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ehhehe dude upvoted


Well no shit, everything is harder when your IQ is hovering in the low 80s.

Dear diary: today, Sup Forums was not stupid

Okay, please clear this up, does this actually change the difficulty of the game?

>doesn't effect combat, only neutral interactions
The joke has many layers

Didn't you make that post yesterday?

>its clearly IQ is the problem guys, not the discrimination

Does it ACTUALLY get harder though?
I had an impression it's just skin color slider with "DIFFICULTY" slapped over it.

Changes things like quest rewards, money earned and NPC treatment. Not combat.

Always said the best way to a good life is to look both ways before you cross the street, always be courteous and try your hardest not too look black or hispanic.

obvious filename

neo/v/ stock reply image

5/10 bait

I haven't been home in a week, so that's highly unlikely.


And earlier today.

I heard on another post that you get less money for one thing, though that could have just been shitposting.

shouldn't it be easier as a black
>d'uh, i'm losing an argument? RACE CARD

Do you get welfare gear if you play black as well?

it's really up to your manners really

I found the image on google you autist


IQ and conscientiousness are the two primary factors that determine success in North America. There's a direct correlation.
So many doors are closed to low IQ people.

It's a far bigger problem than any other factor and nobody seems to want to talk about it.

Canadians aren't edgy enough for that.

Makes sense.

I mean, nonwhites have inferior genes, so it's only natural they'd have lesser stat builds that make the game harder.

>god us white suburban kids have it tough in middle class :(

this post is trash and so is the nigger who made it

>both extremes are not quite sure if they should be offended or not
Quality satire achieved

>thinks whites have good genes

>whites get allergic to more shit like peanut butter and pollen
>are more easily gender confused and became homo
>get easily burnt by the sun
>can't handle spices

>inb4 muh IQ
Asians are objectively smarter

Maybe because IQ is more affected by socioeconomic factors rather than genetics?
Hmm no that's silly.

It is, too bad they resort to shooting eachother instead

>Tumblr filename
You're not even trying

Because people, by which I mean race "realists", go completely wrong at it. As IQ is influenced by environment and education. But no hurr gotta all be about le skin color :^)

There's strong evidence to suggest otherwise. IQ is almost entirely genetic. There are things you can do to improve or decrease it a little but nothing major.

>Sickle cell
>more prone to heart attacks

Every race has it's problems

And have 2-inch dicks

Face it, white is simply the best of all worlds rolled into one creamy, silky-soft-yet-still-firm package.

>its hard growing up in the West as a black person where everybody makes excuses for your constant fuckups

>ugh im soooo oppressed anybody gonna think about me??
t. white dude

The 1900s Jews is all he needs to disprove this assertion. They were stupid as fuck before that point and through education majorly changed their collective IQ.

Does it increase the loot gained when you search through people's houses? Also does cartman's mother get really friendly with you?

Its both actually.

If someone is limited genetics wise they wont get far even with the best socioeconomic environment.

We dont know how large each factor is so "affected more" is just an estimation from your side.

But it works most likely like a product and an addition.

>you're holding me accountable for my actions? DAS RAYCISS! IM GONNA CHIMP OUT AND BURN MUH CITY DOWN! OOGA BOOGA BIX NUDE!

t. black people

>ugh im soooo oppressed anybody gonna think about me??
t. negro

*and not like an addition

Last time I checked, IQ was 70% genetically deterministic.

>>are more easily gender confused and became homo
niggers started the trans movement so can you really blame white people for that?

But there are multiple studies disproving that fact. Niggers brought and raised by white families are always as smart as a white person. Tgere isn't a cabal out there censoring shit like this, it's been proven thousands of times. I don't get this selective acceptance of scientific studies.
Well of course it's both, but the point is, anyone of any race can be as smart as the other when raised in a first world country in the west.

IQ was devised specifically to avoid educational factors.

>Thought that was a meme
>Decided to look for an onahole
>There are only, like, three jap holes period that can even fit 6 inches
>Most are barely 5 inches deep
It's pretty much either Lolinco Virgo or a bad-dragon hole, and I thought I was just barely average sized.

Yea, influenced by, not determined by. Genetics play the largest role in IQ.

As funny as South Park's joke is, I will not encourage preordering and would advice others to wait until the game is out and make sure the rest is good first.

But those socioeconomic factors are brought on by skin pigmentation so wouldn't that be a genetic cause? It wouldn't happen if they were white.

Whites and blacks can bicker all they like, but can common ground be found in saying that the Hook Nosed Menace is responsible for our problems and the reasons we bicker?

>Niggers brought and raised by white families are always as smart as a white person

Literally the opposite of that is true.


But isnt IQ supposed to measure your innate base ability to learn new things and concepts.

IQ is by definition NOT dependent on education.

the jews are famous mixed breeders to steal the best genes from other races, how else do you think they've gotten a stranglehold on the world economy???

>t. triggered nigger

Born so inferior, his race has never accomplished anything except flinging shit and enslaving each other for 1000s of years.

Meanwhile, whites are responsible for every advancement in modern civilization, including your freedom.


>dindus are poor because of racism

Even if they started it, whites are more likely to be trans

You don't seem to understand what IQ is.

You can take identical twins, separate them at birth and test their IQ in later life and it will remain extraordinarily similar.

Why is Sup Forums flipping a shit about this
It's just a joke

>Well of course it's both, but the point is, anyone of any race can be as smart as the other when raised in a first world country in the west.
Reality suggests otherwise; you don't understand Gaussian distributions.

Is it... Is it the white square with the black + over it?

Holy kek

But seriously though, was considering buying it after release, will probably pirate it now.
>boohoo muh poor brown and black have it soo haard ;(((
>meanwhile in real life people are tripping over themselves to make excuses for them and helping them just because of how they look all over the Western world
Trey and Matt truly have lost it, fucking retards.

We're fucking tired of jews pushing "white privilege." It's not a joke. It's pure hatred of whites.


Over priced as fuck


>cumskin this mad his race is dying


Am I retarded? I don't get why they blanked out the second figure in the top row.

when will sub-saharan africans figure out farming? we're all equal, after all.

What is it now?

Anyone get some facts and papers in here.

Where's your evidence? And genetics are so complex. Genes determining your pigmentation have nothing to do with "IQ" genes.

If this argument is granted, it doesn't change the fact that they latched onto it HARD core my dude.

My best friend in elementary school was black and a good friend I have today is black, however if you ever got to meet either of them you'd say they're "fake black friends" since both are incredibly nerdy and whitewashed.

They basically talk like how Dave Chappelle does in those skits where he's playing a proper white man in white face.

Hey now, don't bring my fetish into this. I thought you were trying to make an argument AGAINST Asian people, not for them.

It's also based partially on when you take the test, so older people are considered stupider. It's a fine test, but it's far from perfect.

Imagine being this assblasted at a joke

Out fucking skilled.

Well it was certainly applicable here as well.

>shouldn't it be easier as a black
I know you're joking but some white people actually believe this

>larping on Sup Forums

>implying it will actually be harder
>implying this isn't just a jab at PC culture again

how about you cucks go back to r/jontron

>making your character white means you get more money

It only is in regards to other things outside of combat. Combat difficulty is completely different. Things like money and items earned are different.

>He bought into the Jewish menace meme
Let me red pill you and tell you that it isn't the Jews, but an ancient clan of mentally ill autists.

Huh. Would you say that all these microaggressions have finally taken their toll on you? Kind of funny now that the shoe's on the other foot.

Not an argument.

Oh yes, because you're shot by the cops daily just for doin nuffin and don't totally try and fucking fight cops on a daily basis

Would be pretty fun if setting the character to full black gave unique dialogue like Int1 in FO games

>Implying that those aren't the same thing

It's also a joke
This is a South Park game

No it wasn't you retard, IQ was originally made to assess education readiness.


It's not a "microaggression" you tumblr faggot.

>white fuckboys being mad and special snowflakes
Nothing surprising.

Yes, you kangs are so much smarter than everyone else and have to work twice as hard.

White privilege is simply a fact, white boy.

>make your character black
>he becomes a monkey who rapes every woman he sees
>i-its just a joke