How do I git gud at this game?

How do I git gud at this game?

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you turn it off and refund it and play a game other people actually play

you buy KoF XIII

Why is this anyways? I wanted to buy this game because the designs look much better than Street Fighter 5, but I don't want to bother if no one's on.

Don't really want to repeat the same mistake I made with Guilty Gear Rev2 and Tekken 7.

Find communities online where people play. SRK is a start. Exchange online handles, arrange matches, have fun

Learn your confirms
Play at least one fireball character
Practice antiairing alot
Try to end your non-kill combos on resets
Go for overheads into MAX after jumpins

because even if it is a good fighting game, people just don't play it for gameplay reasons, it's always some stupid artificial reason that lasts a week and they get beat by seasoned players who they cannot catch up to and most online warrior seasoned players don't want to let them catch up to begin with and move back to sfv or their stupid clicky mouse game like dota or whatever

especially on Sup Forums is the tremendous amount masturbating to the females in the franchise, mainly angel, of course one of their hands is too preoccupied to play

youplay a good kof game that actually requires skill, like 98, 13, or 02


Hows the online? Never got good at kof
also good starter character ? Normally always messed around with ralf

online is very playable, like sf4
only caveat is that there is hardly ever anyone in the usa to play against

Play against peoples.
Oh wait sorry this is KOF, unless you're mexicunt or chink you won't find anyone to play against..

Might as well put the game in the trash, along every other niche fightan

this pretty much
just cut the bullshit and spam angel pics like everyone else here

you move to china, japan or mexico because people certainly aren't playing this anywhere else.

Kula, Benimaru and Kyo are the best beginner characters and two of those are top tier lol.


This is all basic shit that you should get good at, but against a good player, you're gonna get massacred in neutral. Learn the neutral. Play people.

Juicebox has a great video about how to deal with hop CD's, but that really does a great job of explaining the neutral. Watch that, OP.

There are literally dozens of us. Roughly two dozen. There's usually a room up for the US at most times. Certainly during prime time. If there isn't, make one.

>There are literally dozens of us. Roughly two dozen. There's usually a room up for the US at most times. Certainly during prime time. If there isn't, make one.
>at most times
>make one
have done so on many occasions

Literally a room up right now with 7 people in it.

i said the "at most times" is a lie
i have been on days where i was doing nothing
also what platform are you even talking about?

I'm on PC. PS4 has more players.

I don't know what times you're checking for matches, but during the afternoons and evenings, I don't usually have trouble finding people to play with. It doesn't hurt to use some of the KoF discords, but I don't really use them too much.

i have checked matches all day on several occasions and unlike other games you're more likely to find matches during late afternoon to evening and then good luck surrounding those times and i'm on ps4

Are you checking for ranked matches or lobbies? Because I refuse to believe you're not finding any lobbies on PS4.

i'm not saying i'm not finding them, i'm saying they're not available all the time and there are times where there are just no lobbies, and those times i have made lobbies people either don't join or just join, do nothing and leave

>Cheap amerifats refuse to buy the game because it's not 10 dollars like XIII
>Almost no amerifats play it
>It's like half the price for Mexicans because of regional pricing (based SNK)
>Somehow the Amerifats still outnumber the Mexicans 10 to 1
>Game is also a chinkfest
I'm glad NK is gonna nuke us soon. The one redeeming quality of this country, lost because of shitty memelennials.

Mexicans are busy playing the superior games, KOF 98 and 02 on fightcade.

Never used fightcade. Isn't that only for Neogeo roms? That'd mean it's the original 02. Gross.

But Mexicans love OG 02, I can confirm.

>Isn't that only for Neogeo roms?

OG 02 is a little broken, kinda like Marvel 2, but it's decent enough.

My real game is 98. Classic as it gets.

>move back to sfv
You know as someone who has played a lot of fighting games. I gave SFV another chance before Menat was announced and it was no joke harder to find a proper game in that than it is for Rev2 on PC for me.

SFV's playerbase is not nearly as alive as people make it out to be.

>SFV's playerbase is not nearly as alive as people make it out to be.
probably because your internet sucks dick

user everyone's internet sucks on svf

only yanks have the bad internet on sfv in my experiences

No considering that I have 150 Mbps download speed and 15 Mbps upload as well as not a fucking neanderthal that uses wifi. I'm pretty sure to say it's not my internet you dumbass

Just wait till dbz, no matter how good or bad it ends ip being, it is guaranteed to have thousands online at any given time.