Why did she get 3 games?

why did she get 3 games?

Dev crush


She should get more.

You mean two.

Because character design this good would be wasted otherwise.

No idea, but I liked them so I don't mind. XIII-2 and arguably XIII itself weren't really about her anyway


This. Hope was the developer's self-insert

XIII-2 was the dev expressing how much he missed her

LR was his tribute to finding his 'lost' obsession, making a game focusing on her alone.

It's really kinda sad if you think about it.

I don't know, they knee the fucked up so they had to fix the battle system but make it seem like this was on purpose.

Is there a lot of Hope subtext and can I avoid it?
I played like 2 hours and Hope is just the worst character

13-2 was shit, there is no denying this.

No. His shit takes up about 2/3s of the game. His Mom gets killed right at the start, and he spends the next 2/3s of the game obsessing about murdering Snow because of it. After the group splits up he goes off alone with Lightning and cranks his crap up to 11 and the shipping gets downright uncomfortable.

After his reckoning with Snow, he kinda disappears from the story. Problem is he's probably the best Ravager/Healer in the game and is high tier in a lot of the other classes.

>why did she get 3 games?

Who cares faggot, LR is objectively one of the best FF games to date. Now the first two is a different story...

Because she's a literally perfect Goddess

I've started that game twice. Both times I completely lose interest when I get to this fucking place.

At least Serah is qt and has great tits. Shame about her dying at the end though. Also, true ending dlc? Wtf?

She's not the MC of XIII and she almost doesn't appear in XIII-2. Lighting Returns is her only game.

Her Valkyrie armor was her best look

>ywn have a tsundere Lightning cosplayer gf
Just kill me now and get it over with

This, we can already tell OP didn't play the games

Don't question what a man's love for his waifu can achieve, anonymous.

I liked the standard FFXIII outfit more, but I have a thing for miniskirts.



A waifufag with too much power, his love for his waifu shines with the strength of the sun

This image bugs the hell out of me
Hope's supposed to be taller than that
And why is there still no SFM of them together? It's criminal I tells ya

>She's not the MC

SE's been doing that for a long time. Arguably ever since IX, the 'MC' is really just a by-stander protagonist.

At the same time, you have to admire him for it
Dude literally co-opted an entire development team of one of the most successful Japanese game devs and got them to write it so that he could live out the rest of his life happily in the south of France with his waifu
That takes serious dedication

Lightning Returns is the only FF game that is actually about Lightning.

XIII got two cheap sequels because XIV bombed hard and Squeenix temporarily devoted a large portion of their resources to fixing it

She sells well, I guess? Please don't take that out of context.

>the shipping gets downright uncomfortable
Oh yes
I'll help you forget all about Snow.....

The gameplay was absolutely phenomenal, no argument there

I want to fuck Lumina so bad

I love the attention to detail and how they actually showed droplets of rain running down her heaving breasts

No matter how shitty final fantasy vol. XXXI-VIII squarefucks churn out, retards will still buy them

Lumina is like the slutty cousin of the farron, and damn, my dick knows she is fucking good at it


She's good at selling cars and clothes


This. Also the reason why waifufags are cancer. Literally ruining video games.

>Squall sold Toyota
>Lightning sells Nissan

>Literally saving video games

>didn't play the epic lightning vs caius DLC in part 2
and you guys have the gall to complain about muh corridors.

Lumina a cute

Remember when Square made a game that had at least 3 party members in battle, and you could control everyone?



Remember when SE put pokemon into FF13-2 and it was dogshit?

A patriot?

Valkyrie Profile did it first


Remember when people complained FF13 was linear, and SE made FF13-2 not linear and the japs complained that it was too complicated?

VP2 was good though.

Onee-san love truly is the purest

Valkyrie Profile didn't have you collect monsters

Hope is decent healer and rav but Vanille can do both just as well and is better rav.

Snow is hp tank and frankly lightning is better at that because she is a blink tank (dodge for 0 damage is better than block for some)

This image makes me angry. Fuck SE.

Fang's better though since she can also double as a SAB and her SYN abilities include Bravera and Faithra which can be augmented by synthesis



fang has the games most OP strength attack but healer or rav she ain't. what is context.

if you want to play that game Vanille beats everyone because Death.


i want a lightning with the proportions of a sfv character big hands and everything.

I would give anything to see this done as a full sized comic in English


it feels like a valkirye profile game with a ff13 skin over it:

end of the world
save the souls
every outfit is pretty much an Einherjar
timed quests


I couldn't finish FF13. It was boring and the massive size and maturity difference Snow and Lightning's sister made him look like a pedophile.

>lightning's face
>those eyes

lol @ thinking sex is ever like this

How would you know? Virgin

Nips loved the game because the lowest common denominator doesn't give a shit about game design but about the looks of a character

Filthy normie kys

No, a virgin thinks it's exactly like the pic I replied to.

Girls are total sluts these days. It's easier now than ever to get laid.


3 games and so little Vanille lewds, what a waste

it isnt for you because you only pay cheap bitches who don't know how to "sex"

HEY! user don't pay for strange.

Is FF13 fun? Is it better than FF15?

Vanille a fucking piece of shit

Compared to 15 it's a masterpiece

It really depends on the fanbases, FF fags are the only ones bitching for linearity, even DQ fags aren't bothered by having slightly non linear games or multiple endings.

Because she's hot and very fuckable.

if she doesn't make your dick diamonds you're gay

There was that one game Freedom Wars on psvita, japs were complaining they were getting killed by gunners.....because they were trying to use a sword against them.

They are completely fucking right about that though.
>Make a game with melee weapons
>They are almost completely useless in any scenario compared to guns because the balance is shit
>Even in PVP 90% of the guns are useless and the meta consists of instapot-shots with sniper rifles

Mah nigga

>ywn come downstairs on the morning ans see Lightning making coffee in one of your oversized shirts

>Final Fantasy X
>Final Fantasy X-2
>Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings
>Blood of Bahamut
>Final Fantasy XIII
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
>Mobius Final Fantasy

All these games are shit and all of them are directed by Toriyama. This is the future of Final Fantasy.

FF has always been shit long before Birdmountain, friend.
Toriyama also worked on FF even earlier than X by the way.

Shit taste: the post

XV is more fun. Which is better is much harder to determine.


>Toriyama also worked on FF even earlier than X by the way

The only FF game he worked on before X was VII as the Submarine chase planner, and two other games (Bahamut Lagoon and and Racing Lagoon) as an event planner.

X was the first game he directed, which is what that poster was talking about.


>Claiming someone has shit taste when you like the worst games in the series


Square dug themselves too deep with that garbage ass crystal tools engine and had to make their money back somehow.

They tried so hard to make her the face of the franchise, but failed.

Cloud will always be the face of FF.

Trying to play XIII, on chapter 8 and getting real bored of the game. Most of the game only has 2 party members at a time so far, and Hope is so annoying.

Light-san a cute

Needed to reuse assets to recoup money from the failure of 13