is just a shitty, broken, casual skinner box with horrible maps anyways,

It doesn't fucking matter what control input you use since the games skill cap is about 2 feet high. You're never going to see anyone doing any really insane shit in this game regardless of how good they are or what they're using

GM here. I consider suicide for a long time.

>It doesn't fucking matter what control input you use in fps game that require aim of some sort

Overwatch really doesn't require any kind of advanced aim. A bunch of the ultimates are basically aimbots anyway

Every fps is more precise and easier with kb/m no matter what meme you use.
>a bunch of ultimates
I didn't knew that ultimates are consistent abilities and 90% of game is not shooting and aiming.

Getting sick of talking to you kid.
[presses Q to win argument]

so you were underage all the time? I should have guessed considering level of your arguments but now I have ultimate proof.

>playing competitive multiplayer

Enjoy your anger.

>I'm platinum on console
>I'm silver on PC
>therefore PC players are worse than console players

You can carry games as a tank or genji and 76.

But of course you need to be good.

Rein is no longer meta and dva is going to shit tier next patch.

So...be a good 76 or genji Is your options for carry now

>[presses Q to win argument]
Audible kek

"Everyone's a winner" is the worst kind of cancer to ever happen to gaming, and this """"""""game""""""" is the pinnacle of that cancer. It's players should not only be castrated, but also euthanized. Mentioning this shit ""game"" here should be a bannable offence.

I would check on the scoreboard to see how this argument is going but there doesn't seem to be one??

>Tryharding and still being shit and the most casual "competitive" game on the market

Killyourself desu.

>daily reminder that if you aren't playing ow for griefing you are re playing it wrong